Stupid Big Brother

"Another stall?" Si Chen frowned his eyebrows as he considered this. "Let's go and see who else wants this location. If they are willing to give way, as long as the price is not too ridiculous, then we shall help ourselves. If they are not, then we shall just take a step back, and find another location instead. After all, this location is not the only option that is available to us, and it is better for us not to incur the hostility of our opponents when we are only so early into the game."

"I understand." Yang Deng listened to his words as he answered.

"I'm sure that they are many powerful individuals and groups that are already paying much attention to our place, and it is inevitable for them to want to buy out a few percentage of our shares. Right now, we are only a piece of fresh meat, and there are countless predators which are fighting amongst themselves for us. Until we grow strong enough, we should stay hidden and inconspicuous."

Si Chen continued to speak, so as to remind Yang Deng not to stand out more than they were supposed to.

"And of course, for those businesses who want to buy out our shares, politely reject them with a few logical excuses. Don't get too emotional if they try to force a sale, and reject them again calmly. Try not to attract too much enmity with them. But of course, if they take the initiative to go aggressive against us, then we shall also respond with kind." Si Chen licked his slightly dry lips after he was done talking, while Yang Deng was silent as he was trying to understand and keep Si Chen's word within his heart.

After finishing his drink, he stood up and patted Yang Deng's shoulders, "Good luck. The future of the store depends on you. And call me again when the owner of the land wants to begin the negotiations for the land."

Si Chen slowly strode out of the shop, leaving behind Yang Deng whose eyes were shining with a resolute gleam far greater than before, as he pledged to not let down the hopes of Si Chen.

Ever since the astonishing success of the Hui Yuan Drink Store, Yang Deng has completely forgotten about the fact that he was once the sole owner of the store, and is treating Si Chen as his superior.

After all, his impressive capabilities has already been reflected on the ever increasing profits of the drink store, and his meagre 10% stocks is now worth more than his 100% equity of the store in the past.

He was now indulging within the prosperity of the drink store, which development and current achievements were single-handedly induced by Si Chen.

He knew who this was all attributed to, and he also wanted to show his value to Si Chen, because only then could he truly receive better benefits.

After a while of constructive thinking, Yang Deng stood up from his seat, gave a few instructions to the attendants, and left back home to continue his efforts.

On the other hand, rather than directly going home, Si Chen was headed towards a few clothing shops.

The sales attendants treated him in a neutral manner, like how they treat all customers, and Si Chen purchased a few pairs of clothes for both him and Xiao Meng.

Leaving the clothing shops with quite a few bags within his hands, he then headed for to a shoe shop and bought some branded shoes, and slippers.

Afterwards, he pondered for a while on whether he should buy Xiao Meng a new computer, for her studies and whatnot.

Eventually, he also headed to an electronics shop and bought a Lenovo computer for her.

When all this was done, he hailed a cab and returned to the Tong Lin Estate.

Paying for the cab, he went towards the entrance, where coincidentally, the security guard who was previously scared silly by him when he had just entered the Estate, was on duty.

The security guard cast a quick glance towards Si Chen, before he swiftly averted his gaze. Somehow, the feeling Si Chen gave him right now was more terrifying than before, as though he was beast in a slumber which could wake up any moment.

This sort of suppression could be attributed to Si Chen's vibrant life force, due to his break through to the double digits in the Strength attribute.

Even if Si Chen did not intentionally release his aura, he still carried with him an innate pressure that could be sensed the stronger the other person was.

As for weaklings, because they were far too weak, and their senses too dull, they were unable to feel this.

Only the strong knew the strong. The weak stayed ignorant about the strong.

Within the apartment.

Xiao Meng and Yang Ran were sitting beside each other on a black coloured table.

"This is how you do it. You see…" Yang Ran was busy explaining a few concepts to Xiao Meng, who was patiently listening to her words attentively.

After Yang Ran was done explaining, Xiao Meng thanked her in a soft voice, as she began to work on her homework.

And while she was writing, Yang Ran continued to teach and educate her at the side.

The door clicked open, and a youth carrying several bags appeared within their sights.

It was obviously Si Chen.

"Xiao Meng! Look what I bought for you!" Si Chen lifted the bags in his hand and shook it in front of Xiao Meng's face.

"Hm." In reply, Xiao Meng gave a sound of acknowledgement, not even lifting her head up as she listened to Yang Ran who was explaining one of the concepts to her.

Si Chen gave an awkward smile when he saw himself so blatantly disregarded, but continued his pestering as he annoyingly circled Xiao Meng, trying to get her attention.

Yet all she did was lifted up one of her hands and swatted it towards Si Chen as if she was swatting an annoying fly, as she impatiently said, "Big Brother! Stop disturbing me! I'm listening to Sister Yang Ran right now!"

Si Chen froze in his actions, one of his eyebrows uncontrollably twitching, when he heard his sister's words.

Then, he glared towards Yang Ran with nothing but hostility in his eyes.

Maybe Yang Ran could sense his burning gaze, because she turned around and gave him a smug look, before she quickly turned back.


Si Chen clenched his fists, as he began to breathe in and out deeply, calming his emotions down.

Not willing to give up, he sat beside Xiao Meng, and spoke in a confident tone, "Xiao Meng, is there anything you need help in? Your Big Brother is very smart, and I can assure you that you will immediately understand after my detailed explanations."

As his words landed, Si Chen moved his hand in an attempt to snatch away the assessment book that was in between Xiao Meng and Yang Ran and place in in front of him.

Just as his sneaky hands were about to complete its mission, Xiao Meng slammed down his hand forcefully, and swatted it away.

"There is no need. Sister Yang Ran is a very good teacher."

And just as Si Chen was about to retort, Xiao Meng continued to speak.

"And Big Brother, I know that your results are almost always the last in class."

"How did you know?" Si Chen immediately questioned. He didn't remember telling Xiao Meng about his horrendous grades in the past.

His grades were low because he was too lazy to study, and had not time to do so too.

And he definitely wouldn't voluntarily tell her that his grades were low. Why would he want his little sister to know that he was stupid? Such things had to be kept within your hearts.

"I saw your report cards. They were full of red…" Xiao Meng innocently blinked her eyes as she answered.

"That was because I didn't study in the past. I am actually quite smart." Si Chen hurriedly tried to respond and clean up his image as a stupid big brother.

"Brother, there is no need to force yourself. Even if you are stupid, I still think that you are the best Big Brother. " Xiao Meng tried to placate him.

Black lines started to run down his forehead as his face stiffened into an unnatural expression.

Did his little sister just comfort him for being stupid?

It was time for him to retreat.

"Xiao Meng, I will leave the things I had bought for you inside your room." Si Chen awkwardly chuckled, as he picked up the shopping bags and moved away.

Behind him, he could hear a faint snickering sound that clearly originated from Yang Run.

After he was done placing down the items, he entered his room and threw himself onto his bed, as he asked the System, "Why is it that was a Wisdom of 10, I am still unable to win against my little sister? Is this Wisdom attribute even true?"

[Host, please be informed that Wisdom does not affect your communication abilities. Blame yourself for your lack of eloquence, and not the System]