
TaeKook were in their room now. Taehyung was emptying the suitcase and keeping the clothes in their place whereas Jungkook was in the washroom taking a shower because he wanted to.

While keeping the clothes Taehyung was thinking, so deeply that he failed to notice Jungkook coming out. Jungkook back hugged Taehyung startling the latter. The door was locked.

"Bunny you are back," Taehyung said turning around and keeping the clothes aside.

"What are you thinking Taetae?" Jungkook said pulling them and making them sit on the bed.

"Don't lie to me" Jungkook added.



"What to tell bunny?"

"Who is that girl?"

"My, Jin hyung, Rose and Jimin's childhood friend"

"Then why did I never meet her nor know about her?"

"Because she was supposed to stay away from us"


"She is a very obsessive person"

"For you?"



"Because she loves me, I think" Jungkook was shocked.

"Do-do you love her"?

"If I did then you would have never entered my life," Taehyung said pulling Jungkook into a hug.

"She will kill you and our baby, bunny"

"Oh no, she won't!"

"Trust me bunny if she nearly killed Rose only because we were dating then she can kill you both"

"Wait a minute, you and Rose dated?!!" Jungkook asked shockingly.

"Yes, when we were in high school but neither of us liked the other"

"Then why did you two date?"

"Because she wanted a boyfriend to show off"

"And you agreed because?"

"She wouldn't bother or talk to me for two months and that woman is annoying as fuck" Jungkook hummed in return.

Taehyung tightens the hug with Jungkook and snuggles his neck knowing that his bunny is angry with him because he didn't say about him and Rose dating before.

Taehyung lay down with Jungkook on him, hugging him tightly. Where one problem was gone others arrived but the thing was that this problem is more dangerous than the last one.

TaeKook were in each other's arms snuggling and cuddling with each other, even though they don't know when they drifted to sleep while cuddling each other.

Meanwhile, downstairs with the others,

"Why are you here?" Jin asked coldly.

"What kind of question is that, I am here for my Tae of course," Sana said.

"Tae belongs to Jungkook and you will not come in between them," Jimin said coldly.

"Oh, really but that's not what I think. Tae belongs to me and only me" Sana said.

"Stay the fuck away from them," Rose said coldly.

Before Sana could say anything Rose grabbed a fistful of her hair and threw her out of the house and banged the door on her face which made Sana angry but still she went from there.

"Who was she? What did she mean by Tae belongs to her?" Yoongi asked.

The mafias told them everything and they gasped in shock but soon recovered making a promise to each other to keep Sana away from TaeKook, then went to sleep.

In the middle of the night,

At 3 am,

Taehyung woke up because he couldn't feel Jungkook beside him. Taehyung opened his eyes and sat on the bed looking here and there but Jungkook was nowhere to be found, he got up worried. He got up and was about to go to the door when he heard some noise from the washroom, he rushed there.

Taehyung opened the door he found Jungkook vomiting, he went to Jungkook and patted his back, and started whispering sweetly to Jungkook, worry was written on Taehyung's face. Jungkook flinched when he felt a hand patting his back but calmed down when he heard Taehyung's voice.

After Jungkook was done, Taehyung helped him stand up and took him to the sink to brush his teeth while Taehyung back hugged him.

In the room,

TaeKook were lying on the bed in each other's arms while watching television. Jungkook was in between Taehyung's legs with his back facing the older, while Taehyung was back hugging Jungkook.

Jungkook was eating ice cream, yes they had a mini-fridge in the room, everyone had one. Jungkook got hungry after throwing everything out and was also craving ice cream.

"Why didn't tell me?"

"Tell you what Taetae"?

"That you wanted to throw your guts out"

"Because I had no time if I had woken you up then I would have thrown up on you," Jungkook said offering a spoon of ice cream to Taehyung who gladly took it.



"I have a question"


"Why did you and Rose make a fake marriage, I mean planned?"

