Chapter 35

"Are you sure you're well enough to go?" Ifeoma asked her husband with care.

After the supposed kidnapping and nabbing experience he faced in the hands of armed robbers a day to her birthday, Ifeoma had been overprotective of her husband even though it had been months already since it happened.

Their neighbours, Fali and Bori had just given birth to a baby boy and it was the naming ceremony. The Fuji music blasting from the speakers, the numerous chairs, the tenths, the number of people trooping in and out and even the smell of Jollof rice in their compound was proof that the naming ceremony wasn't going to be a small one.

"Oma baby, of course I'm fine. It's been months already since that. I'm perfectly okay now." Fikayo assured her while limping a bit for dramatic effect.

"Where is your cane? You need it to steady yourself." Ifeoma said as she went to look for the royal-like staff her husband had been using for over four months now.