Jin Hyung

It's been a month, since the incident of Minseok and so far everything is going well.

They are still living at Taehyung's place as Jungkook wanted to stay.

At first, they suggested that he Taehyung spend some time together alone but Jungkook denied it and forced them to stay with him and Taehyung.

As for Taehyung he couldn't do anything, he himself wanted to spend some alone time with Jungkook that's why he didn't object to them leaving but if Jungkook wants he has no choice but to expect what he says otherwise no cuddles and kisses for him. Jungkook warned him in this matter more over threaten him.

The others knew that Taehyung wanted to stay alone with Jungkook so they suggested this but right now they can't go against Jungkook's wish since his mood swings are already making them crazy day by day and if they don't listen to him he starts crying which nobody can see, so they eventually agreed without any choice.

Right now Taehyung and Jungkook are in the hospital for Jungkook and the baby's check-up, a pregnant male is rare but not shocking so they could freely go around with their baby bump.

"Your baby is healthy," the doctor said as she sat on her seat and gave them the reports.

"Thank you, doctor," Jungkook said with his bunny smile

"You brat since when are you calling doctor," she said pulling his cheeks.

"Hehe, sorry Lisa," Jungkook said rubbing his pinched cheeks.

"You know her?" Taehyung asked Jungkook pointing at Lisa.

"Yes, we went to the same college," Jungkook said and Taehyung made an 'O' face.

"And you Mr" Lisa is talking to Taehyung.

"Me?" Taehyung asked pointing at himself.

"Yes you"


"Take care of Kookie otherwise these make holes in your ass" Lisa pointed at the injections.

"With my life"

"Better you do, otherwise I won't hesitate"

"Taetae, look," Jungkook said showing Taehyung his report.

They did a sonography today as Jungkook and the girls made the appointment the last time they came.

"Its-its like a small bean," Taehyung said with a big smile his boxy smile eyes teary seeing his not yet born child.

"Yes, Taetae it's so cute" Jungkook squeals and sides hug Taehyung who gives him a forehead kiss.

"Get out don't make me feel single," Lisa said looking at them with a done face.

"Yeah, we are going and call Jennie if you are feeling so single" Jungkook dragged Taehyung and they went out.

"You brat- well it's true, let me call my Jennie baby," Lisa said smiling while picking up her phone and dialing her girlfriend's number.


Taehyung and Jungkook are in the car going back to Taehyung's house.

On the way,

Jungkook was looking outside the window and seemed by the look on his face that he was thinking something.

Taehyung thought about asking him since he has kept that face almost the whole way and it was a red signal too.

"Kookie" Taehyung called Jungkook who immediately looked at him.

"What are you thinking?"

"Jin hyung's birthday is there tomorrow right?"


"I want to plan something for him," Jungkook said. Taehyung had a small smile on his face and ruffled the younger's hair and started driving since the signal was green again

"Okay then, tonight after everyone sleeps mostly Jin hyung we will call everyone to our room and plan something for him," Taehyung said and was attacked by a hug from Jungkook then kisses on his side face.

"Kookie, I am driving," Taehyung said while driving though he loved it he can't risk an accident.

"Sorry," Jungkook says as he backs off and suddenly something catches his eye.

Jungkook eyes were still stuck at one point while his hands go towards Taehyung and pat his hand which made the latter look at him.

Jungkook pointed at that certain thing which brought a sparkle in his eyes and a big smile on his lips which made Taehyung not only smile but he went in that direction to that certain thing.

When Taehyung parked his car to the side, he was immediately attacked by Jungkook who was almost off his seat and hugging his Taetae.

Seeing the uncomfortable position of Jungkook he easily yet carefully lifts Jungkook up and makes him sit on his lap properly and comfortably.

His hands wrapped around the youngers waist whereas Jungkook's hands were wrapped around Taehyung's neck with his bunny smile.

"You want chocolates and cakes?" Taehyung asked while gently kissing the younger's arms which were around his neck.

"Yes, and if I like it we can order a cake for Jin hyung from here," Jungkook said blushing since Taehyung was planting kisses all over his hand.

"Fine but I want something in return," Taehyung said stopping kissing and pulling Jungkook closer with a smirk plastered on the elder's face.

"Wha-what do you want?" Jungkook asked gasping as Taehyung pulled him closer and his head hung low looking down because of blushing.

"First, look at me," Taehyung said smirk still not leaving his face.

Jungkook slowly looked up at Taehyung only to find a mischievous smirk on his face.

'This smirk got me pregnant' Jungkook thought.

He looked into Taehyung's eyes which were showing mischievousness.

"Now say," Jungkook said cutely with his lips forming a pout and looking at Taehyung with his big bambi eyes which were still sparkling.

"Here, I want a gift here," Taehyung said as removed his hands from the younger's back and his fingers now pointing at his lips seeing that Jungkook blushed but nodded.

Jungkook leaned forward to attach to Taehyung's lips with his lips, already formed a pout, his eyes closing the more he moves forward towards Taehyung's lips but he was going slow. The younger's action made Taehyung smile and want to laugh but just held it in since he would be embarrassed.

After what felt like an eternity to Taehyung, his lips finally got attached to Jungkook's lips.

Without wasting more time he kissed Jungkook back hungrily which did shock Jungkook for a second but he quickly recovered from the shock and kissed Taehyung with the same hunger and neediness that he was getting.

They did have a lot of make-out sessions but every time they wanted to do more the others used to come in between even though they knew what was happening most of the time, just for fun nothing else.