"Because Rose wanted Jake and that was the only way"

"Then why did you invite your so-called dad there?"

"We thought to kill him there, but the tables turned" Jungkook hummed.

Jungkook leaned back more in the hug while eating ice cream and feeding Taehyung too. They spend the whole night in each other's arms while watching movies and eating ice cream, snacks, and juice.

The next day,

Everyone was at the breakfast table eating when suddenly the door opened with a bang making everyone flinch at first but make faces when they saw the person who entered.

"Tae baby, I am here!" Sana said walking towards them while holding some bags.

"What do you want bitch?" Ana asked ready to throw her plate at Sana's face who rolled her eyes and ignored Ana.

"I brought breakfast for you Tae," Sana said removing some boxes out of the bags.

Before Taehyung could say anything Jungkook threw the boxes away from the table, the others gasped at this sudden action and looked at Jungkook who had pissed off and had a ready-to-kill face.

"Why did you do that?! I brought this for my precious Tae" Sana said pouting.

"First you look ugly as fuck when you pout and second stay the fuck away from my fiancē before I bury to six feet under, alive," Jungkook said with a smile on his face and it looked creepy.

"The smile is creepy as fuck" Jimin said getting a nod from others.

"Oh really? Let's see what you can do when I do this" Sana said with a smirk.

Everyone was curious about what Sana was doing but even she bent a little forward on Taehyung and Jungkook got the idea of what was going to happen. Jungkook stood and grabbed Sana by her hair and pulled her back.

But before Jungkook could say anything he vomited on her since the smell of perfume was reeking from her. Jungkook immediately backed off after vomiting on her, controlling his laugh with the others.

"Sorry?" Jungkook said more like asked with his innocent face.

"You-you did this, I will kill you!" Sana said and pushed Jungkook but the latter got his balance.

While Jungkook was getting his balance back, Sana took the chance and pushed him again to the side which lead him to fall on his stomach but luckily Taehyung caught him and pulled him closer.

The aura around Taehyung changed from normal and lovey-dovey to cold, killing, and menacing as well as his eyes which looked directly at Sana with coldness and hatred and killing.

Before he does something to her he looked at Jungkook with soft eyes and checks him if he got hurt, when Taehyung was sure that Jungkook is unhurt he turned his gaze again to Sana which was not soft but deadly.

"Tae look what he did, eww," Sana said in disgust.

"You deserved it bitch" Jungkook mumbled in a low voice but everyone heard it.

"Wha did you say?" Sana walked up to Jungkook but before Sana could do anything Ana threw a plate at her making everyone look at her.

"What, if Tae touches her then I am not allowing him to touch Kookie. It would just be eww" Ana said making a disgusted face.

"I agree," Namjoon said. The others nodded including Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him.

"What? It would be eww" Jungkook said.

"Here wear this and touch her" Jin threw a pair of gloves at Taehyung.

Taehyung wore the gloves not wanting to touch that eww and also wanting to touch Jungkook. Taehyung made Jungkook sit on the chair and walked up to Sana, he slapped her and grabbed her hair hard.

"Next time I see you, I will rip you apart in so many pieces that even if you take thousands of rebirths you still found be able to find yourself," Taehyung said his grip harder.

"You think that will stop me, just and watch how I separate you two" Sana said.

Taehyung dragged Sana and threw her out of the house, removing the gloves and throwing them at her face, then banged the door on her face again and walked up to the shocked others.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"Did you just slap a girl?" Rose asked.

"First gender equality and second she deserved it," Taehyung said hugging his bunny.

"You were awesome Tae," Jimin said proud of his soulmate.

"I agree," Jungkook said and gestured to Taehyung to come closer and whispered "If you keep doing this my horny ass will never calm down" Taehyung chuckled.

"Then how about I calm it down after my mission" Taehyung whispered asking while looking into Jungkook's eyes who nodded.

"Guys, we have to go," Jimin said looking at the time.

They pecked their lover's lips and left for the mission.