First Assistant

Looking around the Blue Misty Beach region, rather than going to the Seafood branch restaurant, he went towards the Western restaurant that was around a hundred meters away from it.

Along the entire Blue Misty Beach, there was a long stretch of streets where multiple stores lay, be it selling clothes, food and beverage, or souvenirs.

HoneyChef Restaurant.

The waiter politely greeted him, and he entered the place afterwards.

Fine linen cloths were covering the tables, and on each of the dining tables was a small little plant placed it in the middle.

Si Chen comfortably sat down on the chair, and glanced down at the menu to look at his options.

Meat took up the bulk of the menu, such as the usual grilled meat.

Raising an eyebrow at the assortment of dishes that were provided, he raised his hand and began to order a few of their more delectable dishes, which either had a thumps up at the side, or a star.

If this restaurant sells food that looks as good as it does in the menu, this would truly be a one-of-a-kind restaurant.

Usually, in beaches that could be considered to be a part-tourist region, the food would be priced at a slightly higher rates, and as for the quality, maybe not so much.

He was considering if he should invest in a few of the restaurants along the Blue Misty Beach. Based on his research though, the restaurant he was eating at, had a few other branch restaurants elsewhere.

However, it could not be considered as far-reaching yet.

The food came a while later, and he slowly dug into it. Learning proper dining etiquette was a must for most businessman, and he ate with style and elegance, as he had learnt from either videos online, or through dining in higher class restaurants.

After he finished his meal, he took a second look at the empty plates, then raised his head up in a pondering expression.

He sat up from his chair, then went to pay for his meal.

"Thank you for patronizing our restaurant. I hope you may come again next time." The cashier smilingly returned his credit card to him.

"It was a good meal." Si Chen took back his credit card with one hand, and complimented.

Turning around, he left.

After this, he went to a few of the other restaurants nearby, and of course, he did not eat a full meat, but rather just taste tested it by having a few bites.

His appetite has risen along with his strength, but that does not mean that it was so great to the point where he could consume more than tens of dishes at one go.

It was now half past 4, and Si Chen went straight back to his apartment.

At night, as usual, he cooked dinner for 4. The Yang siblings had bought so much food back that he could probably last for an entire month with their stock, so he didn't have to worry about the food shortage.

The four of them sat on the same table, which was set by the three of them.

Recently, the Yang siblings had become more accustomed to housework, such as cleaning up their rooms, and he had gotten over the momentary shock of the voluntary housework that they were performing.

After placing four plates of dishes on the table, he sat down on one of the chairs, and looked at Xiao Meng, "How is school so far? Are you doing well?"

While he was asking, he picked up his fork and spoon, and began to eat.

"I'm doing great! I had been studying every day, and the teacher even praised me when I answered her questions!" Xiao Meng excitedly replied, "Big brother, I think that I can ace my test this month!"

She raised her confident eyes to stare at Si Chen, who freed up one hand to reach out and ruffle her hair.

"That's good. Make sure you continue to study hard, and not slack off on your studies." While Si Chen was saying this, he threw a slight glance towards Yang Ran and Yang Yun, who had both caught it.

"Yes, Big brother." Xiao Meng obediently nodded her head, and she was about to put a sausage in her mouth, when she thought of something.

Tilting her head, she curiously asked, "Big brother, why are you not going to school anymore? Did you quit school, or are you skipping class? After that one day, you had never gone to school again."

"I'm returning to class tomorrow. I took a promotion test so that I could take the High School National exam. Because I had to wait for the results, the principal told me that it was fine for me to stay at home." Si Chen answered without skipping a beat.

"Oh." Xiao Meng blinked, then put the sausage in her mouth and delightfully chewed it.

Yang Ran stared up at Si Chen for a brief moment when she heard his words, and quickly lowered her head to conceal the gleam flashing across her eyes.

Yang Yun was oblivious to his younger sister's change, and merely lifted his eyebrows in astonishment, "You are taking the High School National examination at your age? That's…good."

Then, he gave Yang Ran a side glance, "Maybe you and my younger sister may end up in the same class."

Si Chen replied with a grunt of acknowledgment.

A few minutes passed, and they were all enjoying their meals in silence, when the door abruptly clicked open, and Meng Yao appeared with a bag over her shoulders.

"Si Chen, I agree to your offer." Meng Yao walked over to Si Chen and seriously said.

"Okay. I will discuss a few details with you after dinner." Si Chen lightly raised his head while replying.

After Meng Yao had walked away, Xiao Meng was the first one to express her doubts, "Big brother, what offer is Sister Meng Yao talking about?"

"It's nothing much. It is just a few small matters." Si Chen casually responded.

Xiao Meng was just asking out of curiosity, so after hearing his answer, she did not place too much attention onto it.

On the other hand, Yang Yun looked down at his plate with a thoughtful expression.

Yang Yun and Yang Ran were cleaning the dishes, while Xiao Meng went back to her room to study.

Sitting down on the sofa, Si Chen took out a printed document from his room, and placed it on the coffee table.

"After looking through this, you can decide if you want to sign it, or not." Si Chen pointed towards the document with a light smile on his face.

Meng Yao looked at the document, and unhesitatingly grasped it in her hands. Lowering her eyes, she began to read line by line in a very careful and meticulous manner.

For someone taking the business course, she was adept in reading contracts, and know that there were multiple instances where a ridiculous condition will be included within the numerous lines of text.

Even if the person who created the contract was living in the same apartment as her, she did not want to be taking advantage of just because of her negligence.

After a few minutes, her eyes slightly widened as they read a line within, and she raised her gaze up from the document to look at Si Chen who was carelessly leaning on the sofa while watching the TV.

"Is the salary that you claim to be giving me, really true?" She doubtfully questioned.

"If it is on the contract, then it is 100% true. How could I possibly go back on the clauses on a legal contract?" Si Chen looked away from the TV to give Meng Yao a clear smile.

Meng Yao lingered her eyes on Si Chen for a few seconds, then placed the document on the coffee table, and took out a pen.

Going through all the pages, she signed where ever was required, and she could not help but pause at the page which stated that she had to maintain complete confidentiality of her employee's businesses, then landed her pen on the paper and swiftly signed it.

Si Chen looked over his shoulders, and his face rose up into a warm smile that slightly showed his pearly white teeth

Taking over the pen, he similarly signed the contract in a practiced manner.