
Si Chen stood in an inconspicuous corner as he took everything that was happening into this eyes.

When he noticed that there were two man wearing western suits and walking towards Yang Deng, he had a guess of who and what they were here for.

The two men all emanated an unordinary aura, like true businessmen undergoing a negotiation. Their faces had on a smile, yet within that smile contained a distinct pride and arrogance they had.

They were most likely from the Northwest Drinks Company who were here yet again to seek an investment within the Hui Yuan Drink Store.

The two men stood right in front of Yang Deng, and began to shake hands with each other while exchanging pleasantries.

Si Chen strode a little bit closer to their location, while making sure he was out of their sights, as he listened onto their conversation.

"Boss Yang Deng, I guess you can figure out what we are here for? Our Northwest Drinks think highly of your new business, and we would like to seek an agreement with you." The man on the left spoke up with a smile on his face.

Yang Deng returned his words, "I'm sorry, Manager Yun. The Hui Yuan Drink Store has sufficient assets, and does not need any further investments."

His rejection was polite and clear.

However, Manager Yun did not back down in the slightest, "Boss Yang, our company is truly sincere in discussing a deal with you with the best terms on the market. There is no need to cut us down like this."

"I'm sorry, Manager Yun, but my answer still stands." Yang Deng still maintained his persistent attitude.

After seeing the resolute gleam in Yang Deng's eyes that clearly indicated that he had no intention to discuss a deal, Manager Yun's face stiffened, before his lips rose up into a wider smile, "Boss Yang, I admit that you're store right now is not facing any financial difficulties. But what if the Hui Yuan Drink Store suddenly meets with a few competitors that they are unable to deal with, and fall into a crisis?"

"You won't want that to happen, right?"

Manager Yun's words were a direct threat! If Yang Deng did not agree to an agreement between them, then the Hui Yuan Drink Store would become an enemy of the Northwest Drinks!

Yang Deng became quite uncomfortable after hearing his words. How could he not understand what the man in front of him was implying?

It was either they became friends, or they became enemies.

The problem was that he did not have the authority to deal with this matter himself. If he had rejected, then he would earn a huge enemy for their drink store.

However, if he had no authority to agree either, because he was not the major shareholder of the drink store.

Just when he was in the midst of his dilemma, his phone started to ring. Seeing that the caller was Si Chen, he went to excuse himself, before he picked it up.

"Accept the agreement." Si Chen directly said on the phone.

"Boss SI, are you sure?" Yang Deng couldn't help but ask. Right now, what he cared about was not how Si Chen was able to know their conversation, but rather his attitude towards this matter.

"Why not? If they want our recipes, then we shall give it to them. As long as they don't buy in our shares, anything else is fine!"

"Those drink recipes which I had created were all things of the past. I now have even better ones in my hands right now. Do you understand what I am trying to do?" Si Chen slowly spoke out.

Yang Deng took a while to digest this information, while pondering within his mind, before a lightbulb suddenly went off in his mind, "Boss Si, are you saying that you want to cheat off some money from the Northwest Drinks by selling the lower-quality recipes and then replace our drink menu with even higher quality recipes?"

"That's right. I was searching for a time to replace our drink menu, and the Northwest Drink's entrance is a good way to do so. All you need to do is to act, and then sell our recipes to them under an agreement. Negotiate for a split in profits by selling them the rights to manufacture the drinks, and after you make an agreement, publicise the cooperation between both of our businesses."

"In this case, even if we launch out our new drinks, and the Northwest Drinks find out that they were being tricked and want to retaliate, they can't do so without the risk of losing their reputation. After all, on legal terms, we are two cooperating parties. If they were to act against us under the public eyes, there is no way that they won't be condemned for such behaviour." Si Chen casually explained.

"Okay, Boss Si." Yang Deng answered after a while, before the call was hung up and he walked back towards the two men.

"Other than discussing about investing into our shares, we can have an agreement about anything else as long as the terms are not too ridiculous." Yang Deng released a heavy sigh, tensing up his face as though this was a really difficult decision to make.

Manager Yun directly spoke up, "Boss Yang, could you sell us the selling rights to the drink recipes within your store?"

Yang Deng took a long time before he replied, "Yes."

The two men exchanged glances with each other, with joy and delight sparkling within their eyes. The only thing that they had come here for was simply the drink recipes.

Why would they bother about the mere shares of the shop when they could directly obtain the selling rights of the recipe?

"Boss Yang, as long as you let us have the selling rights to the three drink specialties within your restaurant, along with the selling rights of the Great Milk Tea that you had just introduced, we are more than willing to accede to your requests." Manager Yun slowly said, as a crafty gleam flashed through his eyes.

