
It's been two weeks since the tease. The next day they all started training, they were training at Taehyung's place since he had a training place with robots and more. The mafias that are Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, Rose, and Jake were training Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Ana personally and practicing among themselves.

They would train them in gun shooting, with knives, and combat at least the basics of all. These past few days Jungkook was not feeling but he didn't tell Taehyung or anyone until one day when he was vomiting in the washroom Rose came to call him for the training she heard him.

Rose went in slowly without making noise, she saw that Jungkook was removing everything he had, she went behind him kneeled down, and patted his back which startled Jungkoook he looked at the back, seeing Rose he left a relief sigh but that didn't last long since again started what he was doing and Rose was patting his back softly.

After he was done,

With the help was Rose he went to the sink brushed his teeth and looked at her.

"Kookie what happened to you?" Rose asked worriedly while handling a towel to wipe his face.

"Nothing noona I think I ate too much," Jungkook said as he let out a nervous laugh while Rose was looking suspiciously at him.

"Kookie, I have been seeing these days that are you not feeling well," Rose asked worriedly but Jungkook didn't answer.

"Kookie, tell me and I promise to not tell anyone," Rose said smiling slightly.

"I don't know noona but I am feeling weird these days" Jungkook sighed.

"Just leave it noona, let's go for training right now and don't tell anyone about it," Jungkook said when Rose was about to say something Jungkook dragged her out of the washroom only to meet Ana at the door frame.

"Don't worry my mouth is sealed and now let's go" Ana said giving Jungkook a smile which he returned back.

In the training room,

Everybody had already started their training, when Taehyung saw them coming he ran to Jungkook and hold his shoulder startling all three of them.

"Baby, are you alright? Anything happened?" Taehyung said, panic was written on his face and could be heard in his voice. Anything could happen since they were already there for two weeks.

"I-I am alright Taetae don't worry," Jungkook said giving a reassuring smile which calmed Taehyung.

"Then why were you guys late?" Taehyung looked at the three who gulped.

"That is because Jungkook-" Rose was cut off.

"That is because Jungkook, Rose, and I were talking," Ana said giving a small death glare to Rose who bite her tongue.

"Sorry Taetae" Jungkook said as he attacked Taehyung with his cuteness who immediately melted and started their training.

Now it has been three days since Rose and Ana know about Jungkook's condition and his condition is not improving instead getting a little worse but they can't say it to anyone since everyone is already stressed with Minseok and they didn't want them to stress more so they were just waiting for a moment and they got it.

"No means no we are not going!" Taehyung said.

"But Taetae you should," Jungkook said.

They were currently fighting on a mission which the mafias got except Jake and Rose but they were not ready to leave the others and go in such a condition. So, right now Taehyung and Jungkook were fighting as Jungkook wanted them to go but Taehyung didn't as for the others, they were showing the show with food and drinks since they have to follow the decision and they also know that Jungkook will win and they will go.

"I am not leaving you alone" Taehyung angrily.

"But Rose noona and Jake hyung are there with us," Jungkook said back angrily.

"So? what we are not going and that's final," Taehyung said being at his limits.

"You are going you guys need a break too," Jungkook said.

"We don't need it," Taehyung said trying to calm himself down and doing his best to do that.

"No, you are going!" Jungkook said now he was also on the verge of losing it.

"Jungkook we are not going!" Taehyung lost it. Everyone gasped when he called him Jungkook and not baby.

"He lost it," Jimin said. Others nodded.

"Fine then don't go, Mister Kim Taehyung" Jungkook went somewhere in the house. Taehyung flopped on the couch.

"Even he lost it," Ana said. Others nodded

Jin got a message and he looked up at Taehyung and said "Tae we have to go"

"But hyung-"

"Tae he said it's an important one so we have to go," Jin said. Taehyung sighed.

"Okay, fine we will leave in half-hour" Taehyung as he got up to find Jungkook.

"Okay," Jin said. He and Jimin get up to change.

Taehyung was searching for Jungkook from one room to another and from one place to another only to find him in the swimming pool area, he was rich.

He goes near him only to find that his baby's legs were in the pool and he was sad, he felt guilty about it. He quietly went behind him and back-hugged him startling him, he struggles in Taehyung's grip.

"Relax baby, it's me," Taehyung said keeping his chin on his shoulder and the latter stopped struggling after hearing that voice.

"I am sorry baby for shouting at you" Taehyung guilty kissing his ears. Jungkook leaned in his touch and hugged his hand humming in return.

"I was just worried about you baby," Taehyung said hugging him tighter and kissing his checks in return he got a slightly blushing and smiling Jungkook which made him happy.

