Plans for Seafood Restaurant

"How do you improve your eloquence then?" Si Chen abruptly sat up on the bed and asked with interest.

[By talking more]

Hearing this, Si Chen snorted in disappointment, and fell back down on the bed.

As he stared at the white ceiling of the room while laying comfortably on the bed, he reviewed the decisions he had made thus far.

Buying 90% of Hui Yuan Drink Store's shares, and receiving returns that were more than a few times that of his initial investment.

He was now earning a steady income of $1500 a day, or more specifically $1350 a day, since he owned 90% of the shares, while Yang Deng owned the rest, which implied that he was entitled to 90% of the profits, as part of an agreement that they had signed within the document.

His first investment was now progressing at a rapid pace, and there was no problems that he had to deal with, as of now.

Meanwhile, his second investment, the Seafood Restaurant, is still facing some difficulties in its development, which includes wiping away its bad reputation and tackling the issue of the Blue Wave Restaurant.

After a while, he shut his mind from such thoughts, and began to sleep.

The next day.

Si Chen glanced down at his phone which showed a notification that read, "$1540"

This was sent by Yang Deng, and was how much they had earned just yesterday in Hui Yuan Drink Store.

It continued to maintain a daily profit of around $1500, plus minus a hundred.

Without long, they would start to carry out the second plan, and introduce even more new drinks. Of course, this was for later.

Today, it was time for him to focus on Seafood Restaurant. He had given Fang Bin a few food recipes for him to start rolling out within the Restaurant.

However, it would take some time before this could be completely implemented. Food is fundamentally different than drinks.

It takes a much longer time for one to cook than to prepare a drink. Similarly, the time taken to get used to and become proficient in cooking takes a longer time too.

Even if the food recipes he gave were detailed and easy to understand, it would still require the chefs to take some time to fully master them, and began to sell them in the Restaurant.

And while waiting for that, Si Chen casually whipped out a business plan specifically directed for Seafood Restaurant, just like how he had made for the Hui Yuan Drink Store.

With the Business Management Skill behind him, it was fairly easy for him to do so, and within a few hours, he had already created a comprehensive plan for the Restaurant.

Some issues that this plan was supposed to improve on, was the management problems, whereby cases where recipes are leaked, or money is laundered will have a lower probability of happening.

Another issue this aims to solve is the bad reputation that has shrouded the Restaurant ever since the food poisoning incident.

After he was done with this, he attached the document onto an email, and sent it to Fang Bin.

Si Chen then sent a message to him to inform Fang Bin about the new business plan that he had sent to him.

Although this may seem like he was giving out free benefits to Fang Bin for absolutely nothing in return, this was definitely not how it is in appearance.

This was another show of his value towards the restaurant, and the phenomenal changes he could bring out within it.

If Fang Bin, by now, still couldn't understand his capabilities, and look down on him because of his young age, then he might as well go kill himself, because his years of experience in the adult world was all for naught.

Si Chen wasn't afraid that Fang Bin would simply exploit his business plan, because he had so many other things of value that he could have gave towards the restaurant. This mere business plan that he had drawn out within a few hours, wasn't worth that much in his eyes.

And if Fang Bin really tried to do as such, he would just sit back and ignore whatever problems Blue Wave Restaurant has brought to Seafood Restaurant.

When the time comes when Fang Bin was unable to hold on and the Seafood Restaurant losses miserably in this war between restaurants, he would simply swoop in and buy out the entire shares of the Seafood Restaurant during the point where Fang Bin starts to become desperate.

And if by some miraculous chance that Seafood Restaurant does not incur serious losses, he would similarly buy out the entire Restaurant. There was no way they won't suffer any losses, and by then he shall take advantage of this and take ownership of the entire place.

Of course, this was only a worse-case scenario. Based on Si Chen's current understanding of Fang Bin, he wasn't such a dense and thoughtless person.

After he had sent the email, he leaned back on his seat with his hands behind his head, and swirled around to face the windows of the room.

That was one agenda done.