He had saw the popularity of the Great Milk Tea earlier. If they were able to sell that within their own Northwest Drinks, their profit could rise to unimaginable rates.

"I'm sorry, Manager Yun, but if you have any ideas on the Great Milk Tea, I'm afraid our discussion would be directly over." Yang Deng's expression turned stern, and he turned his body as if preparing to leave.

Manager Yun, seeing this scene, instantly panicked as he hurried called out, "Boss Yang, there is no need to be so serious about such a small matter. Even if there is no Great Milk Tea, we can still talk terms with each other."

Yang Deng stared at Manager Yun for a while, before he begrudgingly sat back down.

"How much do you have to offer for the selling rights of the 3 drink specialties within our store?" Yang Deng took the initiative to ask, his eyes still carrying a slightly unfriendly look, as though if Manager Yun were to give absurdly low prices, he would instantly leave.

Manager Yun had come over to the drink store with the orders of the higher-ups to acquire the selling rights of the 3 specialties by hook or by crook, and it was best if they did it through legal means.

After all, if they were to announce a war against the Hui Yuan Drink Store, their Northwest Drinks will not get out of this without suffering a few losses, which they did not want to see happening.

Hearing that Yang Deng had so readily asked for their quotes, Manager Yun's heart burned with happiness, because this meant that the selling right for the recipes were really up for negotiation.

Manager Yun cleared his throat, and gave out his terms in a lower and more professional voice, "Our Northwest Drinks Company will offer a 8/2 split in profits, 8 to us and 2 to you, as well as an additional $20000 for the selling rights of the 3 drink specialties."

The terms that Manager Yun could be considered quite a rip-off. The first terms in a negotiation were almost always to test out the other's bottom line, and as Manager Yun had predicted, Yang Deng instantly rejected.

"A 8/2 split in profits? Manager Yun, there is no need to joke around with me. Do you think you will deserve 80% of the profits you earn from simply selling the drinks made using our drink recipe?"

"Manager Yun…I can give you the best terms I have. A 7/3 split in profits. This is my bottom line. Anywhere below that, and I will instantly leave right now." Yang Deng authoritatively stated, as he cast a sharp glance towards Manager Yun.

The Yang Deng right now looked absolutely like a boss, with his oppressive and dominating aura reaching out to the surroundings and slightly suffocating the two men in front of him.

"Boss Yang, let me call my boss to see if he agrees." Manager Yun replied, before he whipped out his phone and dialled a number.

Moments later, Manager Yun came back with an indescribable smile, "Boss Yang, our boss has agreed to this deal. Let's sign a contract and lock this deal in."

The other man who came along with Manager Yun took out a few pieces of prepared document from his suitcase and placed in front of Yang Deng.

When both parties had signed the contract, Manager Yun stood up and shook Yang Deng's hands, "Congratulations of Boss Yang. Your business will definitely prosper like a carp leaping through a dragon's gate after this deal. We will definitely not let you down."

Manager Yun had an amiable smile on his face, while inwardly he was sneering in his heart: 'This old fool. A 7/3 split and he actually agrees. Wait till we completely dominate the market with your drinks, and make you drink store collapse into dust."

On the other hand, Yang Deng was similarly smiling from ear to ear, as he maintained a humble expression on his face, like how all normal people would treat someone with a much higher status than you.

His dignified boss demeanour totally vanished, and from Manager Yun's eyes, it seems like he was obviously acting out with authority just now.

Manager Yun did not care about his act at all, because in the end, as far as he saw it, he was the ultimate winner.

How could he have knew that he was being played throughout the negotiations?

After transferring $20000 to Yang Deng's account, Manager Yun brought a contract of the agreement and left along with the other men beside him.

In the car, Manager Yun and the men were sitting at the back seat.

"What an idiot. The man actually thinks he can trick me with his fake authoritative act while trying to fish out more advantages. A 7/3 deal is basically sending us free money for nothing." Manager Yun pulled out the tie from his collar as he scoffed.

"I feel that there is something wrong." The man beside Manager Yun slowly reported his thoughts.

"How could there be something wrong? That man is a practical idiot who doesn't' know how talk business. We earn, they lose. It is as simple as that." Manager Yun instantly shut down the man's idea.

His heart right now was bursting with joy. He would definitely be rewarded with a huge bonus for completing such a beneficial deal.

"I still feel like there is something wrong." The man softly mumbled as he stared out of the car window.

But Manager Yun simply disregarded the man.