Buying Clothes

The district he was living in was called the F South District.

Within the city, the statuses of districts were graded by alphabetical order, with A being the highest while F is the lowest.

The 'F" in the name F South District, also stood for Fabulously Useless and Poor.

The houses around were all run down, while the shops, were not very eye-catching, other than the occasional bugs and cockroaches that ran past.

The Hui Yuan Drink Store belonged in the E District, one grade higher than where he was currently living in.

He decided to travel to the E District to take a look there. He got onto a bus, then reached the E District within half an hour.

He walked along the streets for quite a long time, before he found a clothes shops that stood out from the rest.

It was adorned with bright but elegant lights, decorated by an attractive looking sign board at the front of the store. He strode towards the direction of the store, then opened the door to reveal a well-furbished interior, where faint classy music was playing in the background.

There were a female sales assistants in the store, and other than an occasional customer, all was empty.

After all, not many were able to afford such expensive clothes.

He had glanced over the price tags on the clothes, and at least most of them were above a hundred dollars.

Seeing a new customer came woke the few sales attendants from their daze for a moment, and they all turned the head to look at the new arrival.

When they saw Si Chen's appearance, the gleam that flashed past their eyes dampened considerably.

After all, even though his features were rather presentable, his clothes were ordinary looking.

Their gazes towards Si Chen even held a few traces of disdain and contempt.

Si Chen disregarded them, and went to look around the store all by himself.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw something that caught his interest. It was a black western suit made with leather. The design on it was immaculate and fashionable looking, and was perfect to wear for his future endeavours.

He glimpsed at the price tag. 500 dollars. He cursed inwardly.

500 dollars just for a mere clothing? What were the people doing this days? He had saved up for a few years, and all he managed to scrap was a meagre 200 dollars.

If not for the System, he will still be struggling with only 200 dollars for around the rest of his life.

He gritted his teeth, and decided to just purchase it. After all, the System had gave him 5000 dollars.

Even though it was quite expensive, but it was still within the range of acceptable.

He called the nearby sales attendant, and pointed to the suit, "I'm buying this suit. Please pack it up for me."

The sales attendant turned towards the sudden voice, and saw Si Chen.

She stared him up and down, then turned to look towards the price tag.

"Are you sure to want to buy this? This suit costs 500 dollars." She looked at Si Chen with doubt, evidently not believing he could buy it.

"Yeah. I'm buying this." Si Chen lightly smiled, while handing her his credit card to pay for the suit.

The sales attendant stared at Si Chen for a while, and looking at his serious expression, she took over the card and went towards the counter, along with the black western suit.

The other sales attendant looked at this scene with rapt attention, some carrying expressions of surprise, while others of mockery and ridicule, feeling that Si Chen was just trying to act cool.

Sometimes, you really did not know what a person is feeling inside their head.

If a person is merely trying to pretend to be rich, why would he possibly hand a credit card over and ask to pay?

So that he can incur more derision from the crowd after it is revealed that he has no money?

Which idiot would possibly do that?

If he was really trying to act rich, he would only just glance around the clothes in the store, acting out a noble and elegant bearing, throwing off arrogant and haughty words here and there, before he finds an excuse to leave the store.

And of course, he definitely will not buy anything. Because he is merely acting.

And at this moment, Si Chen had already passed on his credit card.

There was only two reasons he would do that. Either he is plain foolish and is mentally retarded, or he really has the capital to back up his words.

The sales attendant tapped the card on the payer machine, and waited.

A few seconds passed, but nothing happened.

"See, I've already told you. He doesn't have the money."

"Exactly! You have lost the bet, quickly pay up."

The few sales attendant at the side muttered to each other.

Just then, a soft 'beep' sound reverberated throughout the store, but this soft sound seemed to pierce through everyone's hearts.

Their faces froze up, as they saw a receipt slowly being printed out.

The crowd were all stunned beyond words.

The only reason why the receipt could be printed out, was that the transaction was successful.

This meant that he truly had money to pay for the 500 dollar suit!

The sales attendant in charge of the transaction was rendered speechless by this sudden turn of events, her mouth opening and closing, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Her eyes contained nothing but incredulity and utter disbelief.

She personally sold a 500 dollar suit! As a sales person, she would also receive a commission of the sales, and this commission is enough for her to enjoy for a while.

She quickly snapped out of her daze, as she handed out the credit card with both her hands, and respectfully gave it towards Si Chen, "Sir, here is your card.".

"Sir, do you need to me to put your suit in a bag for you, or…?" She asked politely. The person in front of her eyes could so casually take out his credit card to pay for a 500 dollar suit.

This meant that he was a rather rich person, and not only that, he looked only around 16 years old.

Maybe he was a rich second generation young master?

"I will wear it now." Si Chen mildly replied, then walked towards the dressing room to change.

Outside, the other sales attendant looked at the person in charge of Si Chen's payment with jealously and envy.

When he had just came in, no one had attended to him at all. If they had knew of his capabilities, they would instantly walk up without hesitating.

As Si Chen finished changing and walked out of the dressing room, the sales attendant all looked at him in shock.

The Si Chen now possessed a few traces of elegance, and coupled with the refined western suit, it brought out a sense of nobility within him. His eyes were deep and as calm as a vast sea, possessing a mysterious attractiveness.

Compared with the Si Chen who walked in the store just now, it was a world of a difference, like the difference between the Heaven and the Earth!

Si Chen strode out of the store amidst the attendant's blazing gazes, then made his way towards region where there were abundant computer shops for him to choose from.