
TaeKook were sleeping when Yoongi came in and sat beside Hyue Ae and caressed her hair. He looked at TaeKook with a small smile on his face. He slowly went towards them and shook them to wake up.

"Guys wake up" Yoongi shook them.

No one moved an inch and snuggled more into each other. Suddenly, Hyue Ae cried loudly startling all three of them and waking the two up. The two of them were still naked under the covers so when they woke up Jungkook, he pushed the blanket. He was sitting on Taehyung's thigh with his hands near his crotch.

Taehyung woke up startlingly and pushed Jungkook with the blankets, his hands were around Jungkook's waist. All three of them had wide eyes but when Yoongi saw them "AHH!!" he screamed startling the three more and calling the others up.

"What-Woah!!" Jimin closed the door on others' faces.

'Why the hell were you screaming?!" Taehyung with a 'wtf' look to Yoongi.

"BECAUSE YOU TWO BITCHES ARE NAKED" They looked at each other. Taehyung pulled the blanket on them when something hit Jungkook and he looked at Yoongi while giving death glares while Jimin opened the door for others.

"Did you just say 'bitches' in front of my newborn daughter?!" Jungkook asked with a creepy smile on his face scaring the shit out of everyone.

"Bun-bunny she is hun-hungry" Taehyung pointed at Hyue Ae.

Everyone except Taehyung closed their eyes while Jungkook took Hyue Ae and started feeding her while settling down comfortably on Taehyung's lap, his ass was still in pain. When Hyue Ae's cries were stopped, everyone opened their eyes.

Yoongi sat down in front of Jungkook with the three pregnant on the bed while the others standing. Jungkook looked at Yoongi with a death glare and a creepy smile while asking again "Did you say 'bitches' in front of my newborn daughter?!"

Yoongi gulped and nodded hesitantly. The smile just got creepier.

"Next time say another word like that in front of my daughter or my future niece or nephew and I will throw you across hell," Jungkook said with a creepy smile and a death glare. The others just nodded.

A/n - Please don't read ahead if you are disgusted or don't like breast milk. Don't blame me later, I gave a warning.

While this was happening Taehyung was looking at his daughter who was feeding herself while sucking Jungkook's nipples and somehow getting jealous of her. Taehyung was drooling and Hoseok noticed it and said "What the hell!!" getting everyone's attention.

"What happened?!" Jungkook asked. Hoseok pointed at Taehyung

Everyone looked at Taehyung and made disgusted faceu except for Jungkook who gave him a done look.

'How much does this pervert thirsty want?! This idiot already drank so much and still looking like a hungry tiger 'Jungkook thought making an 'I am done with this shit' look.

He smacked Taehyung's head who looked at him with puppy eyes, and Jungkook smacked his head again.

"What are you looking at Tae?" Jin asked confused.

"I am feeling jealous of my daughter right now" Taehyung pouted. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"What-ew!!" Ana made a disgusted faceu.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Try it after Yoongi gives birth and you will understand me," Taehyung said proudly.

"I will" Jimin and the tops nodded their head whereas the bottoms made disgusted faceu.

"Ana noona please take Hyue Ae to her room," Jungkook said passing the sleeping Hyue Ae to Ana.

"Kookie are you-"

"Shhh" Taehyung pointed at a sleeping Jungkook.

"I swear Tae you went too hard on him," Hoseok said shaking his head.

"First, he was getting a punishment, and second, he wasn't complaining" Taehyung shrugged.

"First, which punishment and second"



"STOP SHOUTING!!" Jungkook shouted. Everyone went silent and waited for him to sleep again.

"Punishment for going out when dad kidnapped him" Ana and Rose gulped "Don't worry I remember the girls' punishment too" Taehyung smirked.

"Can we give?" Hoseok and Jake asked excitedly.

"Sure why not," Taehyung said with a smirk "Now leave," V said.

Everyone left,

Taehyung leaned down and pulled Jungkook with him. They slept.


The bottoms were playing with Hyue Ae and the tops were looking at them with love-filled eyes and sipping their wine.

"Btw Tae" everyone looked at Jin "How is the taste?" Jin smirked followed by the others.

"It tastes awesome, you guys should try it once and you will get addicted" Taehyung looked at Jungkook.

"My time is coming soon" Jin licked his lip. Jungkook came somehow walked to them and sat on Taehyung's lap.

Taehyung kept the glass of wine on the table and pulled him closer. Taehyung's both hands were on Jungkook's tummy and stomach and his chin was on the younger's shoulder while one hand was caressing his tummy.

"What happened bunny?" Taehyung pecked his ears.

Jungkook turned to him and pecked his lips then leaned on him shaking his head, he closed his eyes. Taehyung pulled his legs on his, butt, and pecked his forehead while his one hand on his head patted it gently.

"I will take him to our room and take care of Hyue Ae and the pregnant people" Taehyung carried Jungkook in bridal style.

"Don't go so hard next time" Jimin chuckled.

"Punishment is a punishment" TaeKook left