
His net worth was at 7200 dollars, even though the System had gifted him with 10000 dollars.

This is because the 51% shares in the Hui Yuan Drink Store was not worth 10000 dollars, but 7000 dollars, which was why his net worth had decreased after investing in the store.

However, the only amount of cash he had on hand right now, could only amount to a measly 200 dollars that he previously had. He had transferred 5000 dollars to Yang Deng earlier, and the rest of the 5000 in the credit card, was also meant for the store, so this cash, was untouchable.

At this moment, he had two things on his agenda. First, to buy suitable clothes so he doesn't end up looking like a pauper every time he made a business deal. Second, to buy a computer, so that he can send the details of the business plan to the Yang Deng, so that he can start implementing it as soon as possible.

And he had only 200 dollars!

[System is sending the cash rewards for successful completion of the First Task]

While Si Chen was racking his mind for ideas, the system's notification was like the light in the darkness, giving him timely help.

He checked his net worth and saw that there it was at a slid 12200 dollars, increasing by 5000 dollars!

Damn! This System was far too good to him. It gave him 5000 dollars for investing a mere 10000 dollars in a store.

If the System was a girl, he would instantly lunge over and kissed it agitatedly.

[System does not want the Host to embarrass the Godly Investment System, and decided to gift additional cash so that you do not look like a rat on the streets]

Tsk. Si Chen didn't care what it thought. Money was priority.

Unknowingly, it was already night time. He was going to settle all the troublesome matters tomorrow.

That day, he slept really peacefully, his face revealing a warm and tranquil smile.

The next morning.

Si Chen woke up to the sun glaring at his eyes.

He stretched his four limbs, as he slowly got up from the bed, then made his way to the toilet.

After brushing up his face, he looked at the mirror, and found that he had looked more handsome than before. Maybe it was because the constant darkness that always hovered around his face had disappeared, replaced by a radiant smile.

When he walked out of the toilet, he saw Xiao Meng already up, sitting down at a corner, carefully munching on a piece of plain bread.

The bread looked rather stale and old, but Xiao Meng looked like she cherished every single bit of it, as she munched slowly.

When she noticed him, her eyes involuntarily brightened, as she pulled away the bread from her mouth, and softly smiled, "Big brother! Here."

She stood up, and then shoved the piece of bread into his hands.

And she did so without the slightest trace of hesitation.

Si Chen's eyes turned slightly misty, as he looked down at the half chewed bread in his hands.

He looked up and sensed Xiao Meng glaring at him, her large eyes threatening him to eat the bread.

He wordlessly took a bite, slowly munching onto it, while cupping the piece of bread within his two hands, like it was the most precious treasure in the world.

After taking one bite, he couldn't bear to take another. He quickly took a piece of plastic, and put the half-eaten bread inside it.

When Xiao Meng saw his sudden actions, she frowned for a moment, as she worriedly asked, "Big Brother? What's the problem? Does the bread not taste nice? I can get you another one."

After keeping the bread within the plastic, he lunged forward, and hugged Xiao Meng's delicate body.

"Big Brother, is there a problem?" Xiao Meng asked in surprise when she felt herself embraced by Si Chen.

Si Chen carefully ruffled Xiao Meng's hair, as he slowly said, "Don't worry, Xiao Meng. Your big brother now has enough money to take care of you."

Xiao Meng lifted her small head, and looked up towards Si Chen in a questioning gaze.

"I have managed to earn some money this past few days. Right now, I already have 5000 dollars in cash." Si Chen faintly smiled.

Xiao Meng threw a worried glance at him, as she anxiously asked, "Big Brother, is this money okay?"

"Of course. Do you not trust your Big Brother? I, your Big Brother, always do things legally, on the side of justice. I won't do anything against the law. Don't worry." Si Chen assured Xiao Meng, dispersing off her worries.

Hearing his words, Xiao Meng let out a soft sigh of relief, as she started to comfortably snuggle herself within Si Chen's arms, closing her eyes in peace and serenity, enjoying every moment within his embrace.

Si Chen's arms gave her a sense of security and peace that made her thoroughly want to indulge in, and she didn't want to break away from them.

"Xiao Meng, I swear with my life, that as long as I live, I will make sure your will live the fabulous life in the world." Si Chen voice was soft and assuring, yet contained a trace of confidence and certainty.

Xiao Meng let out a gentle purr of acknowledgement, not caring whether or not he was speaking the truth. Even if it wasn't, she didn't mind. She knew it her heart that Si Chen thoroughly loved her.

In the past, whenever she was bullied, Si Chen had disregarded all consequences to protect her, to defend her. He singlehandedly shouldered all the pain and humiliation for her, and had never once made a single complain.

Even when he was badly battered up after standing up for her, with bruises and blood all over his body, Si Chen had still ignored the pain, and always gave her a warm smile in return.

They stayed in this position for a long time, before they unwittingly separated.

It was the school holidays right now, and the break would last till the end of the month.

Thus, Si Chen was free to do whatever he wanted during this period of time.

After telling Xiao Meng that he was going out, he left the house. It was time for him to settle some affairs.