The Scary Figure

A blue light shone brightly accompanied by the sound of a passionate stomping out his anger. Shin shouted loudly, "Your opponent is me !!"

The black figure in front of him looked softly as he occasionally kicked the basketball in his hand against the floor so that it bounced back into his hand. There was a smile that seemed scary from the black figure.

"Then go ahead and try to take this ball away from me!" challenge the black figure.

With all the emotions he had been harboring for so long, Shin ran towards the black figure trying to grab the ball the figure was holding.


A slightly hoarse voice echoed out a technique that sent him flying and swiftly flew towards the black figure in front of him.

"H-how can you figure out that technique? Wasn't that eye just transplanted into you?" The black figure wondered because he saw the technique Shin had just chanted.

Without answering the questions that were thrown at him, Shin continued to dart forward until finally he arrived near the black figure and reached out his hand to grab the ball that the figure was holding.

"This is your defeat!" exclaimed Shin.

Without realizing it, Shin's body began to fly higher and higher leaving the figure who was now under him.

"It's too early for you to beat me, hahaha," laughed the figure.

"Wh-what really happened?" muttered Shin.

"Gravity Field - Zero Gravity"

There was a chanting sound coming out of the black figure's mouth and with an evil smile he looked at Shin who was now hovering above him.

"Just with the first seal and you think you can beat me? You dream too much boy!" exclaimed the figure.

"Shin ... hold on ... just a little longer ...." With words that were cut off from holding back the pressure of gravity, Gyo tried to find a way to escape while encouraging Shin.

Seeing this, the black figure smiled again before finally reciting a technique that made Shin and Gyo almost give up.

"Gravity Field - Gravity Pressure"

Shin's body, which was originally floating in the air, suddenly seemed to be sucked in and hit the floor, making it tight.

"A tier one seal like that wants to defeat me? And can your weakened brother's strength beat me?" Various kinds of ridicule escaped the black figure's mouth when he looked at his defenseless opponent.

"I ... am ... not strong anymore ...." Gyo despaired because he could not bear the gravitational pressure that enveloped him.

"Gyoo ... hold on ..." Shin tried to grab Gyo but in the end he lay helpless.

"Brother, thank you for coming to give up that ability," said the figure looking at Gyo.

"And for you, I will use your body well, buahahaha." The black figure's laughter roared around the place celebrating victory before his eyes.

Black aura now envelops Shin's body and Gyo's body, which is already helpless, is also enveloped by this black aura. Just one more step and both of their bodies were absorbed by the black aura, making the black figure's ability even stronger.


Meanwhile outside of Shin's soul realm, his grandfather and Ren who were waiting began to feel a bad premonition. It got worse after Shin and Gyo's bodies started to be covered with black aura as their eyes started to blacken because of that aura.

The whole house began to shake as if it had been hit by a terrible earthquake so that the furniture in the place began to scatter.

"Shit ... !! Gyo is in danger," said Dark Eyes realizing what was happening.

In a hurry, Dark Eyes tried to break through the barrier in front of him to help Gyo. Dark Eyes was pounding on the barrier in front of him hoping that it would break soon until finally what he expected happened. The barrier in front of him broke into pieces and allowed him to enter the house freely.

"This is bad !! The barrier I put in turned out to be no longer strong enough to withstand the pressure given by the ability of these two people's eyes and I don't know how to deal with this," said Grandpa Shin in panic.

"W-what can I help Grandpa? I don't want anything untoward to happen to my two friends," asked Ren, hoping to help.

In the midst of the panic that occurred, Dark Eyes, who had been looking for Gyo's whereabouts, finally found what he was looking for and as soon as possible analyzed the situation that was happening in front of him.

"It's too strong for Gyo to handle and I have to help him as soon as possible, but how?" thought Dark Eyes.

After racking his brains, Dark Eyes started trying to do what he had in mind trying to help Gyo.

"Hopefully this works," said Dark Eyes.


Dark Eyes then entered Gyo's soulless body and tried to control it then grabbed Gyo's glasses held by Ren and tried to put them on Shin.

Ren who was confused by what Dark Eyes was doing to Gyo's body began to wonder, "Gyo, have you realized? What is really going on in there?"

Dark Eyes in Gyo's body just looked at Ren and said softly, "Shut up and everything will be fine."

After Gyo's glasses were put on Shin, the black aura that enveloped their bodies slowly faded away and finally the two bodies lay helplessly.

"I hope this works," murmured Dark Eyes.


After Gyo's glasses were put on Shin, something extraordinary happened in Shin's soul realm. With the ability of the seal possessed by Gyo's glasses make the power possessed by the black figure disappear and allow Shin and Gyo to move again before the black aura takes over Shin and Gyo's body completely.

"I don't know what really happened but suddenly I was able to move back." Shin tried to move his body then looked at Gyo who was lying helplessly.

"What are you doing? How can the power I have disappear?" asked the black figure.

"All that because evil can never win as long as goodness is there," Shin said loudly.

"Since you already said that then let's continue this match and see if your words are right or wrong," said the black figure furiously.

With the ball in his hand, the black figure moved forward while dribbling the ball in his hand trying to get past Shin but Shin easily stole the ball from the black figure's hand.

"You're underestimating my abilities !!" shouted Shin.

With burning enthusiasm, Shin broke past the black figure that was nailed in front of him and ran as hard as he could and scored a number.

"With this you finally lose," said Shin loudly.

At the same time, the black figure began to collect in one place, then the place slowly began to crystallize and locked the black figure in it.

"This time I did lose but don't think this will end," said the black figure from the crystal.

"What do you mean?" asked Shin.

"As long as you use those eyes, remember that I will always try to get out of this crystal and destroy all of you, hahaha," laughed the black figure.

"Then we'll see what happens next," Shin replied loudly.

At the same time, Shin's consciousness returned and was surprised because at that time he was wearing Gyo's glasses but what made him even more surprised was what happened to Gyo at this time.

"Gyo, wake up, we've won," called Shin, who saw Gyo still lying unconscious.

Dark Eyes that had left Gyo's body didn't understand what was really happening because until now, Gyo's consciousness had not returned.

"Looks like I made a mistake," said Dark Eyes, bowing languidly.

whats next?

To be continued ...