A Miracle at the Great Livinian River

The soldiers of both the trenches in the front have approached with what might most call, the no-man's land. Indeed in that place, both sides have come to reconcile despite the hostilities that have been committed by both the armies.

The officers in the field are no different, they are drinking the hard Albanese Liquor out of the bottle, without any glasses provided. Overlooking the bridge are masses of men meeting each other over the frozen river.

"Whoop my man, be careful, we don't know how thin or thick the ice is over the river" said one of the Albanese men.

It may be a battlefield, but the beauty of the unison of both opposing armies have been unpredictable. Officer Mikail said "Well, it seems that they are also thirsting for peace."

"Everyone is, to be frank. For so long, ever since the start of this war, three years passed, almost four, we only prayed that peace come as soon as possible" said Officer Alorius of Alban.

Both lines of soldiers, Livinian and Albanese men met in the middle finally. A soldier giving a piece of leg of a poultry to another. The others giving cocoa desserts, clothing to warm the Albanese, and the Livinians were given some food, hard liquor. After all, there is a massive surplus of such liquor on the side of the Albanese.

"We're in a middle of a truce officer, so we can coexist… up until everything goes back" said Alorius.

"I must tell you, officer, everything will not be the same" said Mikail.

"I see you still have some senses on you, huh, disciplinarian?!" said Vilexus. He lightly lunged at Mikail with his elbow. Mikail giggled a bit.

"Our commanders may not be happy with us being merry together with the enemy" said Alorius.

Suddenly, there was cheering and laughing on one side of the river as a part broke and a man fell. It was a Livinian soldier, and they are all laughing at the unfortunate accident. The Albanese soldiers and Livinian soldiers helped the man out of the ice hole.

The officers also laughed upon seeing it. "Be careful next time you idiot!" said Mikail, screaming towards the soldier. The Livinians laughed.

A Livinian soldier then went up to one of the officers, saying "Sir, if we can play with the Albanese with these cards. We can determine which one of us is better at cards!"

"Do you damn want to start a fight wi—…" Mikail was about to scold his soldier but he was stopped by Alorius

"It's fine sir, I'll restrain one of them if they start a brawl" said Alorius.

And so throughout the night, the armies both did not clash as their job would be. What they did was to play games throughout the entire night. Each one of them is after all, looking to have fun.

Meanwhile, Ixander went to the trenches and he did not expect to see masses of soldiers going in the middle of the river, playing cards, singing songs, sharing drinks and food, celebrating Khova's Glory with a joyful union just like their families back home.

One officer from Ixander's side said "Sir, I should stop th--…"

"No no, let them be. Look at the beautiful result of peace" said Ixander.

"Some weeks ago, they were fighting like their life depended on it. Closely looking however, they understood the loss of each other…it all seems like a miracle" said another officer.

"It is… a miracle sir" said Ixander.

The Officer looked at Ixander, and saw humanity emanate from him.

Ixander then left the premises of the trenches and returned to his shelter, writing his notes on that fateful day, he named that note "A fateful day in the trenches of …"

Ixander scrapped and ripped that paper off. Instead he wrote "The Miracle at the Great Livinian River"

Meanwhile, in the trenches, in the toll of the midnight of 34th Saharmia, where both sides can hear the ring of the bells of their respective towns. They continued playing, and on the cards, the Albanese won.

Some soldiers decided on a wrestling match on the snow. After all, they were all quite drunk, but they are having the moment of tackling the enemy at the snow but not with the grudge of war, but with the slice of fun.

After some time, they all returned to their trenches as dawn arrives. They have spent too much fun and time with each other. Then they slept throughout the day. Some, of course, still watched guard for anyone trying to infiltrate, but the guard was much relaxed and less.

On the Livinian side, an Albanese officer, Alorius went to the trenches. "Sir, sir!" said a Livinian soldier, waking up Mikail, his officer. The soldier then proceeded to inform "The Albanese officer is here…wanting to talk to you…"

"Eh?" said Mikail.

Mikail then wore his hat, and went out to meet Alorius. "Oh, Good day officer. What brings you here today?" asked Mikail.

"If it is okay, some of our men pick up our dead from your side, and your men can pick up their dead on our side…" said Alorius.

"Very well, it would be just for us to do that…"

And so their respective men picked up the frozen dead bodies among the snow and near the banks of the rivers. Carcass of horses and tattered remains of the soldiers being picked, lined up near the rivers.

After picking up the dead, the soldiers prayed.

Meanwhile, the next day in Ixander's shelter, he was visited by Marmaligos and Mazimier to adopt a plan of offensive to retake the most important sector, Halerdan.

"In my opinion, sir, the sector of Halerdan should be taken first before anything else, so then we can secure our supplies and we can fight off the Albanese in greater force" said Ixander.

"The King however, is anxious to take the capital back" said Marmaligos.

"I agree with Ixander. If we do not utilize the opportunity to take Halerdan, we will not be able to take the large part of the entire Kingdom" said Mazimier.

"And so, Ixander, what do you propose as an offensive maneuver?" asked Marmaligos.

Ixander then showed them a map of the plan. It was to secure the northern frontier with Gradrivener. From there, there would be a four-pronged attack from the four settlements near Gradrivener, this is to secure the northern part of Halerdan. Afterwards, a pincer will be lead going to the southern part where Halerdan touches the Great Axis Lake, then taking over the south in the same manner as taking the entire north.

"What does the gentlemen think?" asked Ixander.

"This is an elaborate plan, Ixander. However, this may strain our logistics" said Marmaligos.

"Let me explain, Ixander. In every prong of attack from the position you established from the four settlements from here on the north…" Marmaligos pointed as he was speaking "all through the point where we border Hachberg, we will be reducing the strength of the forces, and Khova knows how much they have in there" said Marmaligos.

"If that will be an issue, I will make sure to bring a proper amount of men" said Ixander.

"And how about the knowledge of how much the enemy has in those settlements to be assaulted?" asked Mazimier.

"I think… I may have a way… but I will execute it in the end of this winter period" said Ixander.

"Whatever your plan may be Ixander, I hope it becomes a good plan for each and every one of us to accept your proposal" said Marmaligos.

"And about the supplies, how can we make sure that the assaulting forces will have adequate supplies?" asked Mazimier.

"We will have the supplies by using the supplies of the settlements. I am sure the supplies are still there. I have heard from a certain individual that they have not touched the resources in Halerdan and that Vilmios rules the lands" said Ixander.

"Be careful of who you trust, Ixander" said Mazimier.

"Although, I must get ahead of you, grandquesters, the Albanese soldiers right now are… they might not have any pursuit to attack the south" said Ixander.

"How can you be so sure about it?" asked Marmaligos.

"I'm sure of it because I saw the situation there firsthand" said Ixander.

"If you think that there is no attack going on in there that would be a mad prediction, especially after the presence of the entire truce. I think, or predict that the bloodthirsty Albanese men are willing to cause another bloodbath down the river" said Marmaligos.

"They are also recruited men, they never wanted war but they have been recruited to fight" said Ixander. "I know of it. Unless they are like bandits that hunger for gold, then that is a different issue" continued Ixander.

"I hope…truly I hope that you are right…" said Mazimier.

Meanwhile, Simjen knocked at the door, then entered.

"Sir, There's something wrong with the Khatana…"