"Nana and gramps."

Chapter 34.

In the passing of three weeks, I had spent most of my time visiting my auntie Hazel and her five-month-old infant, Jake. After two days of not hearing from Liam, I stopped waiting for him to call and say he wanted nothing to do with me and our baby so I occupied myself by helping Jake with what he needed and being his nanny when auntie Hazel was busy.

It scared me to tell my family about the baby so I had been avoiding their calls and whenever they had asked to meet up, I always declined. I knew that my mother was getting suspicious about why I hadn't called her to ask how everything was going but I couldn't.

Ever since I was 16, I found it hard to keep secrets from my mother so if there was something I didn't want to tell her then I'd ignore her.

Yes, it was wrong of me to do that but what else could I do?

I was brought out of my thoughts by Jake softly pulling my hair. I gave him a small smile and gently pried his tiny fingers off my hair. I gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek and he gave me a toothless smile.

As Jake closed his eyes, my phone rang in my pocket. I sighed when I looked at the caller-id but picked up the phone.

"Kehlani, where have you been? Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"Hey ma, I'm fine. Sorry that I haven't called but I've been busy lately."

"If you're sure you're fine then okay. Baby, we're having a family dinner tonight at 8, join us. Grandma and Grandpa will be there and so will nana and gramps." I could hear that she was excited about it from the tone of her voice.

I didn't have it in me to say no to her. I missed my mother, and I knew that I had to tell her about the pregnancy. I had to tell everyone.


I had looked after Jake for another hour until Auntie Hazel was back home and I headed home to get ready for dinner.

On my way home I received another text.


I thought I told you to stay away from him. And now you're pregnant with his baby?! You stupid bitch. - F


It frightened me a little because I hadn't received one for a long time but more importantly, my baby was potentially in danger.

But I would not let this person stop me from seeing my family and telling them the news of my unborn baby.

With that thought in mind, I got ready for dinner and only thought of how I would break the news to my unexpecting family.