
TaeKook were spending some alone time at Taehyung's house which was going to end today so the two decided to stay home for today and enjoy themselves alone since they knew that when they go back there will be people trying to interfere with their alone time they were right now alone in their bedroom, it was morning.

Taehyung woke up first yawning but then smiled when he saw Jungkook cuddling him and snuggling onto his chest. Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer to his chest and buried his face in the latter's neck taking in his scent then pulled back after a few seconds.

"You, Kookie are the best thing that happened to me. Without you, I don't know what I would do. I am lucky that we bumped into each other after I completed my mission and now I think that I wonder why you were crying but then also I am happy. It was good that Jimin took the first step toward Yoongi and made him trust us otherwise I don't know what would have happened to you. I am lucky to have you my baby, my kookie, my bunny" Taehyung said while looking at Jungkook with eyes filled with love and a sweet smile on his face.

"I love you more than anything in this world and I can do anything for you. I can't bear to see your eyes filled with sadness, if there should be any tears then there should be only happy tears. You are the best thing that happened to me and I was lucky to meet you, I know I told you this once but I just want to repeat this and I promise you that I will never leave you alone, not in this life, we are together even after death" Taehyung gave a long but sweet and love-filled kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

"You are indeed lucky Taetae" Jungkook giggled startling the older who pulled back from the kiss and looked at Jungkook with a slight blush on his face.

"Di-did you hear it all?!" Taehyung asked blush creeping on his cheeks but were turned completely pink when Jungkook nodded.

"Oh mo, my Taetae is blushing because I heard his sweet talk to me, aww," Jungkook said and started laughing.

"Yahh!! Don't laugh!" Taehyung said blushing and slightly pouting.

"Feels like you are bottom, I should top next time," Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Try me baby" Taehyung hovered over Jungkook.

Jungkook wrapped his hands around Taehyung's neck. The smirk on their faces vanished when they looked into each other's eyes. Slowly their faces were getting close to each other until their lips were connected. The kiss was not sloppy nor was it arousing it was filled with love and care they both had for each other and were craving from each other. They kept kissing each other until they were both of breath. Jungkook pulled back from the kiss. Both were panting but still looking at each other with love-filled eyes.

"Call me that from now on," Jungkook said.




"Because I want you to" Jungkook pouted. Taehyung gave a peck to those pouty lips.

"Okay bunny"

"Now, let's go for a bath," Taehyung said.


"Okay bunny"

Taehyung got down from the bed and stood up. Jungkook did grabby hands towards him with his cute face which made it irresistible even though Taehyung wasn't going to say no. Taehyung picked Jungkook up and the latter wrapped his hands around Taehyung's neck and his legs around the older's waist, then they went to take bath together.

After the bath,

They both went downstairs. Taehyung carrying Jungkook who didn't want to walk directly went to the kitchen. Taehyung made Jungkook sit on the stool then walked into the kitchen, wore an apron, and started cooking.

"What would my bunny like to eat today?" Taehyung asked.

"Umm... Beacon and eggs" Jungkook said.

"Then bacon and eggs it is" Taehyung started to cook.

Taehyung turned around to cook making his back face Jungkook who was looking at Taehyung's bare naked back. Jungkook didn't want Taehyung to wear a shirt because he wanted to admire those abs and those biceps and that chest and that back since Taehyung won't roam around shirtless there so he roams here.

Jungkook got up and back hugged Taehyung who got startled by the younger's action but leaned back a little soon in the younger's hold. Taehyung was frying the beacon when Jungkook came and hugged him, Jungkook was kissing Taehyung's back.

"Bunny, what are you doing?"

"I am kissing your back"


"Because I want to" Taehyung was done frying the beacon and cooking the eggs so he cleaned his hands and turned around wrapping his hands around Jungkook's waist.

"Then kiss on my lips, not on my back bunny"

"No, now give me my food"

"First, give me a kiss," Taehyung said and pulled Jungkook into a kiss.

Jungkook at first struggled in the kiss but gave in soon, he removed his hands from Taehyung's waist and kept them on his neck hugging him tightly and pulling him closer. Taehyung broke with a smirk on his lips and Jungkook playfully hit Taehyung's rock-hard tattooed chest, turned back, and walked.

"Bring the food" Jungkook ordered sitting on the stool.

"Yes, boss," Taehyung said as he brought the food and kept it on the table.

