Gyo's Anger

"Th-this is too difficult, what can we do with their abilities," Ren said, breathing hard because he almost ran out of stamina.

The longer the match is more difficult because they can not even win the ball controlled by the opposing team.

"Is this your only ability?"

Taki in a voice that looked dismissive continued to make fun of his opponent who was seen unable to do anything in front of his fog technique.

The sound of bouncing balls could be heard everywhere but they didn't know which was real and which was an illusion. But despite the upper hand, Wolf's team did not intend to score to equalize when they missed the points.

"We can't give up here after they make fun of us like that," Gyo said furiously.

"But what should we do with this fog? We don't even know where the opponent is," Ren said desperately.

Without them knowing, the ball they had been looking for was near them and was almost kicked by Gyo.

"T-that's the ball, but is it a real ball or just an illusion?" Ren said after seeing the ball near Gyo's feet.

"This is a real ball, I can hold it," Gyo said picking up the ball near his feet.

"W-what happened? Why is the ball here?" Gyo asked in surprise.

"That's a little gift from us losers," Taki replied in a mocking tone.

"If you can score again then I will reduce the thickness of this fog. But even then if you can hahaha," continued Taki underestimated.

Gyo then tried to take the initiative to attack but the opponent who was only 3 people turned into 12 people in his eyes. Gyo can't even cross the center line of the field.

"Damn, this illusion is very troublesome !!!" said Gyo.

"Looks like I have to take action, Gyo passes the ball to me" shouted Ryu who is now standing right in the middle of the field.

The ball now changes hands through a short pass by Gyo to Ryu. But what happened instead was Ryu tried to take a swing to strike at their own ring.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Gyo asked in surprise.

"I know you're desperate, but why do you want to fire in our ring?" Ren said in surprise.

"Be quiet, I can't concentrate," said Ryu.

"Watch and learn !!!" Ryu said while shooting.

It turned out that Ryu shot towards the opponent's ring behind him and after that the opponent's ring rang after making contact with the ball before finally heard a shout from the commentator.

"Finally the second point for the Eagle team, fortunately this ring has a detection system that makes it possible to know whether the ball entered the ring or not"

"Looks like we've underestimated them," Tomoi said irritably.

"As I promised, I will reduce the thickness of this fog but don't worry because we will increase the level of difficulty so that your despair becomes more meaningful," Taki said still with a high level of arrogance.

Slowly the fog that was once thick now began to fade even though there were still remnants of the fog but at least they could see their opponents.

"Let's start playing again," Taki said with a grin.

The ball is now again controlled by Wolf's team and they quickly attack again.

"Although I have reduced the thickness of this mist but remember the illusion I can still do," said Taki while showing the illusion again.

Taki's body seemed to be 5 which then tried to storm the defense of the Eagle team.

"Damn this illusion again, I'm almost out of stamina," said Ren while trying to block Taki.

One by one, Taki's body dribbled the ball and passed Ren until Ren's body almost fell from exhaustion.

"Looks like you're tired, let me help you rest," Taki said.

'Sleeping Mist'

A technique released by Taki made Ren's body shrouded in mist before Ren finally fell asleep standing up.

"What did you do to Ren?" Gyo shouted furiously seeing his best friend sleeping.

"Take this ball away from me and I'll tell you what I did," Taki said as he again made the illusion of himself becoming 5 more bodies.

"I ... will never ... forgive you !!!," Gyo shouted furiously until half his Gold Eyes turned black making the opponent in front of him scared.

Taki is afraid to make himself lose control and the illusory body he created disappears.

Angry Gyo tries to grab the ball in the opponent's hand and immediately attacks the opponent's defense. Quickly and without thinking about anything else Gyo tried to break through the two people who guarded him and then unconsciously the two people bounced as they approached Gyo who was dribbling the ball like there was a wall that hit them.

"Wh-wh ... what's going on? Before we even got close to her body we were bouncing like this," Hibike said in surprise, wincing in pain.

Gyo continues to drible the ball near the ring and then do a dunk so hard that it makes the ring vibrate quite violently.

"The third P-point for the Eagle team," said the commentator, fumbling for fear of seeing Gyo's abilities.

"Ah, finally I managed to score, but what really happened and why do I feel like my energy is overflowing ?" Gyo said in surprise.

Meanwhile the mysterious person who had been watching Gyo from the audience laughed a little at what was happening.

"Looks like you have started to rise up brother, starting from here will be more exciting," said the mysterious person.

Meanwhile in the middle of the field, Gyo who had scored earlier suddenly his anger just disappeared but his Gold Eyes almost completely blackened.

"Hey, what happened to your eyes? Why is it now starting to turn black?" Ryu asked seriously.

"Come on, this is normal when I'm angry, it usually returns to normal when I wear my glasses," Gyo replied casually.

"But now we have to fight together because it seems like that person put Ren to sleep" Gyo said again.

Now Wolf's team has lost their three points due to their own arrogance but they are still confident in being able to win this match.

"It looks like our plan to make them exhausted until we can score numbers casually can't be done anymore," Tomoi said.

"Yes, it's time for us to play seriously," Hibike said.

"Alright let's attack with full force," said Taki.

"As long as this fog hasn't disappeared I can create as many illusions as I want" he continued while creating another illusion.

Now seen on the field there are many people fighting three people because of the illusion created by Taki through the fog.

"This is the mainstay technique Wolf team is very afraid of his opponent, Mist Wave Illution which makes those who were originally three people look like 15 people" shouted the commentator excitedly seeing the technique released by Wolf's team.

"It looks like we're in big trouble because this fog made them 15 people and we don't know which is the real one," said Ryu worried.

"Don't worry, a cool breeze will blow and blow all this illusion mist" Gyo said with a smile after remembering something.

"What do you mean? Right now we are in big trouble because we are alone with Ren when we are sleeping there," said Ryu while pointing to where Ren was sleeping.

"Eh, wasn't he just sleeping there? Where did he go ?" said Ryu in surprise.

Suddenly the wind blew hard around them and blew away the fog in the field so that the illusion created by Taki had disappeared completely.

"I-Is that person flying?"

The audience began to wonder seeing Ren who was now floating in the whirlpool.

"This is what happens if he sleeps from exhaustion," Gyo said.

"Why are you only saying that now ?" Ryu asked furiously.

"Because I only remembered after my anger was out of control, ha-ha-ha" Gyo said casually.

"With this we can definitely win this match," Gyo said excitedly.

to be continued