Completing the Agreement - Orchid Garden

The Hui Yuan Drink Store was doing better than ever, with endless customers streaming in every day, either coming for the Great Milk Tea, or their Sweet Strawberry Specialty.

The customers had no idea what had gotten over their minds, which had continuously urged them to drink it.

That was a little trick that Si Chen had implemented into his drinks, but the substance he had added was 100% safe, so even if the health authorities wanted to crack down onto it, they will not be able to find anything harmful.

The profits had reached a steady $3000 a day, which came in from both the branch and main shop.

On the other hand, the Eternal Fashion was slowly picking up some customers, who had either chanced upon the store in curiosity, or briefly saw it on social media and wanted to check if the goods were truly as good as they looked.

The makeup of the store, such as the designs and clothing placement, was appealing and pleasing to the eyes, which led the customers to have a favourable impression of the store.

And as for the clothing designs, although they may not appeal to all customers, they still attracted quite a few to buy them.

The new clothing line, which Si Chen had given the designs of to Ouyang Xin, still needed a fair bit of time before it could be launched.

The clothing manufacturers had already received the designs, so what they needed was to wait for the new batch of clothing to be produced.

The Seafood Restaurant was still doing get as it used to be, with its popularity rising every day, as more customers were being converted into their fans.

Yang Deng had not received any response from the Northwest Drinks yet, and Si Chen could not guess what they were thinking.

Their lack of response did not really matter to him, since he still had 3 other new drinks to be launched out, and he was sure that when the next drink were to be introduced to the public, it would definitely elicit some response from them.

A few days of peace had passed.

The door had rang one day, and Si Chen went up to open the door, and was given a package.

He opened it up and saw that it was the F&B Business Certificate he had earned on the internet. It was laminated, and with the usual "Certificate of Completion" and his name before.

There was even a stamp down at the bottom with a signature certifying the legitimately of this document.

For fun, he searched up the internet on the information about this certificate, and found that it was one that conformed to GIS, which meant Global International Standards.

With this certificate, he could apply to work at some F&B Companies, and may even stand a higher chance to be hired, because such a certificate was said to be "Universally Recognized"

Si Chen was rather shocked when he saw that, shocked at the fact that you can get a certificate that could allow you to be hired, just from the mere internet.

It seemed like the internet was getting more and more powerful and useful, and he had to place more attention on this money making industry in the future.

He wondered if he could complete an entire Business and Finance course on the Internet, but found that they were some limitations to online learning.

Although there were some websites that provided courses for one to learn on the internet, it was not as thorough and in depth as the ones in Universities.

If not, why would people still go to Universities, rather than just stay at home and study online?

He also chanced upon some interesting information, which was that certificates were graded by standards.

The F&B Business certificate he had earned could only classify as Standard 1, but although it was the minimum standard, it still possessed quite the influence.

After being informed of this, he no longer dwelled on this matter.

Later, he decided to leave the apartment and buy a few study materials to prep him up for the upcoming mock test which he had to pass, along with the National High School Examinations.

He also bought a few other assessment books for Xiao Meng, since he now had the money to afford more of it.

When this was done, he went back the apartment with two plastic bags within his hands, and went straight towards Xiao Meng's room.

As always, she was assiduously studying. Xiao Meng turned her head to look towards Si Chen, and her eyes brightened with a spark as she called out, "Big brother!"

"Xiao Meng." Si Chen wore a smile as she fondled Xiao Meng's hair, "How are the uniforms that I had bought for you?"

"They fit quite well." Xiao Meng sweetly replied.

Si Chen lightly nodded his head, then placed a stack of new assessment books down.

"I had bought these just for you. Make sure you study hard, and take a break whenever you feel tired." Si Chen warmly reminded.

"Hehe, thank you Big brother." Xiao Meng grinned as she lightly hugged Si Chen.

Unlike other kids, Xiao Meng was one of the special ones that seemed to have a positive attitude towards studying and learning.

Although most things taught in school is not really useful out in the society, it won't hurt for her to broaden her mind set, and when she was ready, then he would start to personally start teaching her the essential knowledge.

Si Chen talked with Xiao Meng for a while, before he went back into his room, and took out the stack of assessment books.

They were many subjects he had to learn, such as the usual Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry etc, with the only difference being that the difficulty was higher and the concepts were harder to understand than what he had previously learnt in class.

He looked through the pages, and his astute brain was able to instantly comprehend some concepts, and as for the harder ones, he had to pause for a moment, before he could understand them.

His memory had been enhanced, so there was no need to worry about forgetting what he had just learnt, unless of course, the size of information was too large for him to store.

But the information in these books in front of him had not reached the level above his memory limit yet, as they were too…basic.

He spent around 2 hours on studying the High School subjects, before he moved back onto Art & Design.

And while he was engrossed in learning, his phone rang, and casting a brief glance at the caller id, he answered it,

"Feng Ying, are you ready to sign the agreement?" Si Chen picked up the phone and calmly asked.

"Yes. Are you free right now? If so, could you come meet me at the Orchid Garden now?" Feng Yin, the owner of the Orchid Garden, carefully inquired.

"Okay. I'll be there in around 10 minutes." Si Chen answered, then directly left the apartment in his casual attire.

He reached the Orchid Garden a while later, and they both exchanged in a few pleasantries, before they signing the share transfer document.

The money was transferred, and all that was needed was for the document to be confirmed by a lawyer, and he would then become the legal owner of 90% of Orchid Garden's shares.

They both discussed about the matters of the café, and Si Chen left after talking for almost an hour.

Now that the acquisition of the shares was completed, he could get ready to do the usual business plans and creating new recipes to help develop the café.