Level 8

3 days later.

[Host has upgraded from Level 7 to Level 8]

[Host has gained 2 Free Attribute Points]

Si Chen woke up to this notification within his mind, and the slightly grogginess he experienced as a process of just waking up totally disappeared from his mind.

It was not very surprising for his net worth to break past $200000 and reach Level 8, since he had received $20000 from Northwest Drinks along with the huge daily profits brought in by both Hui Yuan Drink Store and the Seafood Restaurant.

The Great Milk Tea has already been launched, and as he had expected, this drink alone had created much greater waves to rage through the community.

The popularity that it has amassed had widely surpassed that of the previous specialties drinks of the Hui Yuan Drink Store.

On the internet, it was even widely labelled as the best drink within the E District! However, Si Chen felt that this drink deserved more than that.

The only reason why it was not the best drink within the city was because Hui Yuan Drink Store had only two shops.

How could a mere two drink shops be able to compete with this huge companies which have hundreds of branches within the city?

That was why although Hui Yuan Drink Store was popular, its popularity was limited to the smaller districts.

The city he was living in was called Hai Wan City. It was split into 5 smaller districts, and each district was also split into the four directions, North, East, South and West.

Hai Wan City could not be considered a large city within the Countenance Country, but it was still one of the mid-tier ones.

He could gather the Great Milk Tea had probably conquered all four corners of the E District, and it may not even take some time before it gains a stable place within the D District.

Regarding the extraordinary success of the Great Milk Tea, the Northwest Drinks kept silent, as the higher ups all thought that this was last-ditch attempt for the Hui Yuan Drink Store to survive.

Their original scheme was to make sure of the selling rights contract to snatch away Hui Yuan Drink Store's profits. Even though they gave them 30% of their profits for free, they could still find a way out of this contract as long as Hui Yuan Drink Store toppled due to the lack of popularity and customers.

What authority would a destroyed shop have to share their profits? This may be out fringing on legal rights, but whenever money and business was involved, no one would bother about this.

The Northwest Drinks would just need to use a bit of connections and money to strike out a deal with the relevant authorities, before they forced their way out of the 7/3 split agreement with Hui Yuan Drink Store, stealing away the entirety of the profits.

Although they were still rather wary of the success of the Great Milk Tea, a single drink could not guarantee the continued success of the store.

They were making a gamble that Hui Yuan Drink Store had no other new specialties to launch out.

They had reinforced this thinking when Yang Deng had actually agreed to give out the selling rights of the 3 specialties of their store, which was most likely an indication that Hui Yuan Drink Store's potential was at the end of the road. This was why they would agree to a cooperation with other companies to squeeze out the remaining potential of their drinks.

How could they possibly imagine that their gambles and risks were all nothing but a joke, and they were all mercilessly played around the ring of Si Chen's fingers like clowns in a performance.

Si Chen had already given Yang Deng the new recipes, and instructed him to introduce a new drink every 5 days.

Not as long as a week, nor as short as 3 days.

In the eyes of other companies, he now had the 'protection' of the Northwest Drinks after they both got into a mutual cooperation, so not many will dare to provoke his store. Therefore, Si Chen decided for their store to become a little more high-key under the 'protection' of the Northwest Drinks.

Of course, he was not being too conspicuous either, if not, he would have sent out a tens of recipes and launched them all in the same day.

This would definitely give them much hype, as well as unwanted attentions from those major companies.

He didn't want to opt for the store to be too concealed either, as this will stunt its growth and development process.

Si Chen checked out his net worth and found it to be at around $200500

He nodded his head in satisfaction at this growing figure.

As for the two Free Attribute Points, he allocated it to his Charm and Wisdom yet again, bring his Charm to 9, while his Wisdom was at a terrifying 12.

His face now carried with it a few distinct traces of sharpness, while his eyes reflected his unordinary wisdom that was as vast as the sea.

His learning rate was faster than ever, and he managed to make another breakthrough in his F&B Expertise.

To celebrate the achievements he had accomplished, Si Chen called Fang Bin to deliver some food from the Seafood Restaurant to his house.

The food arrived a while later, and Si Chen carried it back into the house. Xiao Meng, Yang Yun and Yang Ran all came over to the dining area. Although he was cooking every day and his dishes could be said to be top-notch, it was good to eat a different thing once in a while.

And another point was that he had run out of food to cook in the apartment. He should find someone to buy groceries in the future.

Thinking about this, his gaze naturally landed on the pair of Yang siblings that sat on the table while enjoying the food he had ordered.

He was not such a petty person, and he won't mind sharing food he bought or cooked with others.

But he was not a generous person who allow that for free either.

"Yang Yun, go and help me buy some groceries from the supermarket later. We have already ran out of food to cook." Si Chen glanced at Yang Yun and ordered.

"Buying groceries?" Yang Yun raised his eyebrows with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Don't tell me that not only do you not know how to wash dishes, you also don't know how to buy groceries?" Si Chen scoffed.

Seeing the unconfident look on Yang Yun confirmed it all, and Si Chen merely snorted, "Tsk. Even if you don't know how to, you have to learn too. Already a legal adult and don't even know how to buy groceries…"

Yang Yun face stiffened into an unnatural expression, and his eyes began to twitch.

"Are you going to buy the groceries, or not?" Si Chen saw that Yang Yun was not responding and asked. His voice was calm and neutral, but Yang Yun knew that there was a hidden threat within it.

If he didn't help to buy, he would not be able to taste Si Chen's cooking anymore.

Whatever. It is just buying some groceries. Although it is my first time, it won't be that hard for me. Worse come to worse, I could just ask for some help. Yang Yun thought inwardly.

"Okay." Yang Yun plainly replied.

"Yang Yun, I will go and help you buy some groceries too." Yang Ran suddenly spoke up.

Although they were both siblings, they did not use younger sister or big brother as a form of address, and simply called each other by their names.

Yang Yun raised his eyebrows in disbelief. His younger sister was actually volunteering to help? In the past, no, in all of his life, he was always the one being ordered around by his younger sister.

This couldn't be helped, because Yang Ran was the most loved within the family. His father was always acting biased towards her, and sometimes Yang Yun even wondered if he truly was his father's son.

Now, she actually wanted to help him out?

'Is it because she finally decided to care for me, her big brother?" Yang Yun thought inwardly and felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

The truth was always cruel though.