Blue Misty Beach

A while passed and Si Chen saw that it was time to leave.

He opted for the usual plain white t-shirt and pants, and when he left his room, he saw that Xiao Meng was studying in the living room yet again.

"Xiao Meng, do you want to go out and have lunch?" Si Chen walked over to her and asked.

"Big brother, are you going out again?" Xiao Meng pulled her gaze away from her book and looked at Si Chen.

She knew that Si Chen had often went out of the apartment, and as for what, she did not ask.

Seeing that Si Chen was now inviting her to go out with her, she would naturally agree.

Si Chen lightly nodded, and Xiao Meng closed her book and said, "Big brother, wait for me to change." Then, she entered her room, coming out a while later with a small little pouch hung over her neck.

She also wore a plain attire made up of organic cotton. He had bought a few clothes for Xiao Meng, and this was one of them.

Although her clothes were ordinary, it did not manage to hide her lovable appearance.

Her large eyes that shined like glistering crystals was like the angel's creation, filled with nothing but innocence and purity.

"Big brother, I'm ready." Xiao Meng smiled as she walked over to Si Chen who lightly fondled her hair fondly, before they both left the apartment.

They hailed a cab there, and while they were inside, Xiao Meng was curiously asking, "Big brother, where are you bringing me to eat today?"

"Didn't you say that you had liked the food from the Seafood Restaurant? They are opening a branch shop at the beachside, and I'll bring you to taste how good the food there is." Si Chen smilingly replied.

"The Seafood Restaurant?" Xiao Meng wrinkled her eyebrows as she worriedly said, "Isn't the food there very expensive? Big brother, there is no need to spend so much for lunch. We can go to a normal stall to have lunch instead. It will be cheaper there."

"Hehe. Xiao Meng, even if we have lunch at the Seafood Restaurant, they will not dare to charge a single cent for the meal." Si Chen lightly chuckled, "Do you know why?"


"Because I am the boss of the Seafood Restaurant." Si Chen proudly announced.

Silence ensued for a while, before Xiao Meng looked at Si Chen with a worried expression on her face, "Big brother, are you sick today?"

She placed her little hand onto Si Chen's forehead, and she frowned, "Strange. Why is it that Big brother has no fever but is sprouting nonsense in the middle of the day?"

Si Chen eyes twitched at her words and he was rendered speechless for a moment.

"I am truly the boss of the Seafood Restaurant." Si Chen opened his mouth after a while as he said with a serious expression.

"Big brother, even if you are not the boss of the Seafood Restaurant, I will always think that you are the best. There is no need to lie to me." Xiao Meng blinked her large eyes as she sincerely said.

"It's okay. Xiao Meng, you can see the truth for itself later. I will show you how great your Big brother is." Si Chen casually waved his hand as he declared.

Si Chen did not care what other people thought about him, but his little sister was his only family, so of course there was a different in treatment.

"Hehe. Okay then, big brother." Xiao Meng smilingly replied without a care for whether his words were true, then comfortably leaned her little head onto Si Chen's shoulders.

They arrived at their destination a while later.

The Blue Misty Beach, D District.

It seemed as though the reputation and popularity of Seafood Restaurant has circulated a fair bit within the D District, as there was quite a crowd around the new Seafood's Restaurant's branch restaurant.

The opening speech and whatnot had already been completed before he had arrived, and the customers were now streaming into the place.

Si Chen had instructed Fang Bin to introduce the new dishes, and give out a slight discount on the prices. This part was not much of a surprise.

Restaurants giving out discounts to attract more customers at their opening period could be seen far and between.

What he wanted to use to attract the customers, was the quality of their dishes. Because discounts could never be permanent.

The only thing that stays constant, is the standard and taste of their dishes.

And he wanted the customers to remember the Seafood Restaurant not for their temporary discounts, but for how great their food was.

Xiao Meng, who was walking beside Si Chen, excitedly turned towards him and said, "Big brother! It is their opening day today, and they are giving discounts! Hehe, the lunch won't be that expensive them, and you can save some money."

Si Chen did not respond to her as he kept silent. There was a short queue outside the entrance of the restaurant as it was already packed with people.

He waited for a while before his turn came.

The waitress who was in charge of attending to the customers on queue shifted her gaze from the group of customers she was just talking to, and looked at Si Chen's face.

Her eyes flashed with a glint of shock for a moment, and the practiced words that she was supposed to say got stuck within her throat.

She remembered that during the training program of the waiters and waitresses, she saw their boss take out a photo and told them to remember the features and treat them with utmost respect whenever the person visited the place.

And when they saw the youth's face, they were all evidently shocked and asked the boss who this person was for them to need to specially treat.

Their boss replied with two simple words, 'Your boss." This alone had sent surging currents of shock throughout each and every one of them.

How could they possibly imagine that such a young person was actually the true boss of the entire Seafood Restaurant?

"Elder Sister?" Xiao Meng saw the waitress dazed expression as she looked towards Si Chen, and called out.

"Oh…" The waitress mumbled a bit before she shook the thoughts away from her mind, and quickly regained her composure. She had undergone training before, and knew of how to deal with unexpected events.

Seeing her boss queuing up with the customers to enter his own restaurant was one of them.