Further Plans

Unknown to Xiao Meng, Si Chen also followed behind her silently, vigilantly looking around for any suspicious characters, and making sure that she was safe.

How could Si Chen let her just go out by herself without any safety?

A vulnerable 13 year old, holding onto a credit card, was a really alluring target for most criminals and thieves, especially in the F District, where the crime rate was high.

Xiao Meng went to the ATM machine, and inserted the card as she withdrew the money

A few moments later, she took the cash issued out from the machine, and turned back as she carefully placed them within her pocket, along with the credit card.

And in that slight moment, Si Chen caught hold of how much she had withdrew


Si Chen deeply sighed in his heart for her frugalness, and absolute detachment from the desires and impulses that money carries along with it.

She had none of the greed that materialistic and money-faced people had when encountering money. In her case, she was the direct opposite.

He had clearly told her that there were $10000 inside the card. She could take out any amount, and it wouldn't matter. He would just let her spend them away till she was satisfied.

But she didn't

She could just take out a few extra dollars, so she could buy something, such as a snack or a toy that she chanced upon and liked.

But she didn't

She didn't take out any additional cash other than what was required for the school fees.

Even with the temptation of money placed directly in front of her face, she stayed unperturbed.

Si Chen, as her older brother, really felt proud of her.

He continued to keep watch for her on the way back home, and luckily there were no one who came to approach her.

After ensuring her safety back home, he hurriedly went back to his room, and acted as if nothing has happened.

The door to his room opened after a while, and Xiao Meng walked in and carefully returned the credit card back to Si Chen.

"Did you buy anything you like on the way back?" Si Chen mildly asked as he took back the card.

"Yes." Xiao Meng lightly smiled, as she put on an expression of delight.

"Good." Si Chen replied, similarly with a faint smile on his face, while his eyes showed a complicated expression as he glanced at her.

"Big Brother, I'll go study now." Xiao Meng gently said before she left the room and closed the door

Si Chen stared at the closed door in daze for a very long time.

He only pulled himself out from his stupor when his phone started ringing and echoing loudly within his ears.

He stared at the caller id. It was Yang Deng.

"Yes?" Si Chen lazily opened his mouth

"Boss Si Chen, our drink store has been doing very well lately, with the daily revenue now standing at $700 a day. The rate of increase of profits have been calmly doing lately. When do we start introducing the new products?" Yang Deng asked

"A daily revenue of $700? That's acceptable. We can now start to kick in the new drinks to our store now that we have a steady customer base."

"We can't introduce them too quickly in consecutive periods of time, as this will definitely attract too much attention from other drink store businesses. I'm sure some of them has already started taking note of us. "Si Chen analysed in a calm voice.

"We shall start with the mild ones. First advertise the Sweet Melon Drink, Great Green Milk Tea, and the Lime Quirky Drink, and start selling them to the public. As for the others, we'll discuss about it at a later date, when our drink store manages to develop up successfully." He snapped his fingers.

"Okay Boss Si Chen." Yang Deng replied after thinking about this for a while.

The Sweet Melon Drink, Great Green Milk Tea, and the Lime Quirky Drink were all high quality drinks that Si Chen had made up, and although their taste was slightly lacking in comparison to the Supreme Milk Tea, but in the current drink market, they can be said to be unique and special additions with more than satisfactory tastes.

"Boss Si Chen, are you going to be considering a branch store? With the current pace that we are growing at, I feel that we can start branching out to other stores already." Yang Deng suggested.

"That's a good idea. However, I have something on right now, and have no time to think about such matters. Could you help me search up for possible store locations to branch into?" Si Chen politely inquired.

Si Chen felt that it was a rather good investment to keep Yang Deng with a 10% share in the store, because of his potential and real capabilities.

If not, he would have directly suggested to buy out all the shares and leave them within his own name, wholly claiming Hui Yuan Drink Store.

Right now, with Si Chen owing 90% shares, while Yang Deng had 10%, he could be considered as half of his subordinate. Having such a useful subordinate that could free up the work on his hands and help him think of new ideas was really great.

Maybe he should consider taking him completely under his wing?

And he should also think of recruiting some competent and able assistants. With the pace he was growing at, he was sure that he won't be able to handle all the workload solely by himself.

"That is not a problem at all. I will call and inform you when I have found out the relevant information." Yang Deng quickly replied as he resolutely promised.

"Okay then. I'm hanging up now." With that, Si Chen turned off his phone, as he focused on his current task at hand.

Finding a suitable Investment Target, along with a side task of searching for a better place to live in.