The Show Has Begun (1)

"The food here tastes worse than in the Seafood Restaurant!"

"My thoughts exactly. Not only that, the prices here are also much higher than in the Seafood Restaurant. The food here is simply lacking in quality, not to mention overpriced!"

"Come on, let's not stay here anymore. I heard that the Seafood Restaurant also is holding a banquet right now."

A few people stood up while loudly discussing amongst themselves, their curses and insults audible even within the loud and bustling atmosphere.

Most of the customers around ignored them, but there were some who curiously asked, "Is this really true? Is Seafood Restaurant that great?'

Out of the trio who were insulting the Blue Wave Restaurant, one went forward and answered, "Of course that is true. If you don't believe me, you can check the live stream at Seafood Restaurant on your phone!

"We had come here because we thought that this restaurant will not be as bad as the Seafood Restaurant. But who knew that the moment the dishes came, it was simply horrendous as compared to the food served at the Seafood Restaurant."

"Since you were so politely asking, I will give you some advice. Get out of this shit restaurant and go to the Seafood Restaurant. You are wasting your time and money here."

As the trio left behind a few words that were purposely loud enough for everyone within the restaurant to hear, they then left the restaurant in a dominating fashion.

Kong Liang merely scoffed at this, as he stood up and loudly announced, "There is no need for anyone to bother about such clowns who only want to dampen our vibrant atmosphere. These people are obviously actors hired by the Seafood Restaurant who try to ruin out banquet."

"Haha, Boss Kong is right. How could the Seafood Restaurant be better than the Blue Wave Restaurant?"

"Let's not care about such a small matter. Come, Boss Kong, let me give you a toast."

The customers all took their turns to fawn over Kong Liang yet again.

However, there were some customers who were skeptical and curious, who still checked up the live stream on their phones,

One moment was all it took to know that it was true.

The Seafood Restaurant was really holding a banquet as well, and from the looks of it, the food are looked much more delectable than the run-down dishes placed in front of them.

The group of people who realized this all promptly sat up and began to leave the banquet, while Kong Liang simply neglected their actions, his face still adorned with a confident smile as he chatted and laughed with the people around him.

Soon after, more and more people began to stand up and leave the restaurant without saying a single word.

This action had become so evident throughout the restaurant that a customer who was eating could not help but ask, "Why do you all look so urgent? Where are you all going?"

One of the few who were leaving paused in his steps and turned back to look at the customer who had asked in disdain, "Tsk. Search up on the livestream on your phone. Do you think we would possibly tell you that we are all rushing towards Seafood Restaurant because there is a promotion there? The less people who know, the less competitors we have."

As he said that, the man quickly shut his mouth when he realized what he had said, and hurriedly rushed out of the restaurant.

The customers within the restaurant were rather startled by his dramatic reaction, and couldn't help but develop a glimmer of curiosity. Whipping out their phones, they searched up on the internet and found the livestream.

Taking a short glance at each other, they similarly ran out the restaurant, even thoroughly neglecting the dishes on their table.

The waiter, who saw this, swiftly rushed up to the people who were leaving.

"Customers, you haven't paid for your bill yet!"

The customers merely took a glance at the bill and handed their cards, impatiently saying, "Hurry up! Don't waste any time!"

After the bill was paid, they all ran out of the restaurant without turning back their heads.

"What is happening?" Kong Liang asked in a low voice and glared at Pang Huan.

"I…don't know." Pang Huan nervously stuttered.

The restaurant which was once bustling with people and vibrant with life was now only half-full, and this number was swiftly diminishing.

The extraordinary atmosphere that had enveloped the restaurant was also quickly dampening and extinguishing.

Si Chen was calmly looking on, with a playful smile on his face when he glanced at Kong Liang's darkening face.

The woman sitting beside her, naturally saw this sudden turn of events, and turned towards Si Chen with astonishment.

How was he able to predict that this will happen?

This is simply not possible! And this only meant that he had played a hand into this matter, which was how he knew of this change of events.

Kong Liang looked at the steady stream of people leaving his restaurant, as well as the tables that were filled with food, yet with the chairs all empty.

The unexpected event gave him a sense of unease, and he gritted his teeth while still glaring at Pang Huan.

Meanwhile, Si Yin, the food live streamer, saw that the online fans on her current live stream was dropping at a rapid pace.

"What is happening?" Si Yin mumbled to herself.

She didn't care about the popularity of the Blue Wave Restaurant at all, but right now, her fans were even less than the usual numbers she put up.

This meant that something was truly wrong.

She checked the comment sections, and found out that most of it right now were all regarding the matters of Seafood Restaurant.

BBY: Why are you all still here for? The food live streamed at Seafood Restaurant by the live streamer Yun Ran looked so much better!

FoodyMan: Is it really true?

JYU: Of course this is true. I went to Yun Ran's live stream just now, and all the delicious dishes were being displayed one by one. I swear that some of this dishes were even shimmering with light. My stomach is already groaning after seeing all of the food.

'Yun Ran? Wasn't this the second rate live streamer that she had insulted a few days ago?' Si Yin thought internally.

She heard about the Seafood Restaurant, and she distinctly remembered that they had a food poisoning incident.

This incident got a bit of fire on the internet, and she was one of the food live streamers who depended on denouncing and criticizing their restaurant to become popular.

She went searched for Yun Ran's live stream, and that was when she saw all the dishes that were clearly pictured within the video.

She looked towards the dishes in front of her, then at the one's at the live stream, and felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

The dishes from the two restaurants could not even be compared on the same scale at all. It was like the difference between the Heaven and the Earth, and where she was at, was the Earth.

"Shut down the live stream immediately!�� Si Yin furiously screeched to her assistant.

Her assistant was stunned by her sudden outburst, and quickly turned off the camera.

"Miss Si, what is the problem?" Kong Liang cautiously asked as he shifted his gaze towards her.

Actually, by his status and position, there was no way he was able to get her to come to their banquet. But after pleading and using all his connections, along with a huge sum of money, she finally agreed to coming.

"Kong Liang! You actually dare to play with me!" Si Yin yelled, looking nothing like a beautiful live streamer.

"Miss Si, I don't understand what you are saying." Kong Liang was dumbfounded. How had he offended her?

"Do you know how many fans I have lost because I came to your banquet? More than 2000 fans! And it is all because of your horrendous restaurant!" Si Yin pointed her fingers towards Kong Liang and continued to shout.

"Let's go. I don't want to stay in this disgusting restaurant anymore! Kong Liang, I will remember this matter within my mind." Si Yin stood up and glared at Kong Liang, not forgetting to deliver a threat before she left with a huff, along with her assistant.

Kong Liang was still sitting there with a bewildered expression, his mouth opening and closing, but still not knowing what to say.