When Two Friends Meet

5 years ago . .

Seen a pickup truck containing furniture items and other items placed in a cardboard stop right in front of Gyo's house. It seems that there is a family moving house that will occupy the house right in front of Gyo's house that the previous owner had sold.

"Hello, we are the Agaki family who will occupy this house," said a middle-aged woman making small talk to the people in the neighborhood who would become their neighbors later.

"Please help," he continued by throwing a warm smile.

That day was the first day the Ren family moved to the city of Masara after previously they had lived a long time in the city of Kanto.

Little Ren who was then 10 years old sat alone while occasionally watching people bring their family belongings in their new home.

While taking a deep breath, Ren grumbled alone, "Huft ... I am very tired today because of the long journey but it seems I can not rest even for a moment."

In the midst of his anxiety, Ren was suddenly shocked by the sound of a boy with glasses his age who greeted him.

"Hey are you from the family who moved? I see you're just alone, do you want to play with me?" asked the boy with an innocent smile.

"Y-yes, I am from the Agaki family who just moved. W-who are you?" Ren asked nervously as he was suddenly asked by a child his age who he didn't yet know.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Gyo ... Gyo Takaki. I live right in front of your house," the child who turned out to be a small Gyo said, holding out his hand trying to shake hands.

"My name is Ren Agaki, let's be friends," Ren said, taking Gyo's hand and shaking hands.

That day for the first time the two friends played together and unwittingly it was already getting late and required them to return home.

Arriving at his house that had just been occupied, Ren told about Gyo who became his new friend until finally unwittingly Ren was fast asleep because of fatigue. At that moment Gyo visited with her mother at Ren's house and they saw something strange that Ren's parents had done.

Three large windmills facing each other with Ren are right in the middle of the windmill.

Suddenly the wind blew hard blowing the windmills around him and made Gyo dumbfounded.

"W-what happened to Ren? Is he alright?" Gyo asked, surprised to see Ren in the whirlwind.

"Calm down he is okay, this is what happens if he falls asleep from exhaustion," answered Ren's father.

"Usually he will enter this mode 5 minutes after he falls asleep due to fatigue so we can prepare the equipment to suppress his ability so that it is not too excessive," continued Ren's mother who made Gyo surprised to hear the answer.

Gyo could only be amazed at what was happening before his eyes but different from his mother who seemed accustomed to such strange things.

"Looks like our family's secrets have been discovered, I hope as a good neighbor to be able to keep this a secret," said Ren's father firmly.

"If it's like that it's not fair if it's only one side. We should keep each other a secret so we break even," answered Gyo's mother relaxed.

"What do you mean by that?" Ren's father asked in surprise.

"You'll also find out later," answered Gyo's mother curtly.

After saying that, Gyo's mother told Gyo to open her glasses and show her Gold Eyes to Ren's parents. In contrast to the current form of Gold Eyes, Gold Eyes Gyo was only visible to ordinary gold eyes without a pentagram in them.

"This is the inheritance from our ancestor Gold Eyes. At present the eye is not yet active but when Gyo turns 16 the first seal will open," Gyo's mother explained.

"I hope our children can be good friends until they grow up because honestly Ren is Gyo's first friend," he continued.

"I see, so with this we can keep each other secret," Ren's father said happily.

"One more thing, I will help seal Ren's ability so it won't be troublesome and will be active again when Gyo's first seal is released," said Gyo's mother.

"But before that I want your agreement," he continued.

"Then I agree because I'm sure they will complement each other in the future," Ren's father replied happily.

After that Gyo's mother tells Gyo to put Gyo's glasses on Ren and after that the wind around Ren is like being sucked in Gyo's Gold Eyes and makes the two children collapse on the floor and fall asleep.

"The seal has now been completed and I hope that when the seals are released they will help each other control their abilities," said Ms. Gyo.

"And one more thing, I forgot to give this. I cooked too much so I took the initiative to stay in touch with our new neighbors," Gyo's Mother said again, showing a box of food she was carrying.

"Ah thank you, you shouldn't bother like this. But I'm thankful for this gift," said Ren's father.

"Yes, I also express my gratitude, because I was busy arranging my furniture, so I didn't have time to cook," said Ren's Mother, reluctantly.

From that moment the two families started a good relationship and kept each other's secrets that they kept well.

Back to the present. . .

Ren who fell asleep with the swirling wind around him had removed the fog created by Taki but suddenly the wind disappeared and made Ren fall until he woke up from his sleep.

"W-what happened? Why did the fog disappear?" Reb asked in surprise when he woke up from his sleep.

"That's because your abilities are stupid, can't you remember what happened?" Ryu answered irritably.

"It's useless you say so, he had fallen asleep so how could he remember," explained Gyo.

The match continued but Ren who had just awakened now felt the wind blowing around him like communicating with him. But still Ren was still confused by what was happening so Hibike, who was now carrying the ball, could easily pass Ren's guard and fire in the ring.

"You let your guard down ... with this I will definitely score our first number," Hibike said happily.

The ball bounced high in the air and slowly fell toward the ring but Ren tried to grab the ball swiftly.

"Damn the ball is too far from my reach," Ren told himself.

"If I could have grabbed the ball I could have thwarted Hibike's shot," Ren murmured.

Suddenly the ball that should have entered the ring was blown by a fierce wind and aimed at Ren's hand so that Ren could easily be reached by Ren.

"II like seeing the track on this field, it looks like I can score from here following that track," Ren said in surprise but still opened fire after his feet landed on the ground floor.

The ball as if following Ren's will now soared until finally landing into the ring and making the audience immediately silent holding their breath.

"Finally another number for the Eagle team," the commentator shouted, breaking the silence.

"You're great Ren, looks like you are starting to be able to control the abilities you have," said Gyo happily.

Unlike the Eagle team, the Wolf team looked furious because they could not score a single number.

"Looks like we have to use our secret technique," Tomoi said with furious anger.

"But the captain will scold us if we do it carelessly," Taki replied.

"Now or never," Tomoi said, picking up the ball and passing it to Hibike.

As if he knew what he was going to do, Hibike passed the ball to Taki followed by Taki passing the ball back to Tomoi. This is done continuously and faster and faster until it looks like a triangle-shaped picture when viewed from above.

"What are they doing? It looks like they look desperate so they do the same thing over and over again like that," Ren said in surprise.

"I will try to steal the ball when they pass each other is not clear like that," said Ryu initiative.

Ryu tries to steal the ball and enters the triangle created by Wolf's team.

"This is the strongest technique we have," Tomoi said.

"Lets do it!!!"

The three people chanted their techniques simultaneously.

"Bermuda Triangle - Paralyze"

After chanting the technique all of a sudden Ryu's body could not be moved and made him just sit by those three people.

"W-what exactly are they doing to me?" said Ryu, stumbling.

"This is the difference in power that we have," Hibike said with an intimidating smile.

What will happen next?

to be continued