New Mission

The first thing he did after retuning back home was to sleep.

Those words that he had thought of earlier to persuade Yang Deng took him a long time to think up of. It was his first time doing something of this sort, and he was rather inexperienced in such affairs.

At the very least, it was still a success.

90% of the shares meant he was the irrefutable major shareholder, and the drink store is basically owned by him, with most of the profits going straight to his pockets.

During this period of time, Yang Deng will surely be suffering a loss, with his shares suddenly cut down. But the future was unknown, who knew what would happen?

The next day.

Long Chen woke up all energised from his ample sleep.

He did all his morning necessities, before he casually sat on the chair in his room, and entered his mind space.

The Mission Task 2 was already completed just yesterday, and he wanted to see what rewards he would be given.

Of course, he was not expecting much. After all, he had already received so much benefits and advantages from the System.

He was yet again greeted by the familiar sight of his mind space.

[Mission Task 2 is completed]

[Rewards are being distributed]

- $10000 sent to System Issued Credit Card

- Host Levels up from Level 2 to Level 3

- 2 Free Attribute Points

- Next Mission Task

Host: Si Chen

Level: 3 – (37000/40000)

Net worth: 35000 dollars

90% Shares - Hui Yuan Drink Store [$25000]

Host Attributes:

Charm: 6.0

Strength: 4.2

Wisdom: 9.0

Free Attribute Points: 2


Business Management – Level 1

Host gains knowledge of the intricacies of business management, and can navigate more smoothly within the business world.

Passive Effect: 10% Increase in profits; 10% increase in customers.

Food & Beverage Business Expertise – Level 1 (0/100)

Host gains knowledge of the secrets behind the Food & Beverage Industry, and can develop better tasting food and more flavourful drinks.

Passive Effect: 1% Increase in profits; 1% increase in customers

[Only applies to F&B related Businesses]

This was his current status as of right now.

Because of his increased shares in Hui Yuan Drink Store, as well as the development of the store, the 90% shares has rose to a value of $25000.

The System gave him a $10000 cash reward, increasing his net worth yet again. And along with his original savings, that gave him a total of $37000 in net worth.

For a student of his age, within his district, he was most likely the only one to have such astonishing assets.

He successfully levelled up to Level 3, and gained two free attribute points again.

His wisdom, which was standing steadily at 9, was high enough for him to swagger about for now. When he had tried studying his high school syllabus, out of boredom, he realized that his learning efficiency has increased by more than double.

He injected the two attribute points within his strength attribute, and felt that mysterious wave of power enveloping his body yet again, burning and strengthening his muscles, as they grew and became more packed with power.

After the power was retracted, he felt a warm cooling sensation over his entire body, as though he was waking up in the morning and breathing in the refreshing morning air.

Now, his strength value was at 6.2, a solid 1.2 above the average person, and now had the means to protect himself from normal people, should they start wanting to beat him up.

His muscles all around were now even more defined, and the faint line of six-packs, had become much clearer, with the lines running all about, cutting into his muscles, and giving him a nice fit look

The net worth needed to upgrade to the next level, Level 4, has doubled to $40000.

While he now had a $12000 of movable cash. Not hard liquid assets, but real cash. This made him feel much more relaxed and comfortable.

And now, all he need to do, was to check for the next mission task that will be issued to him.

[New Mission]

The System has detected that the host has managed to increase his net worth to more than $35000 in less than a week. If not for the fact that the System has recorded of your every action, the System would have wondered which bank you stole the money from, and would have done my best to detach myself from you in order to not get implicated from such actions.

Now that you have $12000 cash on hand, it is more than sufficient for you to embark on your first investment target of your entire life, without the aid of the System.

Mission Task 1: Find a suitable Investment Target (Acquire at least 50% of Stocks)

Mission Task 2: Profit $5000 from the Investment (0/5000)

Mission Task 3: Net worth of shares of said Investment Target rise by 20% (0/20)

Warning: if the Mission is not completed within 2 Months, Host shall be executed by brain death.

Si Chen narrowed his pupils, as his face turned serious. This mission required him to work beyond the boundaries of the System, and start on an independent path.

Without the help of the System, he had to search for a business which is worthy for him to invest it, and after all that, he also had to develop and grow the business to let him earn more money, as quick as possible.

Not to mention, also increasing the value of the share price of the business by one-fifth.

He really had to go for an intense search, because to find a suitable Investment Target was really not easy considering that he did not have the System's help

And with the threat of death looming on him, in the case of failure within 2 months, it provided him with undeniable motivation.

But honestly, even without such a threat, he would also perform this mission with passion and zest, because with each cent, each dollar that he earns, his younger sister shall no longer live in constant poverty and worry about food.

Wait. At this point of time, with the money on Si Chen's hands, he could even move into a better house with a greater living environment.

The miserable house he was living in, was rented from someone else, with a monthly rent of $100.

This was considered dirt cheap, but with such a place and environment, it was worth every dollar.

Looks like he also had to start searching for a new place. Along with an Investment Target.

He was on the computer, searching on the web, when his sister abruptly opened the door and came in.

Her face was filled with worry, as her hand tightly gripped onto the old nokia phone in her hands.

"Big Brother, my teacher called me just now." Xiao Meng said in a soft voice.

'Oh? Isn't it the school holidays now? Why did she call you for? Homework?" Si Chen turned his head away from the computer as he curiously asked.

"Its…it's because of the school fees. She said that if we don't pay up the school fees, I will not be allowed to go to school anymore." Xiao Meng mumbled as she tightened her grip, her voice softening as she spoke on.

School fees, were the main reason why they were so poor.

They could scourge on food, but not on school fees, which were a fixed price.

It was around $300 yearly, and they had already delayed the payment for a few months, because Si Chen simply had no money to pay.

At the beginning, he had the money to hand up the school fees on time, after working his ass off on part time and odd jobs.

But since last year, he didn't know why, but he was constantly getting fired from his jobs, and could only scrap a few hundred after a long while.

He always thought that he had accidentally offended someone, but no one had come to step up and admitted it, mocking him right in the face, yet.

And with only $200 as life savings, how could he afford the $300 school fees?

If it was before, he would be thumping his head in frustration, but know, he could more than afford this.

"Hehe, Xiao Meng, didn't you know that your Big Brother has changed and become rich? There is no need to fret over such school fees. I can even give the school a few thousand for all they want and make them shut up." Si Chen lifted his head and said in pride and conviction.

"Come here" Si Chen spread his arms wide open as he gestured for Xiao Meng to come over.

She slowly went forward, as she embraced Si Chen with a hug, soothing her anxious nerves.

Si Chen fondly ruffled her hair.

"You can take this credit card. There is around 10000. The pin is ****. You can go to the ATM machine and take out as much money as you want." Si Chen calmly smiled, as he gave her a credit card.

"But make sure that you take note of the bad people outside." Si Chen warned.

"Un" Xiao Meng took over the credit card and nodded in acknowledgement, and she gave Si Chen a wide and warm smile, before she left the house.