Negotiations Completed

"Fang Bin, I have no reason to lie to you on this point, because you are not the only shareholder in this restaurant. And when I say I want your shares, I would also purchase them for a suitable price." Si Chen spoke in a tone of assurance as he leaned back on the chair.

Fang Bin glanced at Si Chen as he stayed silent, a signal for him to speak his terms.

"How much can you give?" Si Chen asked instead, rather than directly indicating his offer.

"20%" Fang Bin replied.

"I understand. But could you please think from my perspective. If I want to invest my time and effort into a business, would I be happy with just 70%? From what I have been able to give out, I'm sure you have a clear gauge of my capabilities, and most importantly, my potential. So how much can you give?" Si Chen calmly asked yet again.

The atmosphere abruptly turned rather unnatural, as neither parties made a single sound, other than Si Chen's occasional rhythmic tapping on the table, which seemed to have an invisible pressure on the mind.

A few minutes passed, and Si Chen still sat there, silently looking at Fang Bin.

A soft sigh rang out, disturbing the peace and easing the tense atmosphere.

"35%. The extra 15%, is on account of your potential." Fang Bin spoke in a clear and crisp tone.

"35%? That is fine with me. For that 35% of shares, I shall pay $10000. Is that alright with you?" Si Chen threw out his proposal.

"Okay." Fang Bin slightly nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Si Chen passed him another document, this time indicating the distribution of 35% of shares onto Si Chen's name.

They signed the contract, then Fang Bin kept the piece of document to get it certified by a lawyer.

They chatted for a while, and after reaching a mutual agreement on the restaurant's matters, Si Chen straightforwardly took out a few laminated pieces of paper, which had on the various recipes depicting the Blue Wave's Restaurant's specialties.

"This is the bullet I give to you to kill off the Blue Wave Restaurant." Si Chen pointed to the pieces of paper.

"I heard that the Blue Wave Restaurant will be holding a banquet a few days later to celebrate the introduction of a few new dishes. I'm sure you know what to do then." The corner of his lips rose up into a cold smile, as Si Chen glanced at Fang Bin.

Fang Bin returned his smile, as he slightly nodded his head, "Of course, I know what to do."

They gave a hearty chuckle after this. This laugh sounded evil, even.

Exiting the Seafood Restaurant, Si Chen finally let out a heavy sigh of relief. To do such negotiations and business at his age was really not simple.

To be able to gain the respect of others, you had to act mature and smart. If not, you were bound to be treated as an inexperienced child having fun out in the open.

Being able to buy over 85% of Seafood Restaurant shares was much better than he had expected. The scale of this restaurant was bigger than the drink store, and the shares will similarly be treated with more care and attention.

He had thought that he would leave with at most 75% of the shares, but who knew Fang Bin actually trusted him so much, and gave him a great surprise.

Now, he had confidence of completing the next two mission tasks.

Within his assets, he now possessed 90% of Hui Yuan Drink Store and 85% of Seafood Restaurant.

He was going to let these two of his investments grow to become his own personal money tree.

Which, Hui Yuan Drink Store, already was.

Giving him a profit of around $1500 a day. If he slept in his bed for an entire month, he would wake up with his pocket full of cash, or to be more exact, $45000.

While he was thinking within his mind, his eyes abruptly caught a shadow of a familiar person passing by.

Behind that person, a few well-built men dressed in black were anxiously chasing after her.

That person, was Yang Ran, who was co-living with him.

Judging from the current scene, it seemed like Yang Ran had encountered with some trouble, and was desperately fleeing

As Si Chen was looking at this scene, he snorted.

He even had the impulse to start clapping his hands in appreciation for the group of men chasing after her, and tell them to keep up the good effort.

Who asked her to steal my little sister's attention from me? He thought inwardly, as he stood rooted on his feet, and observed this whole façade like he was merely watching a clown performing.

He was not a saint. Why should he help anyone he meets?

But although he didn't really feel like helping her, but since his sister had liked her, and she had even taught his sister, then he had to help her. Begrudgingly, of course.

But before that, he rather see her suffer for a while first, and gloat at her misfortune.

And as he stared on and on, he became increasingly astonished.

Why did it seem like this girl can actually run so fast? And her stamina was...limitless.

He won't be surprised if somebody called her a track and field runner at her current running pace. The few well-built man who were chasing after her could not even catch at all.

It seemed like she could solve her current predicament by herself. There was no need for him to butt in.

But eventually, he saw that she started to slow down.

And unfortunately for him, Yang Ran suddenly turned her head and saw Si Chen just staring at her with a light smile.

Looking at the revolting smile plastered on his face, Yang Ran abruptly thought of an idea and began to run across the road.

It was lucky that there was no much cars on the road.


Si Chen felt a bad premonition the moment he saw her running towards him, especially that crafty smile, and cursed inwardly.

He turned his body around in an attempt to leave.

Sadly, he was too late.

Unknowingly, Yang Ran somehow appeared beside him, as she abruptly held on to his arm and began to exclaim while jumping up and down, "Dear! These people are chasing after me! Quickly help me beat them down!"

Her expression was as though she had found her sole savior on earth, both relieved and bursting with joy.

Si Chen paused in his footsteps and turned to look at Yang Ran with an extremely strange expression on his face.

The few men who were chasing after her had already followed her to their side of the street, and when they saw that Yang Ran had stopped moving, they all sighed in relief, and they all bent their bodies to try to catch their breath.

And Si Chen was even more bewildered after seeing this. Don't this people have bad intentions towards Yang Ran?

Why were they still squatting down and resting right now? Was this how gangsters operated nowadays?