Eating at the Seafood Restaurant

"Please follow me to your table." The waitress personally led the both of them towards one of the two seated tables while maintaining an extremely polite attitude throughout, as though she was dealing with her ancestors.

Xiao Meng was puzzled by the waitress behavior, especially the shining gaze at which the waitress had used to look towards Si Chen that made her feel rather uncomfortable.

When they sat down onto the soft comfortable chairs that were covered by pure linen, Xiao Meng could not hold it in as she leaned forward and softly asked, "Big brother, why is she looking at you with that gaze for?"

Her eyes were filled with curiosity, and a hint of discomfort.

Si Chen slightly laughed at her reaction, as he joked, "It's because your big brother is so handsome? Did you not notice my elegant features? How could the waitress be able to resist my deadly attractiveness?"

"Tsk." Xiao Meng coldly snorted in disdain, but as she looked at Si Chen carefully, his face had indeed greatly changed from before.

It was now sharp and defined, his features proportionate and symmetrical, whilst possessing a hint of manliness amidst his youthful suave face.

"Big brother, did you secretly go for plastic surgery?" Xiao Meng widened her eyes and questioned, but found her thoughts to be illogical too.

Even if it was plastic surgery, the change could not have happened so quickly, not to mention that she had seen Si Chen every single day and had not noticed any traces of such an occurrence.

"Your big brother is still in his growing up stages, changing to become a greater and better man." Si Chen replied in an elegant flair while running his hand down his hair in an action he had thought was chic.

Xiao Meng directly gave Si Chen a white eye at his nonsensical response, and then switched her expression to a rarely serious one as she asked yet again, "Big brother, why did she look at you like that? Don't tell me! You have a hidden relationship with her?"

As she spoke till the end, her eyes widened to an unbelievable extent while giving out a gasp of surprise.

Si Chen used his knuckles to knock onto Xiao Meng's little head, and sternly lectured, "What are you thinking about all day? Who is teaching you all this things? Is it Yang Ran? Or Yang Yun? I'm telling you, you better not learn from those useless bums! They don't even know how to wash their plates, cook, or buy groceries from the supermarket. Being with them is nothing but bad influence."

Xiao Meng pouted unhappily while rubbing the top of head, as she softly mumbled to herself, "If Big brother is jealous that I spend more time with them than you, you can just say it."

Black lines ran down Si Chen's forehead as his acute hearing caught her every word. The corner of his mouth involuntarily twitched in response, but he ignored his action as he spoke, "Didn't I say that I was the boss of the Seafood Restaurant? It is not a surprise for the waitress to treat me as such. After all, I am her boss."

Xiao Meng threw a side glance at Si Chen and skeptically asked, "Really?"

"It's all right if you still don't believe me." Si Chen indifferently responded as though he was without a care in the world.

"Hehe. Big brother. I believe you, okay? Don't be angry…" Xiao Meng hurried over to Si Chen's side and placated him, leaving the latter feeling like a crying kid who needed to be comforted.

Si Chen threw a mock glare of anger towards Xiao Meng, before he raised his hand to call for a waiter.

A waiter swiftly came over, and as he saw Si Chen's face, his expression inexplicably changed like that of the previous waitress.

"What would both of you like to order?" The waiter slightly bowed his body while courteously asking.

"Let me have a taste of all of your new dishes today, along with the few specialities." Si Chen unhurriedly ordered.

Xiao Meng had still not completely believed that Si Chen was truly the boss of the Seafood Restaurant, and she leaned over to Si Chen as she lowered her head and said, "Big brother, that is too much! There is no need to order so many expensive dishes. Let's just order some of the simple food instead."

Her voice so not very soft, and the waiter who stood at the side of the table could somewhat hear it. HIs gaze turned weird as he heard it though.

This is the boss's restaurant. Why would he need to bother about whether the dishes are expensive or not?"

On the other hand, Si Chen disregarded Xiao Meng's reminder and straightforwardly asked, "Xiao Meng, do you want anything else instead?"

"No…" Xiao Meng softly answered as she grasped her little pouch that hung on her neck.

"Then that is all." Si Chen lifted his head and mildly said to the waiter.

"Yes sir. Your food will be delivered shortly." After saying that, the waiter made a bow towards Si Chen before he left.

Si Chen then turned his head, and saw that Xiao Meng was acting slightly different.

He hurriedly asked with a gentle tone, "Xiao Meng, what is the matter? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No." Xiao Meng lightly shook her head, and paused for a while before she softly continued, "It is just that I had thought I would be able to treat Big brother for a meal outside. But it seems like I do not have the money for that…"

As Xiao Meng was saying this, her white hands were softly clutching onto her little pouch.

Si Chen felt that his heart was enveloped by unceasing warmth when he heard this. He stood up from his seat and walked over towards Xiao Meng while tenderly smiling, "Silly girl. Why would I need your money to pay for my meals? You are my younger sister, and it is only right for me to take care of your needs."

"But…but I want to do something for Big Brother…" Xiao Meng softly mumbled.

Si Chen affectionately rubbed her hair, "There is no need for that yet. You are barely only 14 years old. Wait till you become of age before we began talking about this. For now, you can concentrate on studying while I focus on earning money. Who knows, maybe if you study hard enough, you may be rich enough to support me in the future?"

His voice was smooth and soothing to the ears, and Xiao Meng could not help but feel a wave of comfort.

"Okay big brother! I will definitely study hard and make sure that I earn enough money in the future!" Xiao Meng waved her little fists in the air as her eyes shined with a resolute look.

"I'll be waiting for that." Si Chen lightly chuckled.

Less than a few minutes had passed before the food had come. This was not because the chefs cook that fast to be able to serve so many customers who were before his order, but rather because he received special priority for being the boss.

Xiao Meng looked at the food with a hesitant gleam in her eyes, but as she saw Si Chen directly eating, while also gesturing for her to eat, she then slowly dug into the food.

As Si Chen had expected, the taste of these new dishes were remarkable as compared to the past. The food were tasty and tender, with the juiciness all bursting into his mouth and leaving his taste buds tingling and reveling in delight.

Although there were quite a bit of dishes on the table, Si Chen managed to finish the bulk of it, while Xiao Meng had already filled her little stomach with food a long time ago.

"Big brother…the food here tastes so good." Xiao Meng lifted her head to look at Si Chen, and she tilted her head and continued, "But big brother, the food you cook still tastes better than theirs. I think you should work here as a chef. They will definitely be delighted to have you here."

Si Chen lightly laughed in response but did not say anything else. He raised his hand up again to call for a waiter, and when the waiter walked over, he called for the bill.

"Bill?" The waiter looked towards Si Chen, stunned.

Just then, a man walked over to their table with sparkling eyes, "Boss Si, I almost failed to notice you!"

Fang Bin was wearing a slightly fancy suit and his hair was gelled into a fashionable style that suited his 'boss' look.

His body was rather big and imposing, and like most businessman, he had that slight beer belly that protruded out of his clothes.

"Fang Bin." Si Chen lifted his hand up in greeting.

Fang Bin saw that there was a waiter at the side who stood rooted to the ground. He frowned his eyebrows and threw a sharp glance at the waiter, "What happened?"

"Boss…the big boss says that he wants the bill." The waiter slowly replied.

Fang Bin had thought that the waiter had offended Si Chen, but who knew that this was the case? He was unable to comprehend the current situation, and turned his head towards Si Chen

"Boss Si, this place is your restaurant. Why would you ask for the bill for?"