
As the three of them walked in three were shocked by seeing the people who were right in front of them.

"What happened to him and why is he covered with your jacket Taehyung?" one of them asked Taehyung as he got up.

Jungkook was moving "Hyung, they will tell you I have to take him with me right now" saying Taehyung left with Jungkook.

"Hobi hyung" Yoongi ran to him and hugged and cried while Hoseok hugged him back and patted his back to calm him down while glaring at Jin and Jimin. Both of them came and sat on the sofa while Yoongi was still in Hoseok's arms crying

"What happened to him tell me now?" Hoseok said in a demanding voice Jin sighed and told him everything.

"WHAT??!!" Hoseok and the other person shouted together the three flinched "I TOLD YOU TAKE CARE OF HIM!!" Hobi was telling Yoongi while shaking him harshly while Yoongi was trembling and apologizing.

Jimin got a little angry seeing Yoongi like that so he snatched him away from Hoseok and calmed him down by patting his back and hugging him after a little while Yoongi slept on Jimin's shoulder due to too much crying.

"Hyung who is that?" Jimin said pointing at the other man sitting across them with a worried look on his face.

"He is Kim Namjoon and he is my old friend he is the elder brother of Yoongi and Jungkook," Hoseok said while the other two nodded just then Taehyung arrived out of the room with a slightly red face.

"First, did you give him the medicine and why is your face red?" Hoseok asked.

"First, yes I gave him the medicine and second nothing happened how do you know them and what did Yoongi mean by that Jungkook is special" Taehyung replied and asked in a suspicious way.

"Well, first, relax second, they are my old friend and third, by special he meant....." Hoseok was hesitating but Taehyung wanted the answer.

He gave Hoseok a look that told Hoseok that 'Tell me now or you will have to pay a big price'

"He can get pregnant," Hoseok said hesitantly whereas the other three were shocked.

"WOW!! hyung he is so lucky he can have his own child" Jimin said cooing. Jin joined in cooing.

Hoseok looked at Taehyung who was still shocked, trying to process everything Hoseok was about to say something but Taehyung cut him " Hmmm, indeed lucky" he said with a slight smile on his face now leaving the mafias in shock, and Namjoon looked at them at why are they shocked.

"Did you just smile Tae??" Jimin asked in disbelief but Taehyung ignored him and the other two shocked people introduced themselves and the other two to Namjoon and left.

"Umm... why are you guys so shocked he just smiled?" Namjoon asked them confused.

"That is Kim Taehyung and he doesn't smile!!" Hoseok said trying to process everything. Namjoon looked at them in disbelief.

"The last time I saw him smile was like when he was 5 or 6 and come on I am his hyung!!" Jin said looking at Namjoon.

"Wait JUNG HOSEOK HOW DARE SAY THEM THE SECRET ABOUT KOOKIE" Namjoon shouted at Hoseok who started running and while running he accidentally crashed Jin's vase.

"JUNG HOSEOK YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD" Jin shouted and Hoseok started running for his life from Jin well his more afraid of Jin than Namjoon. Namjoon was looking at them while Jimin was laughing his ass off looking at those.