They were sitting opposite each other. Jungkook jumped onto the food and started eating like a hungry wolf which to Taehyung looked like a hungry bunny had attacked the food, who hasn't eaten for days, seeing the sight in front of him Taehyung wanted to chuckle but hold it back since he knew that if he chuckled Jungkook would be embarrassed and get startled which will cause him to choke.

Jungkook was stuffing his mouth until it is full or overflowed, and Taehyung was controlling his laugh seeing the adorable sight "Bunny eat slowly you will choke" Taehyung said.

"fdxdfwfxxfdfw," Jungkook said while eating.

"What? Bunny first eat then speak" Taehyung said

Jungkook swallowed the food but at last, he choked while swallowing, Taehyung in hurry got up and gave Jungkook some water. Jungkook with the help of Taehyung drank the water, and Taehyung was also patting his back.

"I told you to eat slowly, bunny" Taehyung said in a little angry tone.

"Sorry tiger," Jungkook said with a pout. Hearing his stalker name, Taehyung smiled.

"Are you done or want to eat more?" Taehyung asked

"I am *burp* hehe"

"I guess you are done"

"Yes, but did you eat anything?

"No, I was looking at my hungry bunny" Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's hair

"Yahh!! Eat something"

"No bunny, I am not hungry"

Jungkook pulled Taehyung onto the stool beside him and fed him with an angry pout on his face. Taehyung was happily eating the food which his bunny was feeding him, his eyes got a little teary since no one has ever fed him and Jungkook knew so he showed his bunny smile to Taehyung.

"My bunny"

"My tiger"

After Jungkook fed Taehyung they both went back to their room, they didn't like to stay in the living room very much so they spend time in their room. Taehyung sat on the bed and spread his legs (Don't think anything pervert) to Jungkook to come and sit in between them.

Jungkook sat in between Taehyung's legs, his back facing the older's face. Taehyung played a movie while back hugging Jungkook who leaned back more in his touch. After an hour, the alarm rang, startling both of them who were completely into the movie.

"Why the alarm?" Taehyung switched off the alarm.

"I have to train"

"Even today?' Jungkook pouted.

"Yes bunny, I have a mission tomorrow"

"I will also come then"


"I know I know I will only watch, now let's go" Jungkook drags taehyung to his training room.

In the training room,

Jungkook was sitting in a corner admiring his Taetae who is more like turned into V while training, which is arousing the younger. Taehyung was training with a serious expression on his face, sweat dropping off his forehead to the chest and biceps and abs, his veins poppings every time he clenched his fist or holds something tight, his veins poppings from he is neck and biceps. Taehyung was shirtless.

Jungkook was drooling over Taehyung's body, every time his veins pops, his serious expression was a crazy dose arousing dose for Jungkook. Taehyung after his warm-up started to fight with the robots. Jungkook could see that V is out which was not feeling him as he was feeling more aroused to a point that he could feel a bulge in his pants.

"TAETAE STOP!!" Jungkook shouted not wanting to convert their lovey-dovey day into and sexual love-making day.

Taehyung stopped the robot and turned towards Jungkook with a confused look but that look was replaced by a smirk when he saw his bunny's red face and a little bulge in his pants.

'How can I forget that V arouses him' he thought.

Taehyung walked up to Jungkook and pulled him closer. Jungkook's hands were on Taehyung's chest and Taehyung's hands were on Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer. Both were looking into each other's eyes, and Jungkook could see the smirk on Taehyung's face 'This smirk got me pregnant' he thought and pushed Taehyung away who pouted.

"Go take a bath, you are sweating," Jungkook said and turned around. He was about to walk away but Taehyung hold his hands and pulled him towards him, back hugging him.

"Let's take a bath together bunny," Taehyung said in a husky voice making Jungkook blush more.

"N-no you take a bath alone," Jungkook said knowing that if he agrees he won't be able to walk for a few days.

Taehyung was about to say something when Jungkook's phone rang, he was about to get it but Taehyung did not let that happen since the doctor has said no bending. Taehyung took the phone and gave it to Jungkook who picked up the call.



"Okay, I will be there" Jungkook canceled the call.

"What happened, bunny?" Taehyung asked while kissing Jungkook's nape and shoulder.

"I got some work Taetae, sorry" the last word was in a little cracking voice.

When Taehyung heard the cracking voice he stopped kissing Jungkook and turned him around only to meet the latter's teary eyes, he cupped Jungkook's face "Why are you sorry, bunny?"

"Because I said that we will spend time together and now I have to go to work," Jungkook said, sadness written all over his face.

