Official Meet

While the others were making new a plan or making changes in the plan of how to save them and kill that bastard.

On the other side,

The three were still unconscious until a random man came and threw cold water on their face to wake them up and it did work.

"What the hell!" Rose opened her eyes screaming.

"Don't scream woman" a man getting all the attention of the three.

Battling with their eyelashes and water when they fully completely opened their eyes, they were shocked to see the sight in front of their eyes but when they tried to move they realized that their hands and legs both were tied with a tight rope.

Jungkook's POV

When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a dark, not much light only a little coming from the window indicating that its time for sunset, then I looked at my sides because I remember that I was with Rose and Ana noona.

I found them both on my right side and left. It was a relief to see them even in this situation as I know that they are safe and alive but where am I? What is this place? What in the world are we doing here?

There were many questions in my head but I couldn't speak, I was afraid of what will happen if I talk.

I tried to move but then I felt a sharp pain in my ankle and wrist so looked down to find the source of this pain and there it was, my legs were tightly tied with a thick rope about 15 mm thick I think. I could feel the same for my wrists, I couldn't see them as my hands were tied behind my back on the chair but I could only feel them.

I was thinking about who could have brought us, and why. Then suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Rose noona "WHAT DO YOU GUYS FUCKING WANT?!" she shouted but got a slap on her face and the finger marks were visible on her cheeks but she spits and smirked at the man "You think that slap will stop him from shouting?"


The door opened and revealed Jung Minseok, Taetae's father then it struck me that he kidnapped us but his main purpose was to kill me then why did he kidnap them, he could have just let them be.

"Same old Rose," he said with an evil smirk that made me shiver

I looked at Rose who was at my left I could anger written on her face then I looked back at Minseok, I was confused seeing the look on his face.....he-he was just smiling like a manic he looked at his men and gave them some signal, they reacted to that signal and untied my hands and legs.

The moment they untied my hands and legs I started to rub my wrist because of the pain and I could see bruises on my wrists and ankles, they were paining.

I looked up at him trying to figure out what he was planning. On another signal, even Rose and Ana noona's hands and legs were untied and they immediately pulled me into the corner on stood in front of me.

"Why did you kidnap us?!" Ana noona asked him while her hands were behind me protecting my tummy, then I remembered we went to the hospital for a checkup and the result of the check was that I am pregnant and I have to protect my baby no matter what, so even I put my hands protectively around my tummy.

"You know exactly why I kidnapped you guys?" he said with a smirk then pointed at me " I want him, give him to me and you guys stay alive" there were guns pointing at both of their heads.

"Even if you kill us, we will not give him to you," Ana noona said. He smirked.

"You don't want your noonas to be dead because of you right?" he asked and he was right I don't want them dead because of me. They are already here because of me, if they didn't know about my sickness then we would have never gone to the hospital and if we never went to the hospital then we wouldn't have been here.

I removed their hands from me and pushed them slightly enough to make a way for me to pass through them "Kookie what are you doing?" Rose noona asked me I turned back to them and gave them a small smile "I love you all" and walked off with Minseok out of the room whereas inside they were screaming and shouting for me to come back.

I quietly put a hand on my mouth and said sorry to my baby since I couldn't protect it and cried silently.

End of Jungkook's POV

On the other side,

With Taehyung and the others,

At the same time,

They were ready to go with their bulletproof waist, guns, knives, and if needed some bombs too. They were walking towards their car when Jin tapped Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung turned to him.

"Yes hyung"

"Don't worry we will save all three of them" Jin gave a reassuring smile to him which made the latter a little relaxed but little did they know that it was not three but four.

"Everyone get ready" Taehyung shouted and they went into the car in pairs.

Namjoon and Jake, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin, and at last Taehyung and Jimin.

In about less say an hour they reached the base where they got a message to reach out and walked it as for the others they were welcoming them which made our boys look at them with suspicious eyes but they still walked to where the path was being cleared by the men.

But they gasped and run when they heard Ana and Rose screaming and shouting for Jungkook but soon they even heard Jungkook scream "NO!!" that is now what made Taehyung run is full speed towards the sound as for the others Jimin sneakily sent a message to someone for help.

Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi ran in Taehyung's direction, and Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jake ran in the direction from where Ana and Rose's screams came.