
Somebody came knocking on the door and Jin went to open it.

"Hello," the person said with a smirk. An angry growl left Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi's mouths startling every one of them.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Namjoon cursed.

"I am here to meet my son," that person said with a smile on his face. Everyone except Namjoon and Yoongi was confused.

Before either of the two can say anything as Hyue Ae started crying, guess she was hungry.

"Rose take Eunjoo up, she might be hungry," Yoongi said.

Rose and Jake took Hyue Ae to her eomma. They knocked at the door but still no response so they knocked again and a little louder this time, still no response. Jake opened the door praying to everything that Taehyung won't kill him.

When both of them entered the room, they gasped in. All the things Taehyung used were left on the floor and the room was reeking of cum. Jake stood there in front of a cuddling TaeKook, thinking about whom should he wake up first when Taehyung groaned loudly because Hyue Ae was crying loudly.

Taehyung opened his eyes a little and saw the two with his daughter in Rose's hands but his eyes were wide open when he heard Hyue Ae's cries. He quickly sat covering his bottoms and Jungkook properly who hugged his waist.

Rose gave Hyue Ae to Taehyung when he stretched his hands.

"She is hungry, wake Kookie up" Jake and Rose went out but came back in.

"Bunny wake up" Taehyung was shaking Jungkook.

Taehyung sighed and kept the crying Hyue Ae near Jungkook's ear who woke up startling.

"What happened?!" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"Hyue Ae is hungry" Jungkook snatched his daughter from Taehyung and started feeding her.

"Why are you two still here?" Taehyung asked the couple raising his eyebrow

"Did you change the bedsheets?" Rose asked. Taehyung nodded.

Rose sat down "Yoongi asked us to stay here with you guys and not to go down unless needed or he called" TaeKook nodded.

"Btw someone came," Jake said.

"Who?" TaeKook asked.

"Don't know, he said that he is someone's father. Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon were very angry, I never saw them this angry" Jungkook looked at them while thinking something.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE MR.JEON!!" Jungkook's eyes were wide open and so were the others as they look at Jungkook.

"Your father?" Rose asked. Jungkook nodded.

"How did he find me?" Jungkook was confused.

"Bunny" Taehyung pulled Jungkook onto his lap.

Jungkook was still feeding Hyue Ae, and Taehyung pulled him onto his lap because he felt like it.

After Jungkook was done feeding Hyue Ae,

They put her in the middle of the bed. Jungkook was still on Taehyung's lap and both were naked under the cover whereas Jake and Rose decided to go back to their room. Taehyung kept a pillow on Hyue Ae's left side, below back, and even right side even though they were sitting on the right side.

"Taetae, I am sleepy" Jungkook yawned. Taehyung cooed at him.

"Then let's sleep" Taehyung laid careful not to move the pillow beside Hyue Ae or make Jungkook feel pain as the latter was in great pain after his punishment. Both slept.


When Jake and Rose were with TaeKook and Hyue Ae,

"Which son are you talking about?!" Namjoon asked angrily yet seriously.

"Of course Jungkook" he smirked "He is my only son" Expect Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi to all gasp in shock.

"Stay away from him," Yoongi said.

"I want him back" he smirked "I have some unfinished business with him",

Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi were boiling in anger but their faces were extremely calm which was scaring others, their aura was telling something else.

"What is that unfinished business?" Namjoon asked caressing his tummy as his baby was kicking too much.

"That is none of your business"

"It is cause he is our baby brother," Hoseok said.

"Then were you both when he was a kid?" the three of them were quiet "When he was crying that someone will come to help him?" they smirked. "He needs to get married to one of my friends" everyone was like *blink blink*

"Your friend?" Hoseok asked. He nodded "Why?"

"As usual I need to pay for my debt and my friend like his body" he shrugged.

Everyone was angry, they wanted to kill him but they had to hold it in when Namjoon and Yoongi were charging to kill him. Jin and Jimin had to drag them back when Rose and Ana were charging toward him Hoseok and Jake had to hold them.

TXT were helping them "Stop this drama and give me Jungkook, I have to train him too"

"GET THE FUCK OUT MR. JEON!!" Yoongi shouted.

"We will never give Jungkook to you" Jimin signaled TXT to send him out and they did.

The pregnant people were made to settle down on the couch.

"Is there anything you guys are hiding?" Jake asked. The three nodded.

"When will we know?" Jin asked.

"It's a dark past that should never come out or Kookie will be hurt very badly," Hoseok said. The other nodded.