
"Hoseok is that you?" the unknown person asked Hoseok

"Ana is that you, Oh my god it's been a long" Hoseok in surprise and hugged and she returned the hug. Others were looking at them in confusion.

"Um... Guys this is Ana I meet her aboard when I used to stay here" Hoseok said and received a nod from everyone.

"Well, guys we all can talk with each other over some food," she asked and received many nods from everyone, well expect for Taehyung who only gave one nod. They all went to the food court ordered their food and sat at a big table altogether. They started by introducing each other. They all enjoyed it, they were laughing and messing around.

When Taehyung was eating Jungkook suddenly called him and he turned towards him "What Happened?"

"Umm... You have something on your face" Jungkook said innocently

"Oh where I cannot see it" Jungkook chuckled at him which made Taehyung smile a little

"How will you see it when it faces, wait I will remove it" Taehyung brought his face closer to Jungkook. Jungkook wiped the food off Taehyung's face

"Here you go all done" Jungkook should his bunny smile at Taehyung and right there Taehyung's heart melted.

Little did they know everyone at the table was looking that them. They are whispering

"Oh no I can't believe my eyes," Jin said

"Namjoon hyung your brother did some magic on Tae that made him smile," Jimin said

"Well, nobody can resist that bunny smile," Yoongi said receiving a nod from everyone but what happened next made them all shocked especially Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok.

Taehyung showed his Boxy smile in return for Jungkook's bunny smile.

Everyone was enjoying their time eating Taekook was having fun in their own world whereas the other were just admiring him. Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok were happy for Taehyung as he was finally smiling and laughing. Jin almost cried with happiness for his brother as well as Jimin for his soul mate.

"Well, I have to say not only does Jungkook do something to Taehyung but Taehyung also does something to our Kookie" Namjoon said looking at them and smiling fondly

"What do you mean?" confused Jin asked

"He never shows his bunny smile to anyone, he hardly even showed us," Namjoon said Jin and Jimin gave him an 'O' look and all went back to staring at Taekook.

"Taehyung" Jungkook called Taehyung

"Yes Jungkook" Taehyung said

"Can I call you Taetae?" Jungkook asked Taehyung with puppy eyes then he added "Your name is very big and if you want you can call me kookie" Jungkook said with his bunny and again their jaw dropped.

"Okay, Kookie you can call me Taetae" saying that Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's hair with a smile on his face.

"What just happened?" Jimin said with shock.

"I am going die today with a heart attack bunny smile, boxy smile, Kookie, Taetae" Hoseok said.

"You will not be the only one who is going to die Hobi hyung" Yoongi added.

"I-" Jin was about to say something but was interrupted by someone. That, someone, was no one other than Jungkook's ex.

"Hello Jungkook" as he said Jungkook looked behind him as to who was calling him when he turned behind he saw him smiling more like smirking at him. Jungkook immediately turned back with teary eyes, seeing those teary eyes Taehyung's blood boiled but Jin said something.

"Did anyone hear something, I think I just heard a dog barking" Jin smirked 'how dare you to talk when I was about to say something' everyone started laughing after listening to Jin.

The two standing there got angry but soon a smirk formed on the boy's face, while everyone was busy laughing he dragged Jungkook with him and covered his mouth whereas the girl covered them.

Taehyung suddenly noticed at Jungkook was not beside him anymore and the girl had a smirk on her face he angrily banged the table and stood up everyone flinched at his actions and stopped laughing they looked in his direction and noticed that Jungkook was not there.

Nobody uttered a single word Taehyung's aura was becoming more cold and scary as the passed second, making each and every one shiver and scared.

The smirk the girl vanished and fear was replaced on her face, Taehyung was so angry by seeing that the boy is also not there he understood that the boy took him somewhere and the girl was covering him.

His aura became more dark and scary, his eyes were red from anger and his face was so scary that even a ghost while run away seeing that face. He looked at the girl with a killer gaze a shiver run down her spine and she started trembling.

At that moment Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok looked at him all three of them knew that those two are dead and no one in this whole world will be able to save them cause an angry Taehyung is not something you want to see.

"Where are they?" Taehyung asked the girl in a very cold yet calm voice this time a shiver ran through everyone's spine.

In fear, the girl did not utter a single word which made Taehyung angrier he banged the table again and this time it was so loud that they got each and everyone's attention and asked with a loud and commanding voice "Where are they?" the girl just pointed in the direction they went with a trembling hand.

He looked in that direction and ran in that direction cause it lead to the washroom. As Taehyung went the remaining six looked at the girl once and ran in that direction but before going, Jimin said "Enjoy your last day" saying he also left and went behind the others the girl fell down on her knees and started thinking what did she just saw.