
"$1500" Si Chen did as she wanted him to, as he raised the price.

"$2000!" The youth didn't like the gaze that Si Chen looked at him with, as he instantly shouted out.

How could he possibly not know what was happening right now?

The apartment on rent was the item on bid, while both of them were the bidders. There was only one winner, the Landlady.

In a normal case, no one would be so stupid to give out money freely for absolutely no reason.

But anger and pride clouds reasoning.

"$2500!" Si Chen calmly glared back.


"$3000" The girl at the side gritted her teeth and yelled.

"$3500!" Si Chen easily followed up the bid without a single hint of hesitation. With the daily profits he had from the Hui Yuan Drink Store, he could afford to pay such a rent for the sake of his sister's enjoyment.

The landlady at the side was close to exclaiming out in utter joy, as she clenched her fists, trying to suppress the boiling excitement within her.

This turn of events went far greater than she had expected.

And just when the two youths looked at each other, and were deciding whether to continue, a soft and clear voice resounded from the room, "Big Brother, what was happening just now? I heard a scream while I was in the toilet."

Xiao Meng slowly walked out of the room amidst the tense atmosphere, when she noticed that there was someone else within the room, as she blinked her cute eyes curiously, "Big Brother, why is there another pretty sister here?"

"Xiao Meng, don't call her pretty sister. She came here to rent the place and to steal away the apartment from you." Si Chen immediately swept away the anger on his face, as he gently warned Xiao Meng, wanting her to put up her guard against her.

"Oh? Pretty sister? You are also here to rent the apartment here?" Xiao Meng ignored Si Chen's warning as she looked towards the girl.

Maybe it was because Xiao Meng appearance as so cute and innocent, the girl only possessed good will towards her, as she kindly told her, "Yes little girl, we were currently bidding for the apartment just now."

"Bidding? Why would you need to bid for the apartment for? This place has 5 rooms, and we can all share the place together!" Xiao Meng spoke, with a few traces of eagerness, as though she was anticipated the prospect of them all living in the same area.

"Xiao Meng, you don't mind them living together with us?" Si Chen questioned.

"Why would I? The more the merrier. With this pretty sister accompanying me, we can play together in the future!" Xiao Meng said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hehe, and we could also share the rent as well, and Big brother can save some money too." Xiao Meng tilted her head and added.

Hearing Xiao Meng's words, Si Chen placed her sights back towards the two youths, as he retracted his hostility towards them, as he lightly smiled, "Since my little sister doesn't mind, I won't mind either. What about you then?"

The two youths were quite startled by Si Chen's sudden change of emotions, as they looked towards each other in the eye, then nodded in unison, before the girl spoke up, "Why would I not? With such a cute little girl living with me, I'll be more than happy to share the apartment."

As her words landed, Xiao Meng quickly appeared beside the girl's side, as she lifted her head and delightedly suggested, "Pretty sister, let's go check out the apartment together!"

The girl lowered her gaze and smiled, while leaving along with Xiao Meng.

The other youth was still staring at their fading silhouettes in a daze, and when Si Chen saw this, he felt every uncomfortable, as he slammed his hand down on the table and shouted, "What are you looking at? Quickly retract your eyes!"

The youth then pulled himself out from his stupor, and glared at Si Chen, his eyes containing a few hints of cautiousness and wariness.

This youth…although cannot be considered peerlessly handsome, but is still quite attractive. If my sister falls for him…no! That's not possible! How could he possibly fall for such a person?

The youth thought inwardly as he studied Si Chen.

"My name is Si Chen." Si Chen pulled out his hand and placed it in front of him.

The youth looked down at the hand, before he gripped his hand as he introduced himself, "My name is Yang Yun."

While this just a handshake, it was not as simple as it had seemed. As they were shaking their hands, Si Chen utilized a portion of his strength to pressure Yang Yun's hand, while Yang Yun similarly did the same.

Each of them started to increase the power in their grip, not wanting to show off any weakness.

Towards the end, Si Chen quickly began to find an advantage, as his strength endlessly increased, while Yang Yun's weakened in response.

Si Chen maintained his confident smile in his face, while Yang Yun smile started to turn stiff.

In the end, Si Chen took the initiative to release his grip, while Yang Yun heaved a sigh of relief inwardly.

"Nice to meet you. I hope that we can have more opportunities to interact with each other since we are living in the same roof in the future." Si Chen curled his lips into a smile that did not look like a smile, while he especially emphasized the word, 'interact'.

"Yes, of course." Yang Yun replied as he straightened his back.

The landlady at the side, still sat there shocked frozen by this complete change of events.

Both sides were initially looking at each other as if they were mortal enemies, but because of the appearance of the little girl, both sides immediately started to smile politely at each other?

This…was definitely not within her range of expectations.

She lightly coughed as she uttered, "Since you are sharing the place, then what about the rent?"

"Share!" They both shouted at the same time.

Now that they had managed to reach a general consensus, how could they allow their money to be cheated so easily?

That would the dumbest mistake ever.

Of course they had to share the rent with each other.

"So would that be $500 each?" The landlady inquired, with a face even ugly than crying.

The rent could have originally been $3500, but now that had completely evaporated into nothingness.

"Landlady, I heard that you wanted to share the place with us too, so the rent should be further split into $400 each." Si Chen interjected, as he eyed the landlady

Yang Yun, at the side, also nodded his head, as he turned towards the landlady.

With the pressure from both sides, the landlady bitterly smiled, "Okay then…could you please sign the document then."

She could do nothing but to agree to their prices. After all, it wasn't easy to find renters for her house. Being able to have both of them coming up to express their willingness to rent out her house was already an extremely rare event.

As they were signing the document, Si Chen turned towards Yang Yun and commented, "I didn't know that you were a left-hander. Your signature looks quite majestic."

Yang Yun wanted to curse out aloud, but he kept his anger within as he lightly smiled in return.

It was at this time that Xiao Meng and the girl also came back.

"Pretty sister, how old are you now?"

"Don't call me pretty sister, you can call me Sister Yang Ran. And I'm 17 this year."

Their voices drifted to Si Chen's ears.

Yang Yun and Yang Ran. No wonder they looked familiar. It was because they were siblings. Si Chen thought inwardly to himself.

"Eh…Yang Yun, why are you using your left hand to write? Aren't you a right hander?" Yang Ran noticed as she curiously asked.

"Oh…its nothing." Yang Yun face stiffened up as he carelessly replied. How was he going to admit something that embarrassing?

"Your hand! Why is your red hand so swollen right now?" Yang Ran pointed towards Yang Yun's bloated and red right hand.

"I accidentally fell and hurt my right hand…" Yang Yun made up a lie. There was no one he was going to divulge that he lost in a strength fight between Si Chen. This was a man to man thing, and he had his own dignity to uphold in front of his sister.

Yang Ran nodded, not thinking too much about this.

Si Chen snickered under his breath, coincidentally reaching Yang Yun, whose face darkened.