
They were in the car driving back to Taehyung's house.

NamJin and Hona in one car, Jake, Rose, and YoonMin in one car, and TaeKook in one car as for TXT they went back to their base with Minseok on Taehyung's order.

They left Taekook alone in one car since they thought those two needed to talk after all such wonderful news is given at such an awful time since the reaction they expected they will not get will create a misunderstanding between them, and they were right those two needed to talk.

In the car,

With TaeKook,

There was silence in the car. Taehyung was driving and Jungkook was in the passenger seat looking out of the window, Taehyung would peek at Jungkook from time to time to see if he is fine or not. Both wanted to say something but didn't how should they apologize first or say that they are happy or what, they were in confusion.

"Taetae" Jungkook turned and called Taehyung who hummed with eyes on the road but from the corner of his eye, he was still looking at Jungkook.

"Taetae let's go there and eat" Jungkook pointed at a restaurant. Taehyung saw where he pointed.

"Baby we can go home and eat, Jin hyung said he will make something right," Taehyung said in a calm and soft voice

"No, it is an Italian restaurant and I want to eat Italian," Jungkook said with a cute angry pout.

"Okay, baby we will go there call the others," Taehyung said.

"No, only us" Jungkook pouted again.

"Okay, but at least call them and tell," Taehyung said controlling his urge to kiss those cute pout lips of his baby.

"Okay," Jungkook said happily and called Namjoon and Yoongi on a conference call.

"Yes kookie, what happened?" Yoongi asked.

"Hyungs, I and Taetae are eating at a restaruant" Jungkook said.

"Okay, no problem-" Namjoon was interrupted.

"No kookie, you can't" Jin interrupted Namjoon since the phone was on speaker.

"Why can't hyung?" Jungkook asked with a sad voice. Taehyung frowned his eyebrow not liking Jungkook's sad voice.

"Kookie, come home change and go," Jin said.

"Why hyung?" Jungkook asked with a confused tone.

"Because Tae might-not might definitely have bloodstains on his shirt, so it's better that you guys come home shower change, and then go," Jin said.

Jungkook bent down and looked at Taehyung's shirt, he couldn't see properly so he pulled his shirt a bit with one hand and the other on his ear hanging onto his phone, he saw the dry blood stains on Taehyung's shirt and nodded then sat normally on the sit leaving Taehyung' shirt. Taehyung was looking at what Jungkook was doing and was confused about his baby's behavior.

"Yes hyung you are right," Jungkook said. Jin smile.

"So meet you at home?" Jin asked.

"Yes hyung" he canceled the call and looked at Taehyung.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"Let's go home, take a shower change and then come to eat here," Jungkook said making Taehyung confused.

"Why baby?"

"Because you have dry blood stains on your shirt and I don't want anyone to look at you weirdly," Jungkook said with a pout. Taehyung chuckled.

"Okay then, let's go home first," Taehyung said receiving a peck on his cheek and a bunny smile from Jungkook which made him smile and internally happy.

It was a long drive, when at first they came it was in a hurry so they drove fast now they were driving at a normal speed, not so fast and so slow which took them three hours to reach since Taehyung's house is in deep somewhere.

As they went in the gate, they parked their car in the parking area and everyone walked out except for TaeKook, they were driving behind or in front of each other but they were together, everyone thought that were talking or making out with each other in the car that's why they went in but in reality, it was different.

Taehyung brought the car to his gate and called Jungkook "Baby" no response "Kookie" again no response "Bunny" again no response.

He parked the car and looked at his side only to find his baby, his kookie, his bunny sleeping on the car seat with his legs up on the seat hands wrapped around his legs, and head on the knees looking in Taehyung's direction means that Jungkook before going to sleep was admiring his Taetae which made him smile.

Taehyung slowly and silently unbuckled his seat belt removed his car keys walked out of the car, opened Jungkook's door again unbuckled silently and slowly without waking him up then gently picked him up in his arms brought him out closed the door with his legs and locked the car, then finally walked inside the house.

"Kookie- oh he is sleeping," Namjoon said. Taehyung nodded.

"Awww, he is looking so adorable," Rose said pulling his cheeks slightly. Jungkook groaned, Taehyung pulled him away from her not wanting his baby to wake up.

"Rude," Rose said with a pout. Taehyung rolled his eyes in disgust.

"So, you guys eating here or going out?" Ana asked Taehyung knowing Jungkook's plans.

"Let him wake up then we will decide," Taehyung said.

"Okay. Now everybody to their rooms take bath and then come down," Jin said. Everyone went into their rooms.

In the rooms,

With TaeKook,

Taehyung went to his room but now his and Jungkook's shared room laid him down on the bed gently, removed his shoe and covered him with a blanket and took a towel then went into the washroom to take a bath.

Taehyung removed his clothes and threw them in a basket that is kept to put their washing clothes in then went in a shower and turned on the hot water.

Blood was flowing down his body, a little bit of his blood and more of others' blood while his both hands were straight and rested on the wall, his head underwater.

The water flowed down his hair making it stick on his forehead and covering his eyebrows and a little bit of his almond eyes which were staring at the wall and upper body with small cuts or bruises due to the fight, mind filled with thoughts.

Taehyung's mind was filled with thoughts of Jungkook. What will he say to him about his pregnancy? Even though they knew this would happen but the time it was revealed to time was not good and he didn't know to react, but he knew one thing for sure both his babies are safe and now all he has to do him pamper them love care and affection which he never gave to anyone.


