Complete Win

How could she ever expect the weak looking Si Chen to actually have so much strength?

Facing the onslaught of the numerous bodyguards, Si Chen revealed a calm smile. His look as he gazed upon the charging bodyguards were as though he had everything within the palm of his hands.

This was simply what his strong perception had given him. These people, were not strong enough to fight him!

The leader of the bodyguards swung a fist towards him, which Si Chen easily dodged, and he gave a punch in return.

Si Chen heard a muffled groan, along with the sound of somebody flying in the air again, and he focused his eyes onto the rest of the bodyguards.

With swift and efficient actions, the 10 bodyguards all fell down onto the floor, gripping their stomachs in pain as they tumbled about on the floor.

"Shit! Why are we so unlucky! There was only supposed to be one little ancestor! Why is there such a fierce youth as well?!"

The leader of the bodyguards cursed out aloud as he laid on the floor, when he saw the group of bodyguards all groaning in pain on the floor.

They were all trained professionals who had worked out blood, sweat and tears to reach their current standard of combat strength.

Yet this youth who had not even graduated had managed to singlehandedly pound their asses.

How could they not be surprised?

A youth alone had the strength to defeat them!

Si Chen lowered his head as he looked down on the bodyguards who were rolling on the floor, and felt rather apologetic.

He had treated them as his strength testing machines, and was unable to control his own strength for a moment.

"Hehe, sorry for beating you up so harshly." Si Chen awkwardly scratched his head, as he said in an apologetic tone.

Although these people had the intention to beat him up at first, but he could sense that they bore no ill-intent towards him.

Since they were not enemies, he need not be so merciless and cruel towards them.

"And I say this again. I have nothing to do with your Young Lady in any way. So feel free to take her back to her home." Si Chen left behind a few words to the bodyguards on the floor

Then, he shifted his eyes, and coldly glared at Yang Ran who stood rooted to the ground.

Although he was uninjured, however, if he was a typical weakling, he would have long been beaten up by the bodyguards.

"You!" Si Chen eyes darkened as he peered right into Yang Ran, causing her to feel a chill down her spine.

"Have you imagined what would have happened if I did not have the strength to protect myself?" Si Chen took a step closer towards her, as he exuded a cold and dangerous aura.

"Because of your selfishness, I could have been severely injured!" Si Chen raised his voice and berated, pointing his index finger towards Yang Ran.

Yang Ran, seeing the approaching Si Chen, took a few steps back in retreat, her face in a slight panic.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Si Chen angrily said in a lecturing tone, as if he was a parent scolding a child.

The current Si Chen was poles apart from what he normally was. He emanated a dominating and imposing presence that was suffocating.

He was like a King who was declaring a punishment onto his subordinates. His majesty could not be offended nor denied.

Yang Ran could barely hold her composure, and looking up at Si Chen's cold eyes, she felt a hint of guilt and regret.

For the first time, she felt like what she had done was wrong.

She averted her gaze, and lowered her head and stared at her feet, as she mumbled in a mosquito like voice: "I'm sorry."

"What did you say?" Si Chen saw her mouth moving, but was unable to hear what she said.

"I'm sorry." She spoke up in a slightly louder voice. It was still soft and gentle, but Si Chen could clearly hear it.

He froze for a moment, startled by her response, and suddenly lost track of what he was going to say next.

He had not thought that she would so swiftly apologize to him, judging by her character.

However, he quickly regained his composure, as he said in a sonorous tone, "It's good that you know how to be apologetic. You better learn from your lesson, and not do this again. If not, I will personally…"

Si Chen left his next words blank, intending to deliver a harsh threat.

As he gave a cold hmph, he turned around and left, leaving behind his fading silhouette.

After he had completely disappeared from their sights, the leader of the bodyguard cried out from the ground, "Young Lady, could you please come back with us now?"

It was only then that Yang Ran realized that the bodyguards were still laying on the floor.

She gave a cold snort, "Hmph! You haven't even managed to beat him, so why should I leave with you?"

The leader was stunned, before he stammered, "But…but, he told you to come with us."

Yang Ran gazed down at the bodyguards who were still clutching their stomachs and grumbling in pain, and threw them a gaze of disdain.

"With how you look right now, do you think you can bring me back? Dream on!"

As her words landed, she swiftly ran away.

The bodyguards all raised their hands up in desperation, as if doing that could help them catch back their Young Lady, but to no surprise, it was useless.

The leader pulled out his phone, as he dialed a number.

"Are you done with the task yet? Is she with you now?" A low voice that contained a hint of agitation sounded from his phone.

"Boss, we have lost track of her again." The leader nervously replied.

And as he had expected, an explosion boomed from the other side of the phone.

"What?! You haven't managed to bring her back, and you still have the face to call back? Wake up your pig brains and search for her again!"

The man on the other side hollered with rage.

This man, was obviously Yang Ran's father, Yang Zhou.

"Boss, I'm calling you to inform you of something." The leader tightly gripped his phone after hearing the booming voice, as he began to tell him about what had happened just now.

When the leader was done talking, a silence was sustained on the phone line for quite a while.

"Cheng Nan, I need to ask you again. Did you specifically hear her say the two words, 'I'm sorry'? Not, "I will kill you?' "Yang Zhou very carefully asked.

"Yes, Boss. Although her voice was very soft, however, I still managed to hear her say these two words. I can swear on this with my life." Cheng Nan, the leader of the bodyguards, confidently replied.

Yang Zhou started to breathe heavily, as he tried to catch his breath.

"Nice work! You and that bunch of idiots can all come back right now! There is no need to go and search for her anymore." Yang Zhou ordered, his voice full of delight.

"Boss, we are currently injured right now. Could you send somebody to us to bring us to the hospital?" Cheng Nan asked.

"Of course! How could I have forgotten! You were all beaten up by my future son-in-law! Good, good. I'll send somebody to pick you all up." Yang Zhou enthusiastically said.

After hanging up the call, and sending a few people to Cheng Nan and his group of bodyguards, he was unable to suppress his elation as he ran towards his wife.

"Wife! Our daughter Yang Ran has managed to find a boyfriend!"

His wife, was named Ouyang Yun. She had rarely seen Yang Zhou that happy before.

And his words directly struck her dumb, as she asked in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

How could she not know of her daughter's character? The chances of her getting a boyfriend were akin to the chances of getting struck by lightning.

"Of course it is true. Cheng Nan had told me that our daughter, Yang Ran, had apologized to that man!" Yang Zhou said in a matter-of-fact tone.

After hearing this, Ouyang Yun, who had possessed that glimmer of hope that this was actually true, was totally extinguished.

She rolled her eyes, "She only apologized to a person, and you are claiming that he is her boyfriend. I don't get what is going within your mind sometimes."

"Wife, you don't understand. She actually apologized. She said the two words, 'I'm sorry!' When had she ever said that before in her entire life? If that person is not her boyfriend, why would she apologize to him for?" Yang Zhou continued to press on and reinforce his slightly illogical reasoning.

Ouyang Yun gave him a white eye, as she directly ignored him.

But Yang Zhou kept rambling on, "Wife, how long do you think we should give them to grow their feelings with each other?"

"Wife, do you think that they will secretly marry each other?"

"Wife, do you think that by the time she comes back, she will have a baby in her arms?"