"No worries and who said you are going alone, we will go together which means we will spend time together," Taehyung said with a smile.


"No buts come on"

In the car,

Taehyung was driving and Jungkook was in the passenger's seat, both of them holding each other's hands. Jungkook was sad but at the same time happy and angry. Sad because he has to go to work and happy because he is going with his Taetae and angry because he has to go to work.

"We are here," Taehyung said as parked the car and wore the mask.

In TaeKook,

Jungkook was in his cabin sitting on his chair and reading the file while Taehyung was sitting in front of Jungkook looking at him with hearty eyes. Jungkook banged his fist on the table loudly standing up and startling everyone even Taehyung. Anger was written on his face.

"What the heck is this?!" Jungkook said in a cold menacing voice

'Damm! I never thought that the angry Jeon Jungkook would look so sexy. This is my first time seeing him so angry, well he was angry at me once but he was worried more. The employees are dead. His anger is not good' Taehyung thought.

"Si-sir that," one male employee said not being able to raise his head.

"Is this how you guys work?!" Jungkook said in the same voice.

"So-sorry sir," a female employee said.

"What sorry?! If this is how you guys want to work then resign!!" Taehyung got up and went to Jungkook and back hugged him.

"Calm down bunny" was shocking to the employees as firstly they never heard Mr. Kim talking in a calm voice and secondly Jungkook calmly listening to any nickname.

"What do you mean tiger, see what they did?!" Jungkook said and handed the file to Taehyung who read and sighed.

'This man is already pregnant and they are making him angry, what will happen to them?' Taehyung thought.

"Sorry, sir we will make-"

"No need. A ask them to come we will have a meeting," Jungkook said.

"Yes sir" saying that the employees left.

Taehyung sat down on Jungkook's chair and pulled him onto his lap hugging him. Taehyung gave lowered his mask and kissed him all over the face making him giggle but stopped at one point, Jungkook's lips. They looked into each other's eyes and smashed their lips together.

Jungkook's hands went on Taehyung's neck pulling him closer whereas Taehyung's hands went on Jungkook's waist pulling him closer. Their kiss was filled with love and lust for each other, literally eating each other's mouths. Taehyung licked Jungkook's lower lips asking for permission which Jungkook gave.

They were kissing each other's faces when suddenly someone entered, Taehyung immediately turned the chair around so that when they leave the kiss and the person won't see his face. They left the kiss and frustration was seen on Jungkook's face, first, they called him here, and now this.

"Can't you knock before coming?!" Jungkook said in a menacing voice. Taehyung chuckled.

"Sorry sir," the male employee said.

"What is it?!"

"Sir they agreed to the meeting and.."

"And what?!"

"Sir, why were you kissing him?"

"What the?!" Taehyung mumbled.

"My boyfriend-"

"Correction I am your fiancē, not your boyfriend"

"Sorry, my fiance, I can kiss anytime anywhere"

"But sir this is workplace"

Taehyung wore his mask, kept Jungkook a little aside, and turned the chair around. Elbows resting on the table and palms below his face supporting his face, eyes very menacing and voice cold af.

"He can do whatever he wants, it's his company and his fiancē who are you to say anything," Taehyung said. Jungkook looked at him proudly and with hearty eyes making the employee angry.

When the employee was about to say something another came and said that the people are there and the meeting is about to start. Jungkook dusted his clothes and made them proper, made Taehyung wear the sunglass looked at his reflection in it, and set his hair. Taehyung chuckle.

When Jungkook was about to go but Taehyung pulled his hands and stopped him.


"I am coming with you" Jungkook was Jungshook.

"What? Why?!

"Because I want to, now let's go"

They both go to the meeting room.

In the meeting room,

Jungkook was sitting in the middle and Taehyung was beside him in the chair, the people who came were confused as to why Mr.Kim is there but they let it go since they came here for more important work.

During the meeting,

Jungkook's focus was on the meeting and Taehyung's focus was on Jungkook on how cute, handsome and hot he was looking when he was serious but the thing which was triggering V was that the people who came were looking at Jungkook with lust-filled eyes and one of the employees too that to the one who came in when they were kissing.

During the whole meeting, this was the case and this was making Taehyung angry but he couldn't do anything since he knew that it was work and these kinds of shits have to happen but he still can't help but become angry.

When the meeting ended Taehyung wanted to just kiss Jungkook right there to show everyone that Jungkook was his but he can't do that. The meeting was done and both the parties even had a handshake, Taehyung, on the other hand, was controlling his anger.

