New Life

After a hearty meal from the Grandquester, Ixander requested the Grandquester that his stash be kept within the estate until he finds a new settlement for his reward. He strolled along the city pavements, looking for a suitable home for himself within the city.

Indeed, his quick success made him well-positioned in this city. Rumors quickly spread on his agility and speed on the battlefield. He became notable among locals in their daily discourses and gossips.

Ixander found himself a dwelling. He did not want it to be a notable dwelling as he does not want to be in the limelight. After all, he is the talk of the town, and he wants to rest from that.

Nevertheless, it was well-suited for what he needs. A great home for his new life. It has the basement well-suited for the goods he hauled from the bandits. He thought deeply and realized that these goods have been stolen from local traders and merchants, so he went straight to the market and met with the Merchants' Guild.

As he entered, he asked the clerk to assist him to the master.

"Pardon, please wait here for a moment… as I ask the master if he is available for an audience. What is the name?" asked the female clerk as she nods to look at the paper and begin writing.

"Ixander an Fortisfostram" responded Ixander. As the clerk writes his name on the parchment, the clerk checked him again, raising her head as she cannot believe what she just heard.

"I-Ixander?!" the clerk was shocked. She then closed her mouth with her hands and continues writing afterwards. She still cannot believe it. In front of her, the most notable man of recent talks.

She approached the master in his office, telling him of the person he is about to meet. The master did not hesitate and let the said man in.

"Please come with me, sir" said the clerk. Ixander is then lead to the office of the master of the guild.

"Sit down" ordered the master. Ixander followed. "I have heard of your exploits, no thanks to the talks of the locals."

"With all due respect," said Ixander "I am here to ask if there were merchants who reported loss of any of their property."

"Indeed there are, and I like your frankness. Are you intending to return these losses?" asked the master.

"Indeed master, for the hoard I have is all stolen. I am willing to return it to the merchants who lost them" responded Ixander.

"There is a rule however, that you must not surrender these items to the merchants unless they decide that they have it, or give it to the one who looted it" said the master.

"Then, I will come back here daily then."

Everyone was shocked to hear that Ixander was willing to give back the goods he looted from the bandits. For this, the people lauded him as one of the best person to ever have arrived in Axan.

Time has passed, and indeed Ixander's reputation precedes him. In the period of eighteen years, he was able to climb up the ranks and soon, he attained the title of Grandquester himself, succeeding the previous Grandquester.

Ixander, now aged twenty-eight, succeeds Firmamus as the Grandquester of Axan. In his first day, he is to report to the King of Livinia.

In the period of eighteen years, he was seen as innovating and creating peculiar war weapons and machineries non-existent of those moments.

He was able to create a firearm which loaded from the breech, a technology only available to Grenavians during the time. He was also able to train his men different formations that is almost impenetrable unless faced with a massive enemy in force.

Aside from his strategic and tactical contribution, his inventions lead him to become one of the biggest innovators and one of the precursor of progress in the Kingdom. With the use of his knowledge in tactics, he overcame the disadvantages the Livinians in Pregrenav face, especially with the issue of firearms.

Ixander also lead the survey of the Grenav Mountains authorized to him by the Grandquester. In the 41st day of Saharmija, in the year eighteen forty-nine, minerals capable of strengthening the firearms called Bandormilum was discovered by one of the gem prospectors. Bandormilum is used already in Grenavia as a rare commodity in firearms. It coats most of Grenavian Artillery in order for these pieces to reload much faster and Bandormilum ejects all heat, making firing artillery efficient.

It was not only discovered in meager pieces. It was discovered accompanied by a proposal that it may be the largest source of Bandormilum, even larger than the combined reserves of Grenavia, Great Alban and Carab. Three countries that has the highest known reserve of Bandormilum.

With Ixander's techniques, the questerdom had an unprecedented growth, and an impossible endeavor became possible and tangible with the changes he brought to Axan and the rest of Pregrenav.

It was in eighteen fifty-five, in the month of Dz'izimija on its 36th day when he succeeded the Grandquester. All was doing well for Ixander, as he attain a notable position in the Kingdom of Livinia, and it is almost time indeed that Fortis reveal to Ixander his real destiny.