Shopping Mall

At the shopping mall

"So, why did we come here?" Yoongi asks.

"I don't know" Jimin answered.

They both get a smack on their head by Hoseok, they both were rubbing their heads

"You two idiots were are here shopping for our new housemates, I won't let them go back to their house even for a small reason whether we are with them or not-"

"Hyung enough now" Namjoon interrupted receiving a pout in return and then he notice someone "Oh Kookie isn't he your boyfriend," Namjoon said Pointing at a man.

Jungkook looked at him and tears started to form in his eyes, Yoongi saw that immediately went to him but before he could hide the view Jungkook saw something which made him burst out in tears and see that everyone panicked. They all surrounded him blocking the view.

Taehyung's blood was already boiling hearing the word boyfriend but now he wanted to kill him, because of him his Jungkook was crying. Nobody knew what happened, only Yoongi knew, so they all looked at him Yoongi sighed and said

"Hyung he is a bastard, he only used our kookie" Yoongi said in anger

"What do you mean Yoongi?" Namjoon asked in a worried tone.

"Hyung two days back when I and Jungkook were working as usual in the club"

Flashback start.

"Hyung are you really going to work overtime today?" Jungkook asked

"Yes kookie I have to"

"But why hyung"

"We need the money kookie"

"But doesn't Namjoon hyung work at a good place and has a good salary"

"Yes, he does kookie but I don't want him to worry about us too much, that's why I am doing it and anyways I will be bored at home," Yoongi said patting his head.

"Okay hyung," Jungkook said with a little pout on his lips, Yoongi chuckled.

"Oh look whom I saw" Yoongi pointed at someone. When Jungkook was in that direction he blushed and turned his head away receiving a chuckle from Yoongi.

"Go and ask him what he wants" Yoongi pushes Jungkook

When Jungkook goes near the table he frowns to see his boyfriend seating with some other girl and as he got near them he heard their conversation which broke his heart.

"If you love me then why are you with him," The girl asked Jungkook's boyfriend, with a smirk on her face when she saw Jungkook hearing them.

"He has money"

"But he works here," she said looking around.

"Yeah but his eldest brother works at a good place and has a good salary" Jungkook was shocked by hearing that the one he loved just him for the money.

"I want to tell you something"


"First I am pregnant and second Jungkook is behind you" as she said the word pregnant Jungkook broke down in pieces.

When the boy looked at him he said nothing instead he turned back to the girl and kissed her in front of Jungkook and then again he turned towards Jungkook and said "Since you heard everything we are done" saying that the boy took the girl's hand and went away from there leaving a broken Jungkook.

Jungkook went back running to Yoongi crying, when he was running while crying that's when he bumped into Taehyung (when Taehyung was going home from his mission), he went to Yoongi and said everything to him.

"That bastard," Hoseok said clenching his hand into a fist.

Flashback end.

"It's okay we are here to shop and enjoy our time let's do that" Jungkook said while wiping his tears.

They all agreed and went to a shop but there was one person who wanted to really kill him and Jimin noticed it but he didn't say anything as there are many people around them.

Things turned around when the seven of them and the other two were in the same store, everyone's blood was boiling except for Jungkook was breaking inside but to his surprise, something in him was healing it too. They ignored them and went past them.

Everyone was finding clothes to wear, so Jimin thought it was the perfect opportunity to talk to Taehyung, when he looked at Taehyung he saw him glaring at the two who were happy and then looking at Jungkook with soft eyes seeing him breaking by looking at them.

NOTE: Taehyung and Jimin are whispering with each other

"Tae?" Jimin called him which made him turn toward him

"I know you are angry at him but you can't do anything" Taehyung was just looking at Jimin with a blank space Jimin sighed

"I know that you like Jungkook otherwise you wouldn't show him so much affection to him yesterday and didn't do or said anything to him after he kissed you" Taehyung was still looking at Jimin blankly and that's where Jimin snapped.

Jimin grabbed Taehyung's shoulder and shouted at him making everyone in the whole store including Taehyung flinch "JUST ADMIT IT YOU FUCKER" now they had everyone in the store's attention.

When Jimin noticed that he quickly apologized to everyone.

"Jimin are you okay?" Yoongi asked

"Yes, I am okay," he said glaring at Taehyung who again gave him a blank look but this time before Jimin could do or say anything Jin stopped him by saying.

"I am tired just go and try on your clothes"

"No need to try here they can try it at home also," Taehyung said, Jin and Jimin knew that it was better to listen to him now before he kills someone.

"Okay then let's pay the bill and go to eat I am hungry," Jin said and everyone agreed. After paying the bills they were about to leave they were stopped by someone.