Chapter 36

The week in which mama had pulled the pity stunt had passed and after the whole issue died down, Fikayo had invited the pastor of their church to help talk to his mother and wife.

The pastor however focused on Ifeoma alone in such a way that angered her the more. He even told her to apologize to mama and although she did it reluctantly and just to create peace, she still felt wronged.

'Mama was the troublemaker not me. She needed the scolding and preaching more not me. She was the one who ought to apologize not me.' She had thought.

Ifeoma had however decided to take to the pastor's advice and forget about what had happened even though mama was still acting like the devil that she was.

Ifeoma was presently at the wedding of one of her university friends who had deemed it fit that she had to attend. She was seated round one of the tables with other people when a familiar masculine voice got her attention.

"Ify? Is that you?" The voice asked.