The War

In Great Alban, the unified entity has built its army. Its population is more than fifty million people. During these times, Livinia only has fifteen million people, Grenavia has twenty-five million. Both Nations forged an alliance to deter the growing power of Great Alban.

Willemus, now a leader of a unified state, decided it would be better to expand his power at that moment. He lead his armies to conquer parts of the Carabian Empire. From the devastating defeat of the Carabian Empire, three puppet states were formed: Republics of Danhe, Mytula and Elam. Due to this, Carab allied with Livinia and Grenavia. So far, everything is in deep tension. This was deepened when Great Alban allied with Birju when they had mutual interest in the Grenavian territories. Birju wanted all land surrounding the south of River Grenav whilst Great Alban wants to carve an empire out of the model of the Albanese Empire under Korol the Great.

Finally, everything exploded when Albanese horsemen raided a frontier village under Livinia. Great Alban thought that even if they did a raid on one of the villages, Livinia will not retaliate officially. However, the King was full of it. King Stijepan, the young king of Livinia who vowed to change his realm, declared war against Great Alban. This was followed suit by the declaration of war by Carab and Grenavia, followed by Birju against the Three Allies.

In Livinia, Ixander was given command of the Pregrenav front, facing against the elite forces of Great Alban.

Meanwhile, at the court of the Livinian King during the gathering of the Grandquesters of all different questerdoms of Livinia, They plan now to repel the attacks of the enemy.

The Grandquesters now rule indefinitely without the limits the mayor has on their respective questerdoms.

From the lands of Oestre stood Grandquester Marmaligos, who rules the vast plains east of Mora Hirma River, supplying the King with food in the bustling merchant center of Nuem, the seat of the Grandquester in Oestre. It is no question that whoever takes over the questerdom is a right hand of the king and holds the most authority over the king's affairs. This responsibility requires for an administrator and a useful vassal, which is also a competent commander in the field.

The lands of Halerdan, which lies west of Geroyville is the land rich in iron. It is ruled by Vilmios, an inefficient administrator who only holds the rein of his father's remains in the title. Among the five questerdoms of Livinia, he is one of the two who inherits the position from their ascendants. Although lacking in administrative prowess, Vilmios holds vast connections and is a competent warrior. Tactically however, he goes for an all-out charge, which is inefficient and costly in the battlefield. The center of the questerdom is often blasted with controversy as it is a hotbed for corrupt tax collectors and deceptive merchants.

Turignie is another questerdom ruled by someone who inherited the Grandquestership. It is ruled by Ponram. It is notable for being the poorest province after Pregrenav has gotten itself out of economic hardships caused by bandit raids. It is however one of the safest questerdoms in Livinia. Ponram's role in the gathering of the Grandquesters is shrugged by his lack of interest to the national cause and his frequent feasting at his palace at the expense of starving peasants.

Grenav is lush with forests and rich soil good for cultivating cash crops. It is third in terms of wealth compared to the rest of Livinia. It is ruled by a trained page and an excellent administrator Mazimier, a good friend to Ixander. He also worked regularly with Ixander which has benefitted him a lot. Due to this, Mazimier is always in contrast with the Grandquesters of Halerdan and Turignie, as he is considered an upstart by those who were raised with a responsibility to take over a questerdom one day.

Finally, Pregrenav. It is the second richest questerdom, and among the quickest questerdom to grow in a period of ten years. Prior to eighteen fifty, Pregrenav was a frontier province, and it is expected to receive the hardest of blows when it comes to local banditry, as it is deemed not safe. However due to the pursuit of Ixander in wiping out the bandits and introducing innovative equipment to help with the pursuit of enriching the province, He made the province one of the most productive among the questerdoms of Livinia, pleasing the king, as well as surprising him as well. After all, how can a frontier questerdom laden with bandits and infrequency of merchants be a prosperous province?

Nevertheless, Ixander made it happen. Aside from that, in the process of enriching the questerdom, he also made robust men which enabled him to defeat raiding bandits with efficiency whilst increasing the morale of his men, and their confidence in the strength of the quester.

"We must dig up trenches from the front of Axan and through the pass from Korol Heights. Set up necessary entrapments blind and covered from the view of the enemy so they can be unaware." Marmaligos suggested the building of trenches in order to hinder the advance of a massive enemy, knowing that they have already mustered nearly a hundred thousand men of varying skills.

"My men can do the trenches of Axan, but not as far as the Korol Heights. We know how the enemy can maneuver in speed now that we know how quick they mustered. If we are to station troops in the traps and trenches of the pass through Korol Heights, then we must secure supplying these men otherwise it would be a hopeless defense." Ixander knows now the impending danger his questerdom faces.

"It is the only pass the enemy can go through. The mountains of Alatsto and Grenav prove to be a great contender against the move of the Albanese Army. However, we should not undermine the possibility that as we speak, they may be placing their own traps on the forelands. We cannot be caught off-guard" Marmaligos responded.

"We cannot possibly maneuver workers to dig up pitches, trenches and pits in the middle can we?" asked Ixander.

As defensive motions are being planned for, an envoy arrived from Axan addressed to Ixander. The messenger saluted and gave the telegram to Ixander, encasing a grim message.

As he read it, Ixander's hands tremble, especially with the messenger adding "As we speak, they may have took it."

Ixander looked at the messenger, then straight at the Grandquesters and the King. On the tactical map before the Grandquesters and the King, he held the enemy piece, moved it over to Axan, tumbling over the piece which represents his troops.

As everyone looks at what Ixander just did, it was clear to everyone in the room: Axan may have been fallen, and the enemy advanced too quick.

"This completely destroys what we have initially planned…" responded Marmaligos. Ixander regained his composure, shook his head and faced the king with a proposal.

"Your Majesty, Grandquester Marmaligos, and everyone else, We are faced with a grim reality before us. However, this is not a surrender for each and everyone of us. As we speak, our troops are fragmented into different questers. We must issue immediately an order to unite all respective armed men, ranging from Midokra to Mentenez, from Commoner to King's Guards. Recall all riskers from their jobs and give each and every one of them a new one, with the immediate order of the King. Evacuate all your men from the cities and—"

Ixander was then interrupted by Marmaligos "Calm yourself. If you want to issue it, issue to your remnants in Pregrenav."

"T-that's right! Do not assume that our questerdoms will fall as easily as yours do—" Ponram was interrupted by another envoy coming from Turignie to him. Ponram opens the telegram, receiving the letter that Albanese troops have taken the frontier fortifications of Turignie and that any access to Grenav questerdom has been deprived.

Ponram fainted, and Marmaligos retrieved the telegram from his hands. Marmaligos now sweats so much that he is worried about the next actions and next telegrams in another few hours. He immediately dispatched an order to evacuate all the citizens of Geroyville and Halerdan to Oestre to avoid capture and conquest by the enemy. It all happened too quick.