Eternal Fashion

"You did a good job there. Even I was almost convinced by your acting skills." Si Chen patted Yang Deng on the shoulders as he praised.

"Haha, Boss Si, you are exaggerating. All the skills which I learn came from you, so the credit all goes to you, Boss Si." Yang Deng humbly replied in an attempt to fawn over Si Chen.

"Good. Since you know that, hand me the $20000 for my teaching efforts." Si Chen straightforwardly stated.

Yang Deng acted out a depressed expression, but he did not refute

It was Si Chen's drink recipes after all, so he had the right to the money it was sold for.

Thus, Yang Deng simply silently transferred the money over.

He knew that a person could not be greedy. Si Chen had changed the drink store by so much, and he was already feeling satisfied by this.

Just then, he felt his phone vibrating, and he saw that a thousand was transferred to his account.

"This is for your acting just now…as well as your hard work. Continue working harder" Si Chen took a meaningful glance at Yang Deng, before he left.

Yang Deng's heart was brimming in gratitude by this gesture of Si Chen's. This was the direct acknowledgement of the effort he had put in for the development of the drink store, and at this moment, he felt especially fulfilled.

It was only a $1000. He believed that with the profits that Hui Yuan Drink Store had brought, he could easily earn that in a few days.

What he felt was important was not the cash though, but the thought that counts.

Meanwhile, Si Chen strode towards the direction of a clothing store.

He had searched for some information online, and found that there was a particular interesting store. It went by the name of Eternal Fashion, and mainly sold western style clothes.

It did not face any financial difficulties or the usual money issues, but was more of a normal operating store.

The only problem it faced was the problem that many other clothing shops also faced. It was not popular enough.

Not many people knew of its name since it was located in a rather remote location, and even though its store details were posted on the internet, it was not that attractive nor alluring, and not everyone was like Si Chen who do detailed searches.

Eternal Fashion was situated in the Rainfall Street, and it shop was built all the way to the very end of this street.

Si Chen reached the Eternal Fashion store within 20 minutes, and he took a good look at the design of the store.

It was painted black and white, and had the usual glass panels at the sides of the store entrance where a few clothes were displayed on the mannequins. The store signboard was simplistic, and merely had the words "Eternal Fashion" imprinted in a curvy font.

Si Chen pulled open the door and took a deep breath of the air within. There was a faint rosy smell that seemed more like this was a flower shop than of a clothing one.

The clothes were all neatly displayed at the sides, with strong and bright lights placed at the ceiling which shined radiant light to accentuate the attractiveness of the clothes.

There was only one store attendant within the entire store. She was silently sitting down with her head buried in some papers, and did not notice Si Chen's arrival.

Si Chen slowly approached her and lightly tapped on the counter get her attention.

She stumbled a while as she heard the sudden noise, then raised her head to meet Si Chen's face, and her eyes brightened, "Hi, do you need any help?"

"Can I know where the boss of the shop is? I have something to talk to her about." Si Chen asked.

"The boss? I am the boss of the shop." The young lady lightly smiled as she answered.

He was taken aback for a moment. The young lady in front of her was the boss of the store?

"You are the boss of this shop? This shop named Eternal Fashion? Why are you working as the store attendant then?" Si Chen raised his eyebrows and questioned.

In most cases, the boss sits at the back, while hiring a few people to manage to store. The Eternal Fashion shop, although not popular, seemed like it was quite a presentable shop, and it was hard for him to imagine the boss working as the store attendant.

"I am the sole boss of this place, and also the only employee here, which is why I am also working as the shop attendant here." The young lady patiently explained her circumstances.

"Do you not hire people, or do people not want to come and work here?" Si Chen asked in response to her answer.

The young lady lightly chuckled, "Not many people will even want to work here in the first place. Even if there was, the person would most likely be here for ill-intentions."

"Since you are the boss here, then it makes things easier. Let me introduce myself. My name is Si Chen, and I am here to negotiate a business deal with you." Si Chen warmly smiled.

The young lady started laughing all of a sudden after hearing Si Chen words. It was only after a while did she finally steady herself, as she commented, "That was a good joke!"

A joke?

Si Chen's mouth twitched, before he repeated himself again, "I am really here to negotiate a business deal."

His tone was serious and so was his expression, with no signs of him kidding around, and as the young lady saw this, her smile turned stiff as she softly asked, "Really?"

Si Chen lightly nodded.

"Haha, so it was a misunderstanding. I am Ouyang Xin, the boss of the Eternal Fashion shop." Ouyang Xin, the young lady, coughed a few times to disperse of the awkward situation she had just put herself in.

"I saw your shop on the internet and felt that it was quite worth investing in for, so I have come here to negotiate and invest into your shop. If you have any doubts about my financial capabilities to do so, I can assure you that this won't happen." Si Chen began to talk as though he was a mature man rather than a 16 year old youth.

Then, he took out his phone from his pocket and showed her the cash status of his credit card account through a bank app.

There was no need for him to worry about showing her how much cash he had. What was she going to do with that knowledge anyway? Kill and rob him? That's ridiculous.

Ouyang Xin abruptly sucked in a cold breath as she looked at the figure on the phone. This youth in front of her was rich indeed.

However, she still had a hint of wariness in her eyes. This youth was definitely not simple, and she had to proceed on carefully.

"Why would you want to invest into my clothing shop for? There are many thousands other shops for you to choose from, so why did you choose mine which is currently not doing very well? Ouyang Xin questioned.

To this, Si Chen simply replied, "Doesn't an investment earn the most returns if you buy in at a low price? There are many other shops in the world, but how much money do I actually need to invest into it? And how much money could the investment possibly return with? I might as well place my money into a shop that isn't doing that great, yet it has potential to succeed."

"With your kind of business right now, I can buy into the place at a lower price and earn back returns of many other times if it succeeds. Why shouldn't I do this then?"

Si Chen didn't bother to hide his true intentions. After all, who didn't know about such a logic? Investing into shops like hers has risks attached to it, but he was confident that he would be able to minimise those risks with the knowledge he possessed.

"What are the terms that you have then?" Ouyang Xin digested his words as she continued to ask.

"How much money did you use to build up this shop?" Si Chen gave her a question.

"$30000. I used all of my savings as well as part of my parents' to create this shop." Ouyang Xin answered, and Si Chen could see that a flash of hurt flickered in her eyes when she mentioned her parents.

"$30000." Si Chen nodded his head while pondering for a while.

"The value of this store right now can be said to be vastly below this sum…" Si Chen��s words trailed off, and Ouyang Xin also kept silent, because she knew that this was true.

Judging by the profits she was earning, she would take years before she could get a return of that $30000, and by then, she would miss the crucial period of her life.

"I will do $20000 for 51% of the shares of this place. Is this offer fine with you?" Si Chen then raised his head and directly stated.

Ouyang Xin frowned her brows. This was a very important decision of her life, and she had to think this through carefully.

"If you need some time to think, I don't mind leaving my number with you. When you have make your decision, then you can call me anytime. However, I have to remind you that this offer only stands for 7 days." Si Chen knew what Ouyang Xin was going through, and he gave an amiable smile while picking up a pen from the counter while neatly writing his number down.

"I hope to receive an answer from you soon." Si Chen waved his hands, before he left the store.