First Lesson

After he had signed the document, he gave a light chuckle, "Looks like I am now legally your boss."

Then, his expression turned serious, "When I say that I want you to maintain total secrecy, I mean every single word of it. I hope that you won't be cheating me, or you will have to deal with the consequences yourself."

His warning was loud and clear, his meaning plain and evident, and Meng Yao lightly nodded her head.

"I will give you a few files regarding the businesses I have dipped my hands into, and you can take your time to adjust to it." Si Chen sat up from the sofa, and walked to his room.

He walked back out with a few files within his hands, each containing the relevant contracts and documents that declared his share within the various businesses.

Placing the files on the table, he used a portion of his strength to heavily tap onto it with his index finger, "This is all you need to know. After you are done going through this, I will assign to you your first task as my assistant manager."

He turned around and mildly continued, "After all, I cannot be paying you to do nothing."

Staring at Si Chen who entered his room, she curiously looked at the files on the table, and a burning desire welled within her, giving her an impulse to find out what was so important that Si Chen needed to place emphasis on confidentiality

As she went through document by document, her eyes could clearly register what each of them meant, and they dilated in disbelief, her jaw nearly dropping onto the ground.

The weight of the words within these documents were so huge, that if not for the fact that they were printed in black and white, she would have shut down the idea in an instant.

Other than the Hui Yuan Drink Store, Si Chen also possessed major amount of shares in the Seafood Restaurant, the Orchid Garden, the OnShop website, the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop, and a majority shareholder in the Eternal Fashion.

She didn't know of the others, but she clearly know what the Seafood Restaurant was, because she had also planned to apply for the interview there.

As for the rest of the businesses, it would at least cost around $20000 for each one of them, and adding them all up together would give a terrifying figure.

She could not imagine that the youth who had rented out her apartment, and was staying in the same place as her, was the same youth that possessed a huge stake in so many businesses.

In her eyes, Si Chen was becoming increasingly mysterious. There was no way that any normal person at his age could possibly achieve so much success in the business world.

There must be an enigmatic factor at play here. Something that she didn't know of.

"Hey, Meng Yao, what are those files that you are holding in your hands?" Yang Ran had just finished washing the dishes, and slumped over onto the sofa while pointing towards the documents within Meng Yao's hands.

Her words snapped her out of her daze, and she casually responded, "It's just a few documents that I am required to go through for my University project work. The business course is really exhausting, and I have to go back to my room and finish reviewing these documents as soon as possible."

Standing up, she left to her room with the files in her hands.

Yang Yun walked out of the kitchen while dusting off his hands, and cast a side glance at Meng Yao, the expression in his eyes inscrutable.

A day slowly passed.

Si Chen woke up to the usual glare of the sun that creeped in through the gaps in the curtain. He did not bother to close up that area, since it could be considered as his wake up call.

Taking a long deep stretch while heavily exhaling, he quickly jumped out of his bed so that he would not feel that dangerous impulse to linger on his bed for a longer time.

This was going to be his first day of official lesson in class, and Si Chen was feeling…unperturbed.

With an indifferent expression, he put on his school uniform, then walked out of his room to cook breakfast for both him and Xiao Meng, who was obediently sitting down on the dining table while giving him a sweet smile amidst her slight grogginess.

They finished breakfast within 10 minutes, then left to hail a cab.

Xiao Meng was leaning onto his shoulders the entire trip there, her eyes half-open, and her long eyelashes faintly fluttering.

Her head was warm, and her hair was silky smooth. To not disturb her, Si Chen maintained his stiff and uncomfortable position throughout the entire ride, while his face hung an indescribably warm smile.

As they reached the Oakwood High School, Xiao Meng rubbed her eyes with a slightly blurred look on her delicate face as she alighted, then gave Si Chen a light hug before reluctantly waving him goodbye.

Si Chen glanced at her adoringly, then slowly walked to his allocated class.

He heard the bell ring on his way to the class. His footsteps remained on the same pace.

There was a teacher who was standing outside the class, his mouth widening and closing, before rising up into a smile that looked forced.

Si Chen looked upon this scene with a humored smile hanging on his lips. It seems like the teacher was preparing himself.

His footsteps were calm and unhurried, and although they were soft, the teacher could sense the presence of another student walking towards him.

The forced smile on his face instantly disappeared, leaving behind a stern, serious look as he turned his head around to look at the approaching student.

Finding out that he was unable to recognize that student, his slightly creased his eyebrows, until Si Chen stepped right in front of him and introduced himself, "My name is Si Chen, and I am the one who passed the promotion test."

The teacher's face immediately brightened up as he studied the student in front of him, while consciously nodding his head, "So you are the 16 year old student who had scored well for the High School mock exam. Come in, come in."

He personally opened the classroom door, and led him into the class, which was previously busting with noise, but slightly quietened down upon the entrance of the teacher.

The class quickly noticed Si Chen, and the class environment abruptly became a bit strange.

Under the unblinking and curious eyes of around 40 students, the teacher lightly coughed, then introduced, "This is Si Chen, and he would be joining our Class 1! Please welcome him."

A round of applause came as a sort of a welcome, and Si Chen stepped one feet forward, "My name is Si Chen, and I will not be coming to class often, so there is no need to care too much about my presence."

His tone was direct and straightforward, his expression serious, his posture straight and unbending.

The classroom went into a clamour at his words, and cast their eyes towards the teacher standing beside him.

"That was an unordinary introduction indeed. Si Chen, you can now make your way to any empty seat." The teacher smilingly said.

Si Chen silently acknowledged his words and walked towards an empty seat all the way at the back of the class.

The chairs were paired in two, and both the seats were empty, so he figured that the other person probably did not come, or there was no one sitting there.

It didn't really matter though, because he was sitting at the back so that he can use his phone to learn relevant knowledge to himself without disturbing the class.

A few strange gazes were sent to his way when they saw this act of his.

Meanwhile, a main portion of the female students all turned their necks to look at Si Chen, while whispering amongst themselves, sometimes coquettishly chuckling to their partners.

On the other hand, the male students all looked at the teacher with bewildered gazes, their expressions literally questioning why Si Chen was let off the hook even after he evidently proclaimed his intention to skip classes.

To the reaction of the male students, the teacher gave a cold snort, and pointed towards Si Chen with a brilliant light flashing in his eyes, "And congratulations to student Si Chen for achieving 85% for the Mathematics mock exam, and 87% for the English mock exam. Everyone, could you please give a round of applause for him!"

Upon hearing this, the male students instantly looked at Si Chen with incredulity. With that kind of grades, it could count as the top in the class already.

"Ah, and I forgot to mention. Si Chen is only 16 years old, so he may be lacking in a few areas. I hope that you students will not be too hard on him."

The teacher's next words sent the entire class into a dumbfounded silence. The only sound that could be heard was the soft whirring of the air conditioner.

No wonder they felt that there was something wrong! The students all thought inwardly to themselves, and their eyes now contained a trace of awe and amazement.

Those youths who had previously put on complaining and unwilling expressions in regard to the preferential treatment Si Chen had received all cleverly kept their mouths shut.

There were a few that were still unhappy, but they merely indiscriminately mumbled to themselves.

Si Chen gave a light smile in respond to all the attention he was receiving, then looked back down at his phone.