Successful Deal

He continued to search up for other suitable alternatives in the case that Ouyang Xin directly rejects his deal.

The contract between the Hui Yuan Drink Store and Northwest Drinks were finalized after 3 days, and Yang Deng followed his instructions and made this agreement public.

Most people cheered on when they found out about this, as they did not care about who sells the drinks, but rather where they were able to get the drinks from.

The Northwest Drinks is naturally bigger than Hui Yuan Drink Store and has many more branches, allowing for more consumers to be able to enjoy their drinks.

There were also some who were confused as to why Hui Yuan Drink Store had so easily gave up its biggest advantage in the market to Northwest Drinks.

Those were their speciality drinks, and if Northwest Drinks were allowed to sell them, it would no longer be limited to their drink store anymore, and the Northwest Drinks will snatch their customers instead, while the business in their drink stores would slowly diminish.

To those questions, the people wondered if the deal that Northwest Drinks had given was truly beneficial enough for Hui Yuan Drink Store to give up their biggest advantage.

Of course, they won't know of this, because the specific details of the deal was confidential.

In retrospect, the businesses who knew of the behaviour of Northwest Drinks figured that Hui Yuan Drink Store was being forced against their will, and secretly felt pity for them.

What the public did not know, was the Si Chen had already given the 5 upgraded recipes to the Yang Deng, and whenever he felt like it was ready, they would start to roll into production.

On the other hand, the Seafood Restaurant was still doing especially well, and is the undisputed number one restaurant around its street.

Si Chen had managed to find a suitable site for the branch restaurant. It was located within the D District, along the Blue Misty Beach.

The owner put the place on a rent of $12000 a month, evidently much more expensive than the land that Hui Yuan Drink Store's branch store was located in, because not only was it located near the sea, the land area was also twice as big.

This time around, Si Chen did not personally go to negotiate the deal, but rather sent Fang Bin to go and discuss terms with the renter.

And this was because Ouyang Xin had given him a call to express her agreement.

Si Chen felt a burst of delight in his heart when he heard that, and rushed towards the Eternal Fashion shop.

If this deal really managed to be finalized, this would mark the completion of his 3rd investment.

For this trip there, Si Chen wore a full black western attire while holding a suitcase in his hands.

If it was normal 16 year old who walked out with such an outfit, it would look weird. But because Si Chen's body was strengthened to one of a manly body, along with his sharp looks and natural businessman aura which he has developed while going through the few business deals he had experienced, there was no unsuitability in his appearance.

In contrary, this made him emanate a faint charm and style.

When Ouyang Xin had saw him, she eyed him up and down with shock.

The first time she saw him, he looked more like a suave youth. Right now, he was bursting with professionalism, as though he was a successful businessman who came for a negotiation.

This change of Si Chen made her confidence within him rise by quite a bit. After all, by sensing how one presents themselves, you would be able to roughly gauge their capabilities.

"Can you raise the $20000 deal? I find that it is still a bit too low." Ouyang Xin looked towards Si Chen's eyes as she asked.

"I'll raise it by $2000." Si Chen stared back at Ouyang Xin with his deep and calm eyes.

Ouyang Xin bit the bottom of her lips, and she closed her eyes for a while, before she opened them and nodded her head, "Okay."

From the looks of it, this was a very difficult decision to make for her.

Si Chen directly took out a few pieces of document, as always, to complete their deal. Both parties signed their names on the document, and each got a copy of it.

"I will create a business management plan to deal with the current popularity issue, and allow more people to be able to notice our shop. Your clothing designs are beautiful and creative, and I am sure that they will definitely not be disappointed."

"Also, since I'm investing into this shop, we will have more movable funds to use, and you should hire some store attendants to help out in our shop to lessen your work load and to allow you to dedicate more time to your designs." Si Chen pointed to the slips of rough paper placed behind the counter.

"Hehe. Si Chen, you are really acting like a big boss who give orders to his subordinates. How old are you actually right now?" Now that him and Ouyang Xin had signed the document and were considered as business partners, Ouyang Xin was now acting much more friendly with him.

"I'm 16. Haven't graduated from high school yet." Si Chen casually responded.

'What? You are only 16? I had thought that you were at least 18! But if you are only below 18, is our business agreement even legal? I hope it isn't, because it meant that you just gave me $22000 for free." Ouyang Xin widened her eyes in shock when she heard of his age, and then she began to joke around.

"Stop dreaming. Of course it is legal. By right, since I own 51% of this shop, I am above you in authority. Call me Boss Si." Si Chen waved his hands in a dignified manner, and lifted his head up in an expression of mock proudness.

"Little brother, there is no need to keep joking with me. By right, I am a few years older than you, and you should call me Elder Sister Ouyang!" Ouyang Xin rolled her eyes while placing her hands on her waist.

Si Chen gave a chortle at her words, and after they talked a while more, he then left the store.

Sometimes, he didn't know whether if he was a youth, or a mature adult. The investments and business he had been doing had clouded his mind and filled his environment with people much older his age, and with experiences much vaster than him.

He had to change himself to adapt to this environment, and occasionally, he wondered if that was good, or bad.

He looked up at the sky for a while, then adjusted his mind and returned back to the apartment.

The apartment was a bit nosier today, as Meng Yao and the pair of siblings were talking amongst themselves while watching the television.

After days of interaction, they have slowly adapted to each other's presences, and became familiar with each other.

"Oh? Meng Yao? You are back from your education program already?" Si Chen asked in a languid manner when he saw her.

"Yeah. Why?' Meng Yao turned her head back to look at Si Chen who was wearing a western attire, and her eyes flashed with a gleam for a moment.

"It's nothing. I forget to tell you that I had used up all the food ingredients within the kitchen to cook. You won't mind, right?" Si Chen carelessly said.

Meng Yao froze for a moment while wondering why he would tell her this, until she realized that the sole food that was within the kitchen were bought using her money.

"Si Chen! You…!" Meng Yao burst into anger and cried out. She had always regarded money as a very precious thing, and was most of the times living in frugality, trying her best not to waste money when necessary.

"Meng Yao, relax. They say that being angry for too long makes you ugly. What if you looks got destroyed because of this fit of anger? How could you get married in the future?" Si Chen was in a good mood after completing another investment deals, as he began to start joking around.

"It's just a few vegetables and meat. Anyways, Yang Yun has assured that he would pay for the food, so there is no need to worry. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave back to my room first." As Si Chen threw down a few sentences, while casually placing the blame on someone else, he directly went back to his room.

Yang Yun was still sitting down with a blank look on his face, and when he saw Meng Yao looking towards him, he instantly denied, "I didn't say that."

However, Meng Yao merely continued to glare at Yang Yun with her sharp eyes, while placing her hand out in front of Yang Yuns' face.

Yang Yun involuntarily felt a chill down his spine, and he could only begrudgingly take out his wallet and place a few wads of cash on her hands.

It was only when he did so, did the bone chilling gaze on him disappeared, replaced by a smile on Meng Yao's face.