Blue Wave Restaurant's Banquet (2)

Meanwhile, Si Chen raised his hand up yet again, and requested for the information about the new dishes.

The waiter politely told him the information he needed, and Si Chen tapped his fingers on the table while raising his eyebrows in interest, and ridicule.

He had guessed that the Blue Wave Restaurant were using the stolen recipes of the past Seafood Restaurant, and he had also thought that they were going to add a few new dishes of their own to it.

But who knew that they merely decided to the stolen recipes?

It seemed like the boss's information gathering was quite run down, along with lacking in brains. How could they have not realized the current uptrend of the Seafood Restaurant, and the new dishes they provided with much better quality and taste than before?

This Boss Kong, is far too arrogant and thoughtless.

Si Chen casually waved his right hand, gesturing for the waiter to leave, while he continued eating.

At the same time that the Blue Wave Restaurant was holding banquet, the Seafood Restaurant was also doing the same.

Both restaurants were on opposite ends.

Blue Wave Restaurant was introducing the old, low quality dishes of the Seafood Restaurant.

Seafood Restaurant was introducing the new and upgraded specialties of the Blue Wave Restaurant.

It was not hard for one to know which was better.

He was waiting. Waiting for a reaction to occur as both restaurant's clash.

And this was not all that he had for the Blue Wave Restaurant. Within his pockets, was a thumb drive with evidence that the Blue Wave Restaurant were responsible for the food poisoning incident that occurred at the Seafood Restaurant.

He had specifically told Fang Bin to watch out for a mole within their restaurant, and within a few days of scrutiny and examination, he had successfully found out who it was.

Then, after threatening the mole, Fang Bin managed to get the evidence of their crime.

Si Chen was rather surprised when he heard this. He had never thought that the boss of the Blue Wave Restaurant was stupid enough to still leave their tracks uncovered.

He planned to gift this thumb drive to one of the nearby newspaper's production. He was sure that this will definitely make the headlines for tomorrow's paper.

And how can he neglect the almighty internet, where news and gossips always spread like wildfire?

He was confident that the netizens were sure to blow things out of proportion and give the Blue Wave Restaurant a great surprise.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, he heard a woman asked him, "Is the seat here taken?"

He raised his head from his food to glance at her. She was wearing spectacles, with a laptop in her hands, a bag hung over her shoulders, and dressed in plain and casual clothing.

"No, it's not." Si Chen directly replied.

The woman was not polite as she sat herself down, and he could hear her complaining under her breath, "Damn! Why is this place so crowded?"

She then heavily placed the computer on the table, while taking out a camera from her bag, as well as pen and paper.

"Are you a journalist?" Si Chen casually asked while he eating.

"Oh? How do you know that? Oh yeah, I have already placed all my things on the table, it is not hard for you to figure that out." The woman first lifted her brows in surprise, before she looked down at the messy items on the table that she had placed down and answered her own question.

"You don't look very old to me. Where are your parents? Why are they not with you?" The woman then took a closer look at Si Chen as she exclaimed.

A 16 year old youth eating all alone in this could be considered as fancy restaurant is not a common sight.

The word 'parents' hit a painful spot within Si Chen's heart, as he slightly tightened his grip on his utensils, while choosing to ignore her question.

The woman seemed to realize that something was wrong, and she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry for asking. I'm a journalist, so it is my habit to ask a lot of questions."

Then, she changed the topic, "Since you know that I am a journalist, then can I ask you a few questions about this restaurant?"

Si Chen raised his eyebrows in interest, "You writing a segment on the Blue Wave Restaurant?"

"Not really. It is just that the recent competition between the Seafood Restaurant and the Blue Wave Restaurant is starting to get intense, and this had become quite a popular topic. Writing about this is sure to get a lot of views and attention." The woman was quite talkative, even to a stranger that she had just met.

"So can I ask you a few questions? The questions are really simple and straightforward." The woman continued to say as she glanced at Si Chen with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Go on." Si Chen simply said.

It was not bad for him to get some entertainment before the true fun began.

"Okay. First question, what do you think of the food here?" The woman adopted a serious expression and asked.

"Horrendous, low quality, over-priced, disgusting, revolting, inedible." Si Chen spat out a few words of description to her question without pause.

The woman who was preparing to write something down, just froze there in shock

"That is a very interesting point of view." She said after a while, while nodding her head.

She quickly recovered, and then eloquently asked, "Who do you think will win - the Seafood Restaurant or the Blue Wave Restaurant?'

It was then that Si Chen abruptly smiled, "Seafood Restaurant. The Blue Wave Restaurant will fall by tomorrow."

The woman stared at Si Chen in bewilderment. How was his tone so confident and certain?

"Which company do you belong to?" Si Chen suddenly asked.

"The North View Company." The woman then replied with a hint of pride in her voice.

The North View was a news company, and was quite famous within District D and District E. Most news companies could only survive by getting the latest scoop and news around, and they would often dispatch a few journalists to roam the area to get hold of the latest information.

Which was what this woman was doing.

The North View sounded like a suitable news company. Even without needing Si Chen to go to the news company and divulge the food poisoning evidence to them, they had come right to him.

Si Chen studied the woman in front of her for a while. Si Chen's glaring stare at the woman made the latter feel rather uncomfortable, as though all her secrets were being laid out in the open.

She was about to speak up, when Si Chen took out a thumb drive from his pocket, and carelessly placed it in front of her.

"If you want some news, you can check what is inside the thumb drive." Si Chen spoke in a languid manner.

The woman was about to open her mouth and ask what was inside, yet she was interrupted yet again.

"Looks like the show is starting to begin." Si Chen revealed a wry smile as he muttered.

"Show? What show?" The woman was filled with confusion after hearing his words and looked around, but couldn't find anything different.