"Eggplant Parmigiana."

Chapter 35.

I wore a beige bodycon dress that reached my ankles and there was a slit that went up to my left knee. My makeup was natural, all I had on was foundation and highlighter with false eyelashes.

The only reason I wore a tight-fit dress was because you could see my protruding stomach and when I'd tell my family about the baby, they could tell from my stomach, I wasn't lying.

I placed my Anglomania pumps on my swollen feet and grabbed my car keys off the counter. I blew Nero a kiss and went out the front door and got into my car.


When I got to mum's house, the first person I saw was Kayleigh, and I was quick to give her a hug. It had been a few months since I last saw her and I had missed her terribly.

After our pleasantries, Kayleigh and I took a few selfies, and I posted one on my Instagram.

From the corner of my eye, I saw my gramps, Peter, from my dad's side try to sneak up on me but I turned around and gave him a huge grin before he could get to me.

"Kehlani! How are you dove?"

"I'm good gramps. How are you?"

"I'm happy now, you're here. Your nana and I have been waiting for you to call but you never seem to do so. Unlike that one over there that won't stop calling." Gramps pointed at Kayleigh and she sarcastically rolled her eyes before flipping us the bird and leaving the hallway.

"Gramps you're funny, now come and let's go sit down. My feet are killing me."

I walked to the dining room, and my gramps followed me.

The table was full. There were only 3 people missing from the table. My mum, gramps, and I. Kayleigh was already sitting down with my grandparents on my mum's side. My nana and Kaiden were sat together and Happy was also sat next to him and Dad was sat with an empty chair next to him scrolling through his phone.

I took a seat next to Kayleigh and my gramps sat down next to my nana and gave her a kiss on the cheek. My grandma and grandpa were giggling like children and staring at me.

I was sure they had seen my bump and thought I was fat, not pregnant.

A few minutes later, my mum came and served each of us eggplant parmigiana with roast potatoes while my father went round asking everyone what drinks they wanted. When he came to me, I asked for water and he gave me a weird look but complied and got me a glass of water.

We filled our dinner with lots of chatter and laughter and I couldn't feel happier.

When the time came, I slowly rose to my feet and coughed steadily to get everyone's attention.

"Guys, I have something to tell you all." I closed my eyes and cringed when I thought about their reactions.

"What is it, baby?" My mum's voice reached my ears and all the fear left my body.

"I'm pregnant."