First Fight

One of the more fit men among them exclaimed, "Young Lady, please follow us back to your house. Your father has ordered us to fetch you back!"

Young Lady? Si Chen looked back at Yang Ran with a weird expression.

He had never thought that these men did not harbor any ill-intent.

It looks like her father just wanted her to come back home. Since this is the case, why should he interrupt their wholesome reunion?

He peeled off Yang Ran's arm from his as he took a step back, and gestured, "Yang Ran's father's bodyguards, you can do whatever you want with her. I'll take my leave first."

As his words landed, he turned around and prepared to leave.

But who knew that Yang Ran would come over and pull him back, and looked at his face as she acted out an aggrieved expression. "Dear, why are you not helping me? After we have done so much…you actually want to abandon me?"

As she said that, there were even tears brimming on the corner of her eyes, as though she was on verge of tearing up.

Her act was every bit genuine looking, and the bodyguards who saw this scene all exclaimed in horror, "Young Lady…You ran away from home because of a little white face?"

Si Chen's eyebrows twitched involuntarily when he heard this.

"Young Lady, please return back home with us! Your father said that he is dearly missing you!"

"Young Lady, your father has personally said that when you come back home, he will bring to you even more little white faces who look more handsome than the one beside you to play with!"

The bodyguards all took turns to implore and cry out with a bitter smile on their faces.

And Si Chen, who stood there listening was dumbstruck, especially when he heard the last sentence.

"Tsk. I will not return back home with you! Unless you beat my boyfriend, I will not leave with you!" Yang Ran pointed towards Si Chen as she lifted her head in what seemed like pride in her 'boyfriend's' strength.

Of course, she had an ulterior motive. While her bodyguards were beating him up, she could then take the advantage that they were occupied to run away.

After all, when she had ran away from home along with her brother, her attitude was persistent and unyielding. Why would she simply return back home for?

When the bodyguards heard her words, their gazes all shifted towards Si Chen, and each and every one of them were brimming with cruelty and ferociousness, as if they couldn't wait to start pummeling him up.

These gazes send goosebumps throughout his body.

"Yang Ran's father's bodyguards. Let's solve this matter in a more pleasant way, shall we? No violence, no beating up others. We are both civil people. She and I are not related to each other at all. I will take my leave right now, and you can have her back. I won't interrupt your affair at all. "Si Chen lightly smiled in response to their unusual stares.

"But if you really want a fight, I won't be afraid to give you one." Si Chen continued to say as a cold glint flashed in his eyes.

He had his strength attribute past 10. He had no idea how strong he truly was, since there was no one who came up and wanted a fight with him.

However, if these few bodyguards in front of him really wanted to fight with him, and he could also take this change to find out how high is combat strength was.

Honestly, within his heart, he had hoped that they truly would come up and fight.

They could be his first targets.

The bodyguards stared at Si Chen for a while, the ferociousness in their eyes wavering a bit. Then, the leader of the bodyguards went forwards as he commanded, "It doesn't matter whether if they related. As long as Young Lady can come back with us, beating him up is merely a small matter. You should know of the efforts that we had to put in in order to get her trail. We cannot give up at this moment."

"You and you. Go fight with him. Don't be too hard on him though. Just make sure he get beaten up. And pay attention to Young Lady's movements. We cannot let her escape again." The leader of the bodyguards pointed towards two of the bodyguards within their midst.

"Yes!" The two bodyguards that were called out strode towards Si Chen. Their bodies looked tough and sturdy, and with one look you could see that they were full of explosiveness.

"Sorry for offending." They courteously spoke out, with awkward smiles on their faces.

Beating up a civilian wasn't something to be proud of, especially with people of their strength.

But orders were orders. They rather beat an innocent civilian, then chase after their little ancestor young lady.

In unison, they both charged towards Si Chen with their palms curled up into a fists.

They were planning to handle this with just pure brute force.

The speed of their fists were quick, and seemed to slash the air as it gave off a soft whistling sound.

One fists aimed at his right while the other, his left.

Si Chen stood there, his lips curling into a smirk as he rolled up his sleeves.

When the fists were just a few centimeters from reaching him, he moved.

Against the two fists that had struck towards him with strength, he raised his two arms.

Aiming with precision, he caught the two fists with his arms just when they were a mere inch away from his body.

The two bodyguards who were slightly reproaching themselves for probably using more force than intended, had their faces frozen in shock when the impact they had expected, along with the scream of agony, had not appeared.

The fists they had struck out with stopped in their movements, and when they saw Si Chen's arms that were gripping onto them, their hearts trembled involuntarily.

They struggled out of his grip, but to no avail. Si Chen's arms that locked onto their fists felt like iron bars that were basically immovable.

Si Chen, himself, was quite surprised by his actions. He only felt that their attacks were futile against him, thus he acted in careless manner and playfully tried to catch their fists.

Even if he missed, his perceptive senses told him that their attacks would do no serious damage to his body.

What he did not expect was that he could so easily catch the two fists that was as swift as the wind, with just his bare arms.

Then, he pushed his two hands outwards with force. As his arm muscles rippled with strength and power, they were transferred onto the fists of the two bodyguards.

Under this astonishingly powerful force, the two bodyguards actually flew in the air for a few meters, before they tumbled down onto the ground.

The rest of the bodyguards simply looked on with nothing but shock in their eyes. They had predicted for Si Chen to be taken down in a single attack, and then they could take away their Young Lady.

But who knew such a dumbfounding scene would occur. The two bodyguards who weighted a few hundred pounds just flew in the air as if they were mere feathers.

The 'thump' sound that was created when the two bodyguards landed heavily on the ground, also echoed out within their hearts.

"Looks like Young Lady has brought to us a surprise! No wonder she wanted us to fight against him. He is our sole obstacle before we can finally bring our Young Lady back. Everyone, surround him and attack!" The leader of the bodyguard quickly regained his sense as he loudly commanded.

Then, he took the lead and charged forward towards Si Chen.

Meanwhile, Yang Ran was utterly flabbergasted by this sudden turn of events that she had even forgotten to run away.

How could she ever expect the weak looking Si Chen to actually have so much strength?