Seeing a Familiar Person

Recess came, and a group of students came rushing towards his table, asking him a multitude of questions about him.

After responding with a friendly smile, and a few casual replies, he gave an excuse and left the class.

He came back a while later when he heard that the bell signaling for the end of recess had already rung.

Lazily walking back to his seat, he paused in his footsteps when he saw someone familiar sitting beside his seat.

Her long eyelashes was slightly drooping down, and her face was partially concealed as she looked down towards her phone. Her hair was silky black that softly ran down her shoulders, and her uniform was neat and tidy. Yet all this failed to conceal the cold and unfriendly aura that was emanating out of her body.

He stopped his footsteps right in front of the table, and lowered his eyes to look at that person.

"Hey, who is it…" She raised her head with a annoyed expression when she noticed that there was somebody standing near her table, but as she saw Si Chen, she exclaimed in shock, "What…what? Why are you here?"

Then, she suddenly though of something and pointed her fingers towards him, "Don't tell me…"

"Didn't I already say that I was promoted and skipped a few grades?" Si Chen lightly chuckled as he unhurriedly sat down on the chair beside her.

"How did you get into this class?" Yang Ran asked in surprise.

"I took a test, aced it, and got allocated here." Si Chen plainly replied with a nonchalant expression.

And while Yang Ran was slightly creasing her eyebrows in a lack of understanding, he slightly turned his head and mildly commented, "You come rather late for class."

At this point of time, Yang Ran had got over that slight shock she had received and regained her composure.

Looking at Si Chen, she lifted her head up, "This lady here is one of the top students in the class. The lessons are always so useless, and even if I don't attend, I can also get the top results. The teachers can't say anything about this."

Saying this, her voice was raised a bit higher, as a result of her confidence in her grades, "Do you need me to teach you? The High School National examinations are not that easy to score, but as long as you learn from me, I guarantee that you will be able to pass with flying colours!"

A few of the nearby classmates heard her words, and their faces froze in shock as they dug their ears, wondering if they had heard correctly

She slightly nudged Si Chen on the shoulders with a hopeful glint in her eyes, which Si Chen himself felt was incomprehensible.

"I'm fine." He directly rejected, and pulling out his phone, he carelessly continued, "I didn't come to the back of the class to study."

Yang Ran glanced at Si Chen with an understanding gaze.

But even after hearing Si Chen's rejection, she still continued to ask him what he knew of, and what he did not understand.

Although his eyes were aimed towards his phone, he could also understand what Yang Ran was talking about, and the more she explained, the more intrigued he was.

Slowly, he began to put his phone away and patiently listen to her teachings.

All the teachers that came in completely disregarded the interaction that was taking place at the back of the class, as they knew what kind of students Yang Ran and Si Chen were.

At the end of school, Si Chen looked at Yang Ran with a different gaze. He did not expect for her to actually be that smart of a person.

His knowledge of the subjects tested were, although abundant, were not comparable to hers.

Part of the reason was that he did not place that much attention and time onto it, but it was still remarkable that Yang Ran had actually knew more than him.

Judging by her standard, she was most likely the top in the class, and not one of the top.

His foundation of his High School knowledge had been strengthened after her 'lesson', and because of his Wisdom, he was able to understand every single word she was saying.

"Thanks for the help." Si Chen thanked her before rising up from his seat. Because he did not bring anything to school, other than his phone and wallet, he did not have to pack up his table.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Yang Ran saw that he was preparing to leave and called him out.

Si Chen glanced back at her, "I'm not going back to the apartment now.�� Then, he calmly walked out of the classroom.

There were a few students that followed him, trying to get more information out of him, and he had to take a few twists and turns before he could get them off his tail.

Without bothering to get a change of clothes, he took a cab towards the Eternal Fashion shop.


Within the Eternal Fashion shop.

Bright crystals and lights shimmered and glittered around the store. The place was fancier and the designs were more elaborated and aesthetically pleasing than before.

Under the soft playing music at the background, there were a few other noises produced by the customers who came to check out the clothes on display.

Other than Ouyang Xin, there were 3 other female attendants within the store, each wearing well designed uniforms, and their appearances were all naturally attractive.

Seeing that Ouyang Xin and the 3 female attendants were all huddled up in a corner, Si Chen walked towards them and lightly coughed to get their attention.

Ouyang Xin, who was currently indulged in her story-sharing session, looked at the new arrival with sparkles dancing in her eyes.

"What grand occasion is it for the great Si Chen to come and patronize our store today?" Ouyang Xin acted out a humble expression as she dramatically welcomed his presence.

Si Chen turned a blind eye towards this display.

Meanwhile, one of the female attendant curiously looked at Si Chen and asked, "Lady Boss, who is this student?"

"Him?" Ouyang Xin raised an eyebrow, before seriously introducing, "This is your Boss."

The three female attendants instantly widened their eyes in understanding, "So Boss and Lady Boss are married to each other."

"But Lady Boss, why is it that Boss seems a bit too young to be of marriageable age?" One of the attendants abruptly spoke up.

A few black lines ran down Si Chen's forehead as he looked upon this scene. He naturally knew why they had such a response, and it was because in normal cases, a couple who run a store together will be termed as Boss and Lady Boss.

"I'm her big boss. I am above her in terms of authority." Si Chen smilingly explained, and did not forget to add, "We have no ties with each other."

The female attendants looked at Ouyang Xin for confirmation, who then nodded her head and answered, "He is the main shareholder of this place. Next time you see him, you have to call him Big Boss Si. He likes being called that way."

Her tone at the end contained a hint of a tease.

Si Chen's smile stiffened.

"That's enough. Get back to work now." Si Chen gestured for the 3 female attendants to leave them, before he glanced at Ouyang Xin as his tone turned serious, "I came here to talk some business. Regarding the share distribution."

Ouyang Xin, who still had a playful smile dancing on her lips, slowly retracted that smile.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"Currently, I possess 51% of the shares, while you got 49%. I would like for that to change to become 80 to 20." Si Chen made a deliberate pause, "I'm sure you are aware of the changes that I brought to this shop, and if not for the fact that I think highly of you, I would have either completely bought out the entire place, or settle for another clothing shop instead."

"Okay." Ouyang Xin understandingly agreed.

"What?" Si Chen slightly cried out in surprise. He did not expect for her to be so easy going.

"I didn't even tell you how much I will give you for that." He stared at her eyes and stated.

Ouyang Xin stared back at him with serene eyes, "I'm sure Big Boss Si would not be so inhumane to cheat me off this poor little lady, would he?"

"I gave you $20000 the last time. This time, I'll do $15000. Take it as a bonus." Si Chen gave her a side glance.

$15000 was not much to him, who could easily get back that money in 2 days. In fact, he felt as though maybe it was a little bit too little.

But considering that he had used $20000 to buy out 51% of the shares the last time, the price he offered was indeed quite decent.

"Hehe, I knew Boss Si is a generous and kind person." Ouyang Xin cheerfully chuckled.