Next up, he began to start his research on the Blue Wave Restaurant. A few minutes of clicking and reading go him what he needed.

The Blue Wave Restaurant was on the same street as it the Seafood Restaurant, which was named the Madison Street. It was located a few hundred metres away from the Seafood Restaurant, and has been there for almost ten years.

Because of the introduction of the Seafood Restaurant, its business started to decline, and things were not looking good for it.

That was until the food poisoning incident, where customers started to flock into Blue Wave Restaurant, causing the business to boom.

Like the Seafood Restaurant, its dishes mainly consist of Seafood, with some of its specialties being Shark Fin Soup, Grilled Marinated Fish, and Deep Meat Crab.

Si Chen's lips rose up into a playful smile when he caught a look at the various specialties that Blue Wave Restaurant were selling.

Since these was one of their advantages, why don't he thoroughly destroy them?

He would create the same dishes that they were so proud of, and make it much better than theirs.

This would definitely serve as a destructive blow to their business.

He stared out of the window of his room, and gazed at the ever so calming scene of the beach waves at a distance away.

A few minutes later, he averted his gaze back onto his computer, and started to type without restrain.

No one could possibly imagine, that in a little room within one of the apartments in Tong Lin Estate, a youth was single-handedly planning the demise of an entire restaurant.


Meanwhile, within the Blue Wave Restaurant. It was knock off hours, and the remaining waiters were all keeping the plates and cutlery and washing the tables.

At one of the cleaned tables within the restaurant, sat a lean middle-aged man who wore on a black branded suit and a golden watch on his hand.

He had on a delighted smile on his face, as his fingers were constantly moving, and counting the money in front of him.

"I bet the Seafood Restaurant must be doing well very lately, because the money in my hands is constantly increasing every day.'' The middle-age man said in a tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Boss is mighty! The food poisoning incident that you have planned was really too smart. Right now, they are even barely struggling to survive!" Another person who stood at the side leaned his body as he bootlicked.

The middle-age man was the boss of the Blue Wave Restaurant, named Kong Liang. He had hated the Seafood Restaurant to the depths of his bones ever since it stole away his business.

"Who asked them to dare to snatch my customers away from me? How could they possibly deal against my Blue Wave Restaurant, which has been running for more than ten years in this Madison Street? Who doesn't know that within this street, only I am the boss? "Kong Liang sneered, as the corner of his lips lifted up to reveal an arrogant smile.

The man at his side hurriedly echoed out, "Of course! Whoever threatens the might of our boss would never live another day! This is what they deserved."

"Enough of the bootlicking. Pang Hun, Have you settled the issues in the Seafood Restaurant yet?" Kong Liang casually asked while still counting the money in his hands.

"Of course, Boss. After getting the new dishes that we stole from the Seafood Restaurant, they cannot possibly fight against our business anymore. I guarantee that within a month, the Seafood Restaurant will thoroughly tumble!" Pang Hun confidently declared, his expression as though he could already visualize the day Seafood Restaurant collapses.

After all, stealing their recipes mean that Seafood Restaurant will no longer have any edge over them, and their Blue Wave Restaurant is bound to thoroughly suppress theirs.

No one will want to dine at Seafood Restaurant anymore, since whatever they have, Blue Wave Restaurant also has, and more.

"Good! This bit of cash is the reward for you achievements. After we complete our banquet for the introduction of our new dishes next week, I shall give you even more." Kong Liang threw over a wad of cash towards Pang Hun, who hurriedly grabbed it and stuffed it within his pockets.

"Don't worry, Boss. I have already invited a famous live streamer to come and visit our restaurant during the banquet. It will definitely be successful." Pang Hun quickly replied as he assured while patting his chest.

Kong Liang nodded his head in satisfaction, and waved his hands to gesture for Pang Hun to leave.

"Seafood Restaurant…who asked you to be so outstanding. It is either you die, or I die. Now, you have lost. And you shall die." Kong Liang muttered to himself as a menacing gleam flashed past his eyes