Previous Manager - Wen Xing

After they both chatted for a while, mainly small and useless talk, Dang Gu excitedly stumbled his way out of the shop, while Si Chen remained within and went to towards the waiter.

"How was your work here in the past?" Si Chen walked in front of the waiter and asked.

The waiter gave out a forced smile, "It was…good."

"I want the truth." Si Chen bluntly stated.

The waiter looked towards Si Chen, and he released a soft sigh, "Working here was the worst. The previous boss always abuses the waiters working here, until not many even want to work here anymore. He even priced the drinks at a ridiculously high prices, along with getting cheaper yet unsafe ingredients to create the drinks."

He paused for a while, before he continued to say, "If not for the fact that I am in dire need of money, I won't have continued working here."

Si Chen lightly nodded while patiently listening, and after the waiter was done speaking, he raised his head and gave a series of instructions. "First, I want all the prices here to be reduced by 30%. Please change the prices on the menu by tomorrow. Second, I would give a pay rise by 20% to all other waiters, including yourself. Thirdly, is there a manager of the shop here?"

The waiter's eyes brightened when he heard Si Chen's words, and a wave of joy filled his heart.

"Yes, there is a manager here. However, because the manager had gotten into a disagreement with the previous boss, she decided to quit the job." The waiter opened his mouth and hurriedly answered.

Then, he fell into a pondering expression, as if wondering whether to say something, and after a while, he finally spoke up, "Boss, the manager who had worked here was not only kind, but also very efficient and smart. I know that I do not have any say in this, but I hope that you can hire her back."

Si Chen's lips rose up into a light smile, and patting the waiter's shoulders, he amiably responded, "If there is such a capable manager, why won't I hire her back? I just have to see if she is up to the job though, if not, I would find someone else instead. Do you have her contact number?"

"I have it saved in my phone." The waiter began to say as he took out his phone, before he swiftly added, "The manager always takes care of us waiters. Sometimes, when I face an impeding debt, she would help me out from her own pocket, along with checking up with us from time to time."

"Call her and tell her that I am willing to hire her back. If she doesn't want to, then it's fine with me. Ask her to tell me the answer by tomorrow, or I would find somebody else to take up this role instead." Si Chen instructed, before he made his way out of the shop.

Since the waiter was acquainted with the manager, he might as well let him do the work instead.

He went back to the apartment to devise a few bubble tea related recipes, with a few different flavours. Of course, he also added the special substance, Baboonaloyxlic into it.

The next day, he visited the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop yet again, and saw a new addition in the shop.

A rather youthful looking woman was talking to the waiter, and they both had light smiles on their face.

The Crystalline Bubble Tea shop was currently empty, so there were no customers to attend to.

The waiter abruptly looked behind and saw Si Chen, and leaned his head forwards to tell the young woman of his presence, who had turned back to look at Si Chen was a curious and studying gaze.

Si Chen walked towards her with unhurried steps, seemingly not minding her gaze in the slightest, and stepping right in front of her, his face rose up into a warm smile, "I am Si Chen, the person who had bought over the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop just yesterday. Nice to meet you."

"I am Wen Xing, the previous manager of this shop. I was kicked out by the previous boss, and I heard that you wanted to hire me back?" The youthful woman responded with a smile on her own, upholding an expression that did not show the slightest hint of weakness.

"The waiter had told me that you were a capable person. I wanted to see how good you truly are." Si Chen lightly lifted his eyebrows and commented with a trace of interest in his eyes.

"That's fine with me. You seem like a better boss than the previous boss, even though you look young." Wen Xing bluntly said.

"Oh? That is some good eyesight you have there. First, let's go take a seat and talk about this shop." Si Chen softly chuckled while making her way towards one of the tables and casually sat down on the chair.

Wen Xing followed behind him and did the same.

"Tell me about yourself." Si Chen questioned, casting his eyes upon Wen Xing.

She was a rather interesting character. Although she was acting all strong and not very polite to him, he could see that this was just a cover she had placed upon herself, most likely because of Dang Gu's unreasonable character that made her feel a trace of vigilance towards him, the new boss.

"I am 25 this year, graduated from the Balefield University with a degree in business management. But because I couldn't find a job elsewhere, I worked here as a manager instead." Wen Xing introduced herself in a clear tone.

A business management graduate working as a mere manager in collapsing drink store.

Si Chen looked towards Wen Xing as a gleam flashed past his eye, "What do you specialise in?"

"Communication and operation." Wen Xing straightforwardly replied.

"That's good." Si Chen smilingly said, and then leaned forward on his seat and asked, "Do you know what I want to transform this store into?"

Wen Xing raised her eyebrows in curiosity.

"The next Hui Yuan Drink Store. And better." Si Chen threw down with a dramatic flair, while intensely examining Wen Xing's reaction.

"Hui Yuan Drink Store? Do you know how popular that store is right now? What makes you so confident that you can make this bubble tea shop as great as that business?" Wen Xing doubtfully asked, with a skeptical look on her face.

"There is no need to question how I am going to that. You just need to know that I will." Si Chen's words were rather arrogant at this point, but only those with true capability was able to have the qualifications to be arrogant, and it would no longer be called arrogance, but confidence.

Si Chen's confidence, was the things that were within his mind.

The System, and the knowledge imbued within.

And of course, because he was the one who made Hui Yuan Drink Store progress to its current state.

"Now, are you willing to work at the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop again?' Si Chen inquired while faintly tilted his head.

"I have no other jobs to go to anyway." Wen Xing nodded her head in agreement.

"Nice. Do you know of the instructions that I had given?" Si Chen mildly asked.

"The pay rise and the cut on the prices. Yeah, I heard that already." Wen Xing promptly answered.

"I hope that you will be able to implement this changes." Si Chen stated, then brought out a folder, "These are some recipes that I have prepared. Make sure that these do not get leaked out to the public, and prepare to launch the new products in our store."

Handing over the folder, the temperature within the place abruptly dropped by a few degrees, as Si Chen threw a sharp glance at Wen Xing and warned in an icy cold tone, "If you do not keep complete secrecy on this…I will find you."

"I will prepare a hiring contract for you tomorrow." Si Chen then stood up with a gentle smile on his face, then left the shop.

Wen Xing stared at Si Chen's fading silhouette with a dazed look on her face. His voice and gaze just now, was by far the most terrifying thing she had ever experienced in her life.

It was not as if she had harbored any thoughts on releasing the information on the recipes, since she didn't even know what they were in the first place, and she was not one to snitch out either.

But the sudden change in Si Chen's behavior was too unexpected for her to handle, and she could even distinctly hear the thumping of her heart against her chest.