"How about we meet at the bar tonight?" partner 1 said.

"No, thank you," Jungkook said.

'I can't drink and even if I would be able to drink Taetae won't allow me to' Jungkook spared a glance at Taehyung and saw him angry.

"Come on, Mr.Jeon just today," Partner 2 said.

"No, I can't come"

"Just for tonight Mr.Jeon," Partner one said putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and that's when Taehyung snapped.

"He said he can't come which means he can't," Taehyung said 'I am dead, so dead when we reach home' Jungkook thought.

"I am sorry Mr.Kim but we are asking Mr.Jeon," Partner 2 said.

"Well, he is my fiance so I can say whether he can come or not," Taehyung said as he walked up to them removed the hands from Jungkook's shoulder, and put his hands around Jungkook's waist pulling him closer then showing their rings to them.

"Leave now," Taehyung said in a commanding yet cold voice which made everyone leave.

"Tiger" Jungkook said with a soft voice.

"Any more work?"


"Then let's go back, we even have to pack"

At Taehyung's house,

The whole car ride Taehyung kept quiet, Jungkook tried talking to Taehyung but he got ignored.

Right now both of them were in their room, Taehyung was packing their bags and Jungkook was sitting on the sides. Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to do any work that's why he made him sit at the side with his banana milkshake which the latter was drinking like a baby while looking at his Taetae.

Taehyung was folding the clothes and putting them in the suitcase. Jungkook completed his drink and back hugged Taehyung biting his back and kissing it. Taehyung was shirtless.

"Taetae" Jungkook said while his lips were still against Taehyung's back.

Taehyung continued what he was doing, and Jungkook pouted. Jungkook came in front of Taehyung but was again ignored so he went between the clothes and Taehyung and bit him harshly on his collarbone which made Taehyung hiss but he still ignored him.

Jungkook was at his height from all the ignorance he is getting from his Taetae. Jungkook was still in front of Taehyung and he was about to push the suitcase away but instead, he slipped, luckily Taehyung caught him and both fell on the bed with Taehyung on top of Jungkook.

When Jungkook slipped he hold Taehyung tight which made them fall. Jungkook was still holding tight and eyes shut tight seeing that Taehyung sighed and flipped them making Jungkook on top of him.

Taehyung made Jungkook lay his head on Taehyung's chest hearing his heartbeats and patted his head and back for a few minutes with one hand while the other was on Jungkook's tummy holding his hand which was clenching on his shirt.

After a few seconds,

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with his big doe eyes. Taehyung gave him a forehead kiss.

"Notice me senpai!!" Jungkook whined. Taehyung chuckled.

"I am"

"Then why were you ignoring me?!" Jungkook pout.

"I was angry"

"Then you ignore me"

"Want to have angry sex? Jungkook blushed and looked down.

"That's what I thought, now get up I have to pack"

"But we are leaving tomorrow"

"No, bunny we are leaving tonight since I have a mission in the morning"

"Okie but let's stay like this for a while," Jungkook said as he lay on Taehyung again who held him tight again.

After an hour or two they left each other and Taehyung started packing again.

At night,

At the house,

Everyone was there,

"We are back people!!" Jungkook said as he entered with his bunny smile and only a small bag in his hands.

"Welcome back kookie," Jin said.

"Who is she?" Jungkook asked pointing at a girl coming from the kitchen.


"Bunny, I told you not to run," Taehyung said frowning his eyebrows and looking at Jungkook more like checking him.

"Sorry Tiger" Jungkook said pecking Taehyung's lips who still smile at his stalker smile even behind his mask

"Taehyung?" the girl asked. Taehyung looked at her in shock.

"It's really you" she ran to him and was about to hug him when Jungkook came in between them.

"Who are you?!" the girl asked Jungkook.

"His fiancē" Jungkook said.


"Well, I don't care he is mine"

"I care" Jungkook's voice changed to cold and menacing "Stay away from my man otherwise I don't care who you are to him, I will kill you without hesitation" Jungkook smiled but it was not matching his eyes.

"Tae" the girl pushed Jungkook aside.

"KOOKIE!!" Others shouted

"Bunny!!" Taehyung held Jungkook and pulled him closer to his chest while giving the girl a death glare.

"You guys go to your room Tae" Hoseok said.

"Okay, and you stay away from my bunny" Taehyung took Jungkook to their room who was still processing everything.