TaeKook were kissing each other hungrily wanting more. Jungkook's hands were messing with Taehyung's hair as well as pulling him closer and Taehyung's one hand was still on Jungkook's waist gripping it, tightly whereas the other hand was on the younger's nape pulling him closer.

When they felt that they were out of breath, they left the kiss panting looking at each other with lust and love.

They do want to go further by just booking a room in the nearby hotel and enjoying themselves without anyone interfering but they can't since Jungkook was hungry and also because Jin's birthday was here so they had to do something.

"I wish we could do more" Taehyung panting while caressing Jungkook's cheeks leaning into his touch.

"Me too Taetae, me too," Jungkook said as he put his head on Taehyung's chest snuggling his nose into Taetae's neck.

"Baby, what are you doing? Aren't you hungry? You wanted to eat right?" Taehyung asked in a little worried tone but still gently stroking his tummy.

"Yes, I am but can we stay like for a while Taetae please," Jungkook said looking into Taehyung's eyes with his big bambi eyes.

"Of course, baby" Taehyung protectively wrapped a hand around Jungkook's waist and tummy while his other hand patted his head and place a soft kiss on his forehead then spoke.

"That's why I wanted them out, I wanted to spend time with you baby," Taehyung said in a sad tone. Jungkook felt sad for not asking Taehyung before stopping them.

Jungkook kissed Taehyung's neck "Only till your birthday Taetae, then we will spend a lot of alone time till my delivery"

"Till my birthday?!" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Taetae till your birthday. So that after the new year, they will go back and we will also go back after a month or two" Jungkook said as his fingers were playing with Taehyung's shirt button.

"Ok, but we can call them here during that time, after hyung's birthday they can go," Taehyung said with a pout. Jungkook giggled.

Jungkook got up and sat properly "Let's go, I am hungry," he said sternly. Taehyung nodded. They went out to eat.


It was currently an hour away from midnight and everyone except Jin was gathered in TaeKook's room for a discussion about Jin's birthday who was sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook made a group while he was eating more over made Taehyung do that in which everyone was there except for Jin.

He said every one to prepare a gift and as for the cake it is done, it was from the place where Jungkook ate, also that everyone an hour before midnight has to meet in his room.

"So, what are we going do?"Rose asked.

"Don't know" Jungkook said cutely while sitting on Taehyung's lap comfortably, almost leaning on him.

"I have an idea," Yoongi said.

"It better not be some sleeping plan hyung," Jungkook said covering him and Taehyung with a blanket and switching on the air conditioner.

"It is not you brat," Yoongi said with a pout.

"Then hurry and tell the cat," Taehyung said sticking his tongue.


"Hyung, tell us we don't have time!!" Jungkook said.

"Fine, we can just invade his room and wish him, then come out and celebrate it later," Yoongi said proudly.

"Good idea kitty" Jimin gave his kitty a peck in reward.

"Will we call TXT too?" Ana asked.

"Yes why not," Namjoon said

"Let's hurry it's almost midnight," Hoseok said while looking at his black shiny digital watch.

"Okay, then let's go," Jungkook said excitedly and got down.

"Wow, baby easy," Taehyung said when Jungkook hurriedly got down.

At midnight,

In front of Jin's room

"Wait a second" Jimin kicked open the door with a bang making others gasp.

"Why did you-" Rose was interrupted by a gun shoot noise. They hurriedly went inside.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Namjoon asked Jin who had a gun pointed in their direction.

"The brothers are the same," Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked.

"Once when I and hyung went to surprise Tae like this we nearly died because he did the same," Jimin said. Everyone gasped except for Jin and Taehyung.

"Why Taetae?" Jungkook asked.

"Mafia instinct baby," Taehyung said shrugging.

"Whatever, why are you guys here anyways?" Jin asked.

"Ohh right," Namjoon said signaling everyone.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYUNG/OPPA" everyone shouted and started singing the birthday song.

After the birthday song got over everyone gave him their gift,

"This is from me and Taetae hyung" Jungkook said as he gave Jin a pair of onesies.

"This is from me and kitty," Jimin said as he gave Jin some cooking books.

"THIS IS FROM US" Hoseok and Ana said more like screamed as they gave him Xbox.

"And at last us," Jake said as he handed him some sex toys as a gift.

"Oh! Nice gifts also awesome sex toys" Jin said and then looked at Namjoon.

"You will get mine later" Namjoon winked at him.

"He is going to give his body," Yoongi said.

"Yep," Jungkook said.

"Absolutely," Hoseok said.

"Get out," Namjoon said.

"Rude," Ana said.

"Bye Jin hyung," all of them said and walked out leaving the couple only.

"So, what are you going to give me Joonie?" Jin asked as he locked the door.

"Good thing they gave you toys," Namjoon said as he removed his clothes only for Jin to see him in the nurse outfit which was over in Tease.

"You are right," Jin said picking up one of the sex toys.

Outside the room,

"Hear, I said it," Yoongi said.

They walked out after finding out more like confirming Namjoon's gift.

"You right Hyung" Jungkook said .

"Don't do the same thing you guys did with Jin hyung today" Taehyung said.

"Why?" Jungkook asked pouting.

"He just gave one bullet I will empty the whole gun" Taehyung replied with a smile not matching his eyes.

"I knew it," Jimin said "Don't worry I have planned something else for you," Jimin said with a smirk and Taehyung immediately understood.

"Good and good night," Taehyung said as he and Jungkook walked out after getting a good night from everyone.