
Jungkook got off the car and Jin immediately pulled him closer "Stay around us" in a strong stern and commanding voice to which Jungkook nodded and they walked into the hall only to be greeted by Mr.Jung.

"Jin, What are you doing here?" Jung Minseok asked trying to hug Jin.

"I came here for my brother's wedding. What are you here for Mr.Jung?" Jin said with a strong look and a cold voice.

"I am here for my son's wedding" Minseok answered.

Jin laughed sarcastically "Yeah right, your son" with that Jin walked in others following him.


Taehyung was standing near the priest waiting for Rose.

Jungkook was feeling jealous even though he knows everything because it was Rose that Taehyung was waiting for and not him made him a little angry and jealous.

When Taehyung spared a glance at Jungkook he could see that the younger is jealous, he let out a small chuckle and a small smile but quickly composed himself when he saw his so-called father looking at him confused.

"Kookie, you know that this is a fake right?" Jimin asked the younger was pouting glaring at Taehyung.

"Yes, hyung I know!" Jungkook glared and pouted. The others chuckled.

"But hyung why fake a marriage in front of him when eventually it's going to be objected in front of him?" Jungkook asked confused looking at Jin.

"Becuase this will show that you are not precious to him and that he can marry anyone?" Jin said in a whispering tone.

"But hyung when Taehyung walks off, he will know right?" Namjoon asked.

"That Taehyung and Rose know what they have planned so just sit and enjoy the drama and control your laugh, especially you Jimin" Jin said lastly pointing at Jimin who is already on the verge of laughing "No more questions because I don't know what they have planned," Jin said when he saw Jungkook opening his mouth to ask him something.


The door opens with Rose entering in a beautiful white dress, a big veil, and a flower bouquet in her hand walking towards Taehyung who is just standing there with a poker face.

Rose went and stood next to Taehyung she whispered "Leave your poker face for a little-, Ok fine do whatever you want" Rose changed her sentence when she got a death glare from Taehyung and waved her hand a little in defense.

With Jungkook,

He was burning with jealousy even though he knows everything. He wanted to push Rose away from Taehyung and stand beside him. He was glaring at her.

"When the hell will her lover come after they get married?" Jungkook asked his hyungs and noona frustrated and jealous but still glaring at Rose. They chuckled.

When Jimin was about to say something the door opened with a loud bang and a man walked in screaming "STOP"

"Finally," Rose said.

Taehyung walked down to Jungkook and the others releasing a relieved sigh as they were already at the end of the marriage.

"Jake, come here" he confusedly walked to Rose who was all smiling, looking at him "Tae, give him the coat you are wearing" Taehyung gave her the court throwing it on her face. She sighed and indicated Jake to wear it.

"Now, mister preist skip the vows" she looked at Jake "I love you, you love me right??"

"If he didn't love you then he wouldn't have come here," Taehyung said pulling Jungkook in his arms and smiling.

Rose nodded and turned to the priest "Now skip everything and get to the end" she said with a creepy and scary smile to which a priest gulped and skipped to the end.

After the wedding,

Jake was still confused as to what is happening, he was here to stop the marriage but before he could say anything the groom himself gave up.

"Umm, baby" Jake looked at Rose.

"Oh right, the wedding was fake between me and him" she pointed at herself and Taehyung "The wedding was just to get you back but our wedding is real," he said smiling. Jake smiled back.

"So, now what?" Jimin asked looking at Taehyung who was looking at Minseok while holding Jungkook tight by his waist and Jungkook's hands-on Taehyung's chest looking at his angry face and getting a little bit turned on.

"Wow, Kim Taehyung" Minseok clapped his hands going towards them.

Taehyung tighten his grip on Jungkook and Jungkook hugged him with a little bit of a scared face not willing to lose his Taetae again.

"You brought this upon yourself, now that lover of yours" he pointed at Jungkook "Will die and I will kill him with my own hands like you killed my wife"

Anger was written on Minseok's face and the wanting for revenge was in his eyes, burning with the desire to destroy the person who destroyed his loved one by taking his loved one. Taehyung looked at Jungkook and then the others "Did you guys bring anything?"

"Of course. We had a feeling that something might happen" Jimin cracked his neck.

"Of course, even the bride brought weapons" Rose tore her dress from below and removed her guns "Jake did you?"

"Yes, I did. You wrote in the card to bring some" Jake showed his gun.

"You are a mafia too?" Jin asked. Jake nodded

"Do you three know or have anything?" Taehyung asked Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook.

"We made them carry guns and knives but only Namjoon hyung and Yoongi know," Jimin said.

"What about Jungkook?" Jungkook had his head hung low.

"He was focused on Taekook, so, we were hardly able to give him the basic training," Hoseok said looking at Taehyung and then Jungkook.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and could guess that the younger was on the verge of crying. He pulled his head up by keeping his index finger on his chin, he could see that the younger's eyes were teary "Why is my baby crying?" he asked in a gentle voice which made Jungkook cry.

"Because I-I am useless, I can't even help" Jungkook cried more.

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face and wiped the tears with his thumbs and in a gentle and calm voice said "Baby, you are not useless because of you I am able to do this. You are my everything baby, remember that" he kissed Jungkook's forehead "Now, jump on me"


"So, that you will be safe"

"Won't you feel uncomfortable?"

"No baby, I won't. Now, jump on me and hold me tight" Jungkook jumped on him wrapping his legs around Taehyung's waist and hands around his neck, tightly.

"Hope, you wore what Jin hyung gave you?" The younger nodded. Taehyung gave him a quick peck "Hide your face in my neck and close your eyes if you want" Jungkook did as he was told but kept his eyes open in case someone attacks Taehyung from behind.

"You guys can do the same as Jungkook if you want," Jimin said "Because we know that the fight will get bloody and we can't leave you guys alone" The two looked at each other and nodded.

"Don't worry mochi, we are prepared" Yoongi said raising his fist as fighting.

"Then let's show them a piece of us"