Jungkook was moving, again and again not finding a certain warmness of certain someone which made him wake up groaning "Taetae" he mumbled rubbing his still sleepy eyes.

After a few blinks, he glanced in the room only to know that he is at home so without any thought he got up and started removing his clothes and went inside the washroom but his eyes were still half-closed.

When the washroom door opened,

Taehyung immediately snapped his head towards the door only to find out a cute half-sleeping Jungkook removing his clothes, was removing his clothes now completely naked walking towards the shower.

While walking in the shower he nearly slipped since he walking with his eyes almost closed but Taehyung caught him and brought him (Jungkook) towards him.

Both naked in the shower, in each others' embrace all wet, one sleepy the other a little horny.

Taehyung got a hold of himself from fucking Jungkook right here in the shower since he is being all cute and walked in naked also he has to give him punishment, he slightly slapped Jungkook's cheeks to fully wake him up but did not use instead the younger hugged his waist tightly snuggling his nose in Taehyung's chest. Taehyung smile.

Taehyung had to wake him up so put him under hot water coming from the shower and also splash it on his face after many tried Jungkook was finally awake and rubbing his eyes cutely making Taehyung coo at him internally.

"Why are you here? Go sleep" Taehyung said and the younger shook his head as a no.

"Why", Taehyung asked smiling at the adorable cute, and still sleepy but awake younger one

"Because I felt dirty," Jungkook said with pouty lips and pointed at his chest and there were hickeys which weren't given by Taehyung.

Taehyung's mind struck again at how and in which condition he found Jungkook so gave him a sweet forehead kiss which made the younger smile and cup his face.

"Okay then, stay still I will give you a proper bath" saying Taehyung started to wash Jungkook with soap and wash his hair and everything.

"You could have fallen down walking with your eyes half-closed," Taehyung said washing his hair to which the younger shook his head as a no eyes closed.


"Because I heard some shower and water sound in here, so I knew you would be here"

"Oh really?"


"You also knew that I would make you take a bath," Taehyung said as he removed the shampoo on the younger's hair with the water from a hand shower.

"Yes. Taetae bathtub"

"Okay, baby wait for a while I am almost done with your hair"

"Okay, Tiger" Taehyung smiled at his stalker name.

After Taehyung was done with Jungkook's hair as his baby said he filled the bathtub with warm water added a little bubble bath and made Jungkook sit in it with him sitting behind him.

Junkook was leaning on Taehyung's back and was playing with their intertwined fingers as Taehyung was hugging Jungkook from behind one hand intertwined with the younger's and the other caressing his tummy.

"Baby" Taehyung called. Jungkook hummed in return.

"You know I'm happy right with the news" Jungkook stopped playing with their fingers and turned a little to look directly into Taehyung's eyes.

"I was just shocked and didn't know how to react at that time," Taehyung said sadly about being misunderstood by his baby. Both looked into each other's eyes.

"I am more than happy to have a child with you but it's just that I didn't know how to react at that time, I am sorry baby," Taehyung said as he kissed Jungkook's hands which were in his hold whereas the latter looked at him and smiled.

"I understand Taetae and I am also sorry for not telling you about my symptoms," Jungkook said with his face down.

"Then tell me now everything," Taehyung said. The younger look at him with a smile and he said everything from his first symptom to his trip to the hospital and the latter was shocked.

After having a bath and talking they both go down to meet the others.

Jungkook being sleepy and wanting his Taetae to touch him asked him for a piggyback that's how they came down and saw TXT's mouth hanging open at them.

Taehyung made him sit down on the couch and sat beside him but the latter went and sat on his lap making himself comfortable in Taehyung's hold and leaning on him. Taehyung smiled and pecked his forehead.

"Is he for real?" Kai asked pointing at Taehyung. Everyone nodded.

"If you had been staying with us, then you would have also gotten used to it," Jin said sipping his coffee.

"Rose noona I am hungry," Jungkook said in a cute voice and face that nobody could deny. Rose got up and went to the kitchen to make something for him

"Noona, something spicy and sweet" Jungkook shouted.

"Okay," Rose shouted back and started making something.

"Why are you guys here?" Taehyung asked TXT

"Boss send us to ask you what to do with that bastard," Yeojun said.

"I will come and personally deal with him after a few days," Taehyung said. They nodded.

After a while,

Rose came with something she made and gave it to Jungkook who happily started eating and chewing cutely. The others coo at him.

After eating, Jungkook fell asleep in Taehyung's embrace who hugged him tightly.

"He is sleeping a lot today," Namjoon said.

"Yep, even during the shower, he was," Taehyung said.

"You both showered together and he is still walking," Jimin said.

"We only showered together," Taehyung said sighing that his best friend's perverted head who nodded.

"As for the girls' punishment, what will you do?" Jimin asked. The girls were ready to smack him across the wall for reminding Taehyung.

"Will see first I will punish him?" Taehyung said looking at Jungkook whose cheeks were now squished against Taehyung's chest.

"How exactly are you planning to do that?" Yoongi asked ready to jump on him and attack/

"You will see" Taehyung smirked.

"You remember he is pregnant right?" Namjoon asked also ready like Yoongi to talk to him.

"Yes, I know and bye we are going back to our room," Taehyung said as he got Jungkook in his arms and went to his room to sleep and cuddle with him.

"Are you guys staying here?" Jin asked TXT.

"Can we?" Soobin asked cutely.

"It's Tae's house," Hoseok said.

"Please," The five of them said.

"Fine," Jin said.

Jin gave them the code and everyone went to their room to sleep after such a hectic day.