Mini Fight

"Then let's show them a piece of us," Taehyung said unlocking his gun. The others nodded.

"Yoongi, Namjoon, and Ana stay beside us," Jin said in a serious tone "Do we really have to use guns directly?" he asked Taehyung who looked at him and pointed at the entrance where more men were coming with guns. Jin sighed and started shooting them right in their heads.

"Hyung!!" Namjoon said.

"What? We gotta finish this soon" Jin said still shooting anyone from the enemy side.

"Yeah, the longer we stay the more dangerous it becomes," Jimin said shooting people.

"How?" Yoongi asked shooting how many he can.

"Did you forget he is a big businessman?" Hoseok said shooting the man coming towards them.

"But why did you invite him anyways?" Jake asked throwing knives. Rose giggled nervously.

"Because he wanted to end him," Rose said shooting and pointing at Taehyung who was busy killing people not give a crap about the gossip.

"TAEHYUNG!" everyone except Rose and Jungkook shouted because Jungkook was busy looking here and there and telling Taehyung where are they coming from, Taehyung flinched and gave them a death glare and back at killing people "What?!"

"You had to plan to kill him today and here?" Jimin asked as ran to the priest and shot whoever was in his way.

"Yes," Taehyung answered coldly.

"But why?" Hoseok asked frustrated as more were coming.

"Because it is a better place," Taehyung said to which the others were 'What the fuck'

"How?" Jungkook asked with his eyes still on the enemies protecting his Taetae and helping him.

"He is weak" Taehyung smirked "He will dare not to attack us himself" smirking and killing

"So, he will bring more people to kill us," Ana said.

"Yes, he will but don't worry I have a plan," Taehyung said. Jungkook hugged him tighter.

Everyone was busy either shooting or throwing knives.

Jin and Yoongi were fighting side by side covering each other and protecting the same go for Jimin and Ana and Hoseok and Namjoon as well as Rose and Jake.

Jungkook was looking at Taehyung's back and telling him every time an enemy come from behind, which helped Taehyung a lot.

It has been almost two hours, and both sides are fighting but the men kept on coming and coming. The bullet and knives both were on the verge of getting over with BTS, Rose, and Jake. Taehyung looked at his father, who was smirking at him, and then looked at Jungkook in Taehyung's arms.

Taehyung went closer to where Jin and Yoongi were "Hyung", both of them spared a glance at Taehyung "Go out from here and go directly to my house with Jungkook" they had no choice but to agree to do so.

Everyone was moving backward out of the hall.

When they were out Hoseok and Jimin quickly closed the door from either side and Namjoon put a few guns on the handle to keep them in so things can go as they planned.

All of them ran to the cars.

Taehyung put Jungkook who was not letting him go on such a dangerous mission alone no "Baby please let me go, it will be a mess if they get out" Taehyung said pulling him away but he wasn't ready to let go so Yoongi and Rose helped and somehow pulled away but he still won't leave.

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face and looked directly into his eyes and said "Baby, I will come back I promise" in a gentle voice not being able to see the tears the younger.

"Promise?!" Jungkook asked with a cracky voice. Taehyung nodded and pecked his forehead and pushed him into the car, the others were already seated. They pulled him in as Taehyung pushed him inside.

"Take someone with you Tae" Jin said worrying about his younger brother. Taehyung shook his head so he sighed and started the car and drove off.

Taehyung ran to this car and started it slowly driving but fasten his speed when he saw the men getting out with his father behind them. His father sat in the car and followed him. They drove till they were at the end.

Taehyung stopped his car and got out followed by his father and his men. They were standing at the edge of the bridge.

"Where will you go now, son?" Minseok said while indicating his men to catch him.