Boss of the Hui Yuan Drink Store

At the end of the interview, Yang Deng warmly told the last 3 candidates to wait at home for further notice, and then called out for Meng Yao to come.

As Meng Yao was walking over, Si Chen also rose out from his chair, and silently arrive beside her while giving a greeting nod to Yang Deng.

"Si Chen? What are you doing here? Did you also come for the interview?" Meng Yao looked at Si Chen with a curious expression, before she muttered to herself, "But that is not right. The interview has already ended."

She raised her head again with furrowed eyebrows, "Why are you here?"

Si Chen glanced at her, and only till she finally stopped speaking, did he slowly parted his lips and spoke, "You came here for the interview, and I came here as an interviewer."

He paused for a while, before he dropped the bombshell, "I am the boss of the Hui Yuan Drink Store. It is nice to meet you, Miss Meng Yao."

Stretching his hand out, his lips rose up into a friendly smile.

Meng Yao simply stared at him with her face frozen up in shock, her eyes slightly opened.

"What did you say?" She exclaimed out, then shifted her glance to look at Yang Deng, who was supposedly the boss of this place, with a questioning gaze.

Yang Deng stepped forward and calmly introduced, "This is the real boss of the Hui Yuan Drink Store, Boss Si."

Hearing the words from the person she had thought was the boss did it for her. Looking back and forth between two people and finding that they both did not seemed like they were joking, she quickly realized that there was only one possibility, which was that it was true.

She tried her best to compose herself, as she gave out a stiff smile, "I didn't know that you were actually the boss of this place. This is truly…astonishing indeed."

Si Chen awkwardly pulled back his hand that was hanging in mid-air, "I understand what you are feeling. I am too young to seem like a boss, right? Anyways, I was also similarly surprised when I saw your name on the list of candidates, so we are even here."

He then went straight to the main reason why they were here for, "And since you pass the interview, you are now hired as the manager."

"However, you will not be working as a manager in this Hui Yuan Drink Store, but as an assistant of mine instead. Is that alright with you?" Si Chen revealed, then asked.

Meng Yao, who had reverted back to her professional like bearing, slightly creased her eyebrows when she heard this.

"What work will I be doing as your assistant?" She carefully inquired.

"Let's go and sit down at a table, and I will talk to you about what you may be doing, and you may decide if you want to work under me, or not." Si Chen brought her over to a table, while Yang Deng cleverly made his way out, since he did not have a part of this discussion.

Placing his hands on the table, Si Chen gazed at Meng Yao slowly said, "I have a few other investments in businesses other than this drink store, and if you decide that you want to work as my personal manager, you will have to deal with the matters that have to do with finance, such as accounting."

"Of course, I will handle all the larger issues and matters, but as for the smaller details, you will have to sort them out for me. If you agree to work, I will give you an appropriate salary for your job."

He took a pause.

"So what is your decision?" Si Chen lightly lifted his eyebrows while calmly examining her.

Meng Yao looked back at Si Chen, and softly sighed, "I am still unable to handle the sudden change of events today. Give me some time and let me think about it."

"After all, we live in the same apartment, so I can tell you of my decision whenever I have made it." She smilingly said.

Then, she leaned forward on her chair with a crafty gleam in her eyes, "Si Chen, will you increase my salary on account that we are living together?"

"No." Si Chen did not hesitate to shut down that idea of hers.

"Tsk." She gave a cold snort, and then stood up from the chair with a smile on her face, "You really know how to hide yourself well. I never expected that you were actually a boss. I will go and take my leave now, Mr. Boss."

Si Chen gave her a simple goodbye, and after she left, he went to look for Yang Deng.

"How is this place doing so far? Good?" He walked beside Yang Deng and casually asked.

"We have around $3500 in profits right now from the two stores. The new drinks that are rolled out every 5 days are receiving a lot of popularity from the public, and our stores are almost always packed with people." Yang Deng promptly replied.

Si Chen lightly nodded his head in response. The corner of his lips rose up into a slight smile, "It is time for us to branch out to even more branch shops. Yang Deng, help me to search for more suitable locations."

"Yes, Boss Si." Yang Deng directly answered, and thought of something for a while, and ultimately decided to speak, "Si Chen, I sincerely thank you for the changes that you have brought to this shop. In the past, I was always hit with countless problems, and was barely able to get by. But because you unexpectedly came, this was why I am now able to live a comfortable and fulfilled life."

A genuine smile spread across his face, "I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, I will never shy away if you meet up with any troubles. Any I will definitely not betray the trust you have in me."

Towards this sudden speech that came out of nowhere, Si Chen looked at Yang Deng meaningfully, but did not say a single word.

Sometimes, silence was the best answer.

Shortly after, he made his way out of the shop, and proceeded onwards to the Orchid Garden.

The Orchid Garden was not an investment he would pay much attention too, but he still decided to come today to check out how it was doing.

By the time he had reached the Orchid Garden, the café was already open for shop, and he was coincidentally the first customer to arrive.

He went on and ordered a cup of coffee along with a few pastries and desserts from the excited waiter who had recognized him, then sat himself down and began to taste them.

About 10 minutes later, he elegantly rubbed his mouth, then stood up and began talking to the people in charge at the moment.

He gave them a few sets of instructions, told them what needed to be changed, and then left afterwards.

There was still Mission Task 3 that had not been completed yet, and it was taking quite a bit of time.

Looking at the time on his phone, he raised his gaze up towards the surrounding shops, and went on to buy a few new pieces of clothing for both him and Xiao Meng.

Not only that, he also bought a new phone for her, along with a computer.

She didn't ask for it, but he still got it for her.

After all, he still remembered the day where Xiao Meng had shared that piece of bread with him.

Although they were now living a comfortable life where he alone could provide for both of them, how could he possibly forget the times when Xiao Meng had selflessly contributed to him?