Crystalline Bubble Tea Shop

He had sifted out one particular drink store called the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop. And as the name suggests, its main products were bubble tea, which were drinks that normally has a lot of sugar and sweetened condensed milk in it, along with the classic chewy pearls.

The Hui Yuan Drink Store had one product of this type of drink, which was the Great Milk Tea.

The Crystalline Bubble Tea business only had one shop, and instead of buying out a portion of the shares in it, Si Chen decided to simply buy out the entirety of the store and own that 100% of it.

Most of the investments he had made had already long broke past 100% in returns, and he wondered how much he could get back from this investment.

It was approaching night, so he waited till the next day, before he went towards the location of the Crystalline Bubble Tea business.

He asked the waiter present there to call on his boss, then waited within the store. He looked around for a while, and it was the usual modernistic stylish designs, with occasional animated pictures of the bubble tea drinks plastered on the wall.

The boss of the place came a while later, and he looked up from his phone to see an approaching man.

That man was around 180cm tall, and 40 cm wide. There was a ring of fat that layered on his stomach, which jiggled and trembled as he walked towards Si Chen.

"Hi, I am Si Chen, the person who requested to meet you." Si Chen held out his hand for the other man to shake.

"I am Dang Gu, the boss of this place. What are you here for?" The man carelessly gripped Si Chen's hand, then sat himself down.

Then, he turned his neck towards the waiter and shouted, "Get me a bubble tea for me to drink! And hurry up with that too!"

His voice was not the very least polite, as though he was ordering rather than requesting. Looking at this behavior, it was not hard for Si Chen to realize that this man in front of him, Dang Gu, was an entitled person.

Si Chen did not start to breach the topic about buying out his shop, but instead, began to ask some casual questions about this place, along with the management here.

Dang Gu was quite unfocussed as he talked, and most of the time he was simply drinking his bubble tea that the waiter had produced.

After a few minutes, Dang Gu had finished up the drink, and he became impatient as he urged, "Tell me what you are here for, if not I will be leaving already. I got something important to do today."

Si Chen cast a casual glance at Dang Gu's careless expression, and simply stated, "I would like to buy out your bubble tea shop."

"What?" Dang Gu cried out in shock, as one of the pearls he was chewing flew out of his open mouth.

"What did you say?" He then dug his ears and asked.

"You heard me. I would like to buy off your shop. Tell me how much you are willing to sell it for." Si Chen directly said with a serious expression while still maintaining eye contact with Dang Gu.

After looking at Si Chen's face, Dang Gu confirmed that he was not joking, and a plentiful of thoughts began to run over his mind.

"You see…" Dang Gu rubbed his hands together, and began to speak, "This Crystalline Bubble Tea shop had been under me for more than 10 years, and its heritage and roots are deep within the area here. Many customers always comment that our drinks are the best, and I always feel so fulfilled whenever I hear their words."

"I can't really bear to sell off my store, unless…" Dang Gu glanced up at Si Chen with a difficult expression on his face.

Si Chen was not an idiot, and knew what he was trying to imply.

"There is no need to beat around the bush. Tell me how much you want." Si Chen bluntly stated with his dark calm eyes that did not possess the slightest ripple within.

"Haha, you really understand me! I won't ask for too much. Just $30000!" Dang Gu heartily laughed, as his face rose into a silly grin while he pointed two fat fingers up.

"$25000. Take it or leave it." Si Chen did not bat a single eye at his ridiculous price and nonchalantly stated.

His arms were crossed around his chest, and there was a slight tilt in his head while he was peering deep within Dang Gu's eyes.

Dang Gu didn't know why, but he felt pressured when he saw Si Chen's deep and dark eyes, as though he was capable of knowing all his hidden secrets.

The price he had stated was obviously too high, but the price Si Chen had stated was not that low either.

Seeing how easily Si Chen had gave his terms, Dang Gu's eyes shined with a crafty gleam as he tried to take advantage and push up the price a bit more, "How about…"

And without even waiting for Dang Gu to finish, Si Chen lips curled up into a cold smile as a glint flashed past his eyes, "No."

Dang Gu felt that his heart was palpitating irregularly, as though he was afraid of something, and he did not dare to raise the price any further.

$25000 was already good enough for him, and he simply agreed, "Okay. $25000 it is. Will you be paying now?"

Disregarding Dang Gu's stupid question, Si Chen stood up from his seat and slowly said in a languid manner, "I will come back tomorrow with a contract. I will pay you the money then."

With that said, Si Chen directly left the shop. He did not worry about not being able to sell off the store. After all, after seeing the Dang Gu's character, it was obvious that he was a money grubber, and the store that he was operating was not any better either, with the drinks being sold at ridiculous prices.

Si Chen already knew the first change he was going to be implement, which was changing the price system.

A drink did to even cost that much to make. A drink that is sold for $3 will probably only have a cost of 75 cents, which is a mark-up of more than a 300%.

The drinks business is a rather lucrative business, especially for bubble teas that are often sold at sky high prices, yet receive numerous customers every day.

After exiting the store, he went back to his apartment while still searching for other investment targets for him to place his sight on.

Although there weren't any missions specifying him to do so, it won't hurt for him to increase his range of investments and earn more returns.

On the next day, he made his way towards the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop, where Dang Gu was already enthusiastically waiting there for him.

Seeing that Si Chen had come, Dang Gu licked his lips and passionately went forward to greet him, while even going as far as to introduce him to the waiter working there.

"Hey, what are you still stoning there for? Come here and greet your new boss." Dang Gu tensed up his eyebrows and commanded the waiter to come forward, who did so somewhat slowly.

"Hello, Boss." The waiter slightly bowed his head and greeted. When the waiter had raised his head, he naturally averted his gaze away from Dang Gu, as if he was afraid of him.

Meanwhile, he stared at Si Chen with a rather hopeful expression, as he inwardly wondered if the new boss would be better than his current bossy and unreasonable one.

Si Chen slightly creased his eyebrows when he saw this scene, and taking a second look at the waiter, he then sat a table along with Dang Gu, and instantly began signing the deal.

When the deal had been signed, Dang Gu hurriedly snatched over the copy of the contract, his eyes shining with countless stars.

He had finally got rid of the bubble tea shop! This shop was started up by his parents, who were too old and retired, while leaving him to take care of it by himself.

How could he possibly want to manage a shop, when he could do other better things like simply lazing around and sitting back while shaking his legs while spending away his money?

Now that the document was signed, Dang Gu no longer hid the trace of mockery as he stared at Si Chen, as if ridiculing him for making such a stupid deal where only he would profit from.

Si Chen similarly stared back at Dang Gu, and his lips slowly rose to reveal a playful and amused smile. He really wanted to see what Dang Gu's reaction will be when he finds out how well the shop will be doing in the future, and how much he would regret his decision today simply because of his greed towards money.