Daily Profit

While thinking about his current life, he slowly made his way to the apartment.

Inside his room.

Twirling about his office chair, with his hands cupped to his chin, Si Chen pondered on the next things to come.

Out of boredom, he entered his mind space to see how he was doing thus far.

Host: Si Chen

Level: 8 – (348000/450000)

Net worth: $316000 => $348000

Cash – [$94000] => [$80000]

100% Shares – Crystalline Bubble Tea [$26000]

90% Shares -- Hui Yuan Drink Store [$75000] => [$77500]

90% Shares – Orchid Garden [$18000] => [$21000]

90% Shares – OnShop [$21000] => [$23000]

85% Shares – Seafood Restaurant [$70000] => [$73500]

51% Shares – Eternal Fashion [$27000] => [$32000]

Host Attributes:

Charm: 9.0

Strength: 10.9

Wisdom: 14.0

Free Attribute Points: 0


Business Management – Level 2

Host gains knowledge of the intricacies of business management, and can navigate more smoothly within the business world.

Passive Effect: 15% Increase in profits; 15% increase in customers.

Food & Beverage Business Expertise – Level 8 (700/800)

Host gains knowledge of the secrets behind the Food & Beverage Industry, and can develop better tasting food and more flavourful drinks.

Passive Effect: 8% Increase in profits; 8% increase in customers

[Only applies to F&B related Businesses]

Design and Art – Level 5 (450/500)

Host gains knowledge on the study of visual thinking, and can create greater and more attractive design, and more innovative art.

Passive Effect: 5% Increase in profits; 5% increase in customers

[Only applies to Predominantly Art & Design related Businesses]

Note: Clothing, Handbags, Shoes, Bags Businesses etc.

Casting a swift glance over it, his expression did not change at the slightest.

There were no big changes that occurred, other than the updating of the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop as his personal asset.

The cash on hand had been deducted of the $25000 which he had paid to purchase the shop, and then rose through the daily profits he was receiving.

Seeing that the value of the Crystalline Bubble Tea shop had been raised to $26000, his face slightly rose up into a smile.

It seemed like the changes that had been applied to the shop had been working fine these past few days.

His daily profit was now peaking at $10000. The Hui Yuan Drink Store contributed $3500, the Seafood Restaurant contributed $3200, the Eternal Fashion contributed $1100, and the combined profits of the Orchid Garden and Crystalline Bubble Tea shop contributed $1800.

Last by not the least, there was still the OnShop website which was trying to kick start its business, with an average of $400 profit. That is, on a good day.

This scale of profits would turn an average person's eyes red in disbelief and envy.

$10000 daily corresponds to $300000 for a month that has 30 days.

Multiply this sum by 12, and he gets an average of 6.2 million a year.

Even he himself, who was receiving this sum of money into his pockets, felt that this amount of money was tremendously large and unbelievable.

Of course, if he wanted to maintain this sort of profit for an entire year, he had to maintain the quality of the goods and items that he was selling.

He lightly shook his head, then pulled himself to the desk to continue his endless learning sessions.

The next day.

[Art & Design has upgraded from Level 5 to Level 6]

Hearing this notification, he heavily exhaled and stood up from his seat. That was enough for his learning today.

He opened the windows, and felt a cool refreshing breeze brush against his face. Fall was slowly approaching, and the weather was becoming colder.

The leaves of the trees on the streets were starting to lose their colours, and as those colours fade away, the cooling weather will come to embrace them.

Si Chen stared outside for a moment. From the position and angling of his room that faced towards the streets, rather than the beautiful sandy beach, all he could see was the cars that looked like little ants just travelling along the road.

They came and left in an endless cycle, seeing no end.

The sun rise had already passed quite a while ago, and what greeted the streets was a golden ray of sunlight that brightened, and illuminated the place with a brilliant gold shade.

He did not have anything on his schedule today, disregarding the classes which he was supposed to attend.

In the first place, he did not pay attention to when the process of him skipping grades will be completed, and when he will be asked to go to school and attend class.

For now, he was simply slacking off at home while tending to his various investments.

Carelessly reaching out for his phone, he habitually opened up the home screen and went on to check his messages.

Glancing at the text that Principal Qin had sent to him for a while, he then casually placed his phone down and sighed for no apparent reason.

His class was scheduled to begin tomorrow. Although he was not going to come for every single lesson, he still had to come for his first day of lesson in his new class.

He walked over to his wardrobe, where there was an assortment of clothes, mainly casual fits, and he picked one appropriate one and changed into it.

After this, he opened the wooden door and walked out of his room, where he glimpsed of Yang Yun lying down on the sofa in a position that was definitely not safe for his back, with his face glued to his phone.

"Hey, how old are you right now?" Si Chen looked him up and down, then asked.

"22." Yang Yun did not even look up from his phone as he offhandedly responded.

"At the age of 22, do you not have something called 'work'? Or do you just laze around in your home every day while freeloading on your parent's money?" Si Chen slowly walked past him while inquiring.

Without waiting for Yang Yun to reply, he continued to add, "And don't get me wrong. I was not caring about your own wellbeing. But rather, I feel that your financial status is quite tight, and you may not be able to afford for my cooking fees."

At this point of time, Yang Yun had already got his eyes of his face and was staring straight at Si Chen's back.

"Don't worry. I definitely have the money to pay." Yang Yun slight gritted his teeth and answered, with a dark cloud looming over his head.

"That's good. That is all that matters." The corner of his right lip lifted up in a nonchalant manner.

Before he left though, he did not forget to remind, "Don't forget that you still have to pay for your rent as well!"

With his right hand placed in his pocket and his face rising up into a light charismatic smile, he left the apartment and headed towards the branch shop of the Seafood Restaurant.

Reaching the Blue Misty Beach, he breathed in the fresh scent of the beach that assaulted his nose even at a far distance.

This, was partly due to his high strength, which also provided him enhanced senses, which includes sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.

Of course, there was also that very important sixth sense, that extrasensory perception which helps him to sense and evade danger, which also be called, his instinct.