"I am going to the mission baby," Taehyung said. Jungkook immediately snapped his head toward him.

"Really?!" Jungkook asked with his bambi eyes.

"Yes baby, Jin hyung said it's important" Taehyung pecking those lips.

"If it wasn't important you wouldn't go?"

"No baby"

"You would let me stay angry at you?"

"No baby, I would think of something and make your anger vanish," Taehyung said. Jungkook giggled

Jungkook kissed Taehyung on his lips, his hands still on the older's hand. Taehyung closed his eyes and kissed him back. They were kissing for a few minutes.

"Keep your make-out session for later, Jin said they both left the kiss. Jungkook hid his face in Taehyung's neck in embarrassment which made the older chuckle.

"Okay hyung, coming" Jin walked out nodding.

"I am going baby, bye" Taehyung gave the last peck on Jungkook's forehead and the latter smiled in return.

"Don't go anywhere" Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded

'Sorry for lying to you Taetae' Jungkook thought.

Right now,

Jungkook was in his room with Ana and Rose who were talking on the phone to get an appointment, it's been an hour since the mafias left.

"They said we can go there in half-hour," Rose said.

"But how will I get out?" Jungkook asked.

They thought for a while when an idea pooped in Ana's head.

"You go from the window we will meet you in the car," Ana said. Jungkook and Rose nodded.

Rose and Ana walked out of the room, leaving Jungkook alone who locked his room door and quietly went down from the window.

Ana and Rose said to others that they are going to buy something, and others told them to be careful and make sure that nobody follows them the girls nodded and walked out.

They went in the car where Jungkook was already in the back seat waiting for them.

After an hour,

The three came out of the hospital and were walking to their car with happy and worried expressions while Jungkook was looking at the paper in his hand.

"Congratulations Kookie," Ana said and side-hugged him with Rose doing the same which made the latter smile a bit.

They broke the hug "So when are you going to tell him?" Rose asked.

"After all this gets over" Jungkook sighed as put the paper back in the envelope.

"But Jungkook he is the father he should know," Ana said worriedly.

Jungkook looked at the envelope with a sad smile "If he knows about it then it will cause more problems" he said while controlling his tears.

"It's alright kookie till then we will take of you," Rose said. Jungkook nodded.

They were having a group hug moment. Jungkook put the envelope in his jacket pocket after leaving the hug.

They were walking towards the car in a hurry since they had to buy something to show that they went out when suddenly someone banged their head and the three were on the ground unconscious while some people came and picked them up and took them somewhere.

It's been two hours since the girls and Jungkook left and the three at home were getting worried. They don't know that Jungkook also went with them otherwise who knows how much worried they might be.

They were waiting when suddenly the door opened revealing the mafia and they gasped in fear.

The four walked in and looked at the worried faces but they thought that the others were worried about them, everything changed when Yoongi and Namjoon ran and hugged Jimin and Jin.

"Kitty we are alright," Jimin said patting Yoongi's back.

Yoongi shook his head looked up and said "Ana and Rose have gone for two hours and they aren't back still"

"They what?" Hoseok snapped.

"They said-" Yoongi was interrupted by Jin.

"Shit," Jin said. They looked at him.

"What happened hyung?" Jake asked walking to him.

"Is Jungkook home?" he asked.

"Yes, hyung he is in his room why?" Namjoon answered. Jin ran to his room followed by the others.

Jin was knocking and tried to open the door but no response so had no option but to type in the password. The others were looking at him worried specially Taehyung they were asking him what happened but he won't answer and was focused on opening the door.

At last,

Jin opened the door and went only to find the room empty "Shit" he said.

The others came only to find it the same, Taehyung almost collapsed seeing the room empty, and Jin's worry increased.

He immediately ran to Jin and took his phone only to find a picture of Jungkook, Rose and Ana tied on a chair with slight bruises and unconscious.

"Tae what is it?" Jimin took the phone from his hand and was shocked to see it. The others also looked at it with the same shocked expression.

"But how did they come in, the windows are closed and even if they came the alarm would have been triggered!!" Hoseok asked confused and worried.

"He went with them somewhere," Jin said as he walked out of the washroom with Jungkoook's pajamas which he was wearing before.

"According to the plan only Jungkook was supposed to be kidnapped," Jake said. 'BANG' Taehyung banged his fist hard on the wall making everyone scared.

"But why did he even go out?" Jimin asked.

"Don't know" Namjoon answered.

"Whatever the reason might be, we will see later. Right now we have to save them" Jin said.

"We will go according to his plan with a slight change," Taehyung said sighing as knows that was the only thing they can do right now. Everyone nodded.