Origin of Blue Eyes

"It's ... so dark, what really happened to me?" Gyo is confused after finding himself waking up in a very dark place.

Gyo stood up and began to grope around him trying to find a way out but there was not the slightest light that made it difficult to find a way out like he was in a dark maze and lost in it.

In the middle of the void, suddenly Gyo felt an excruciating pain in his head, making him reflexively hold his head to endure the pain he felt. A flash of memory slowly began to fill his head, showing a past image of someone he knew.

"Brother ... where are we going?" asked the figure in his memory.

While gently stroking the figure's hair, he said, "just wait and you will see something amazing will happen."

By walking while limping, he continued to follow from behind wherever his older brother went until finally they arrived in a vast meadow where grasshoppers jumped here and there through the swaying grass as if they were dancing.

"Dio ... come here, you have something to give you." Gently the older brother called his younger brother to give something.

Slowly Dio approached and looked at his brother's smiling face seeing his innocent behavior. His head was then held and their eyes looked at each other from a fairly close distance before finally a golden eye shone from his brother's left eye and after that it all became dark because Dio was unconscious.

"T-this is Grand, right? What did he actually do to his little brother?" Gyo muttered in surprise after seeing what came to his memory.

A few moments later Dio, who was previously unconscious, woke up and found that his left eye felt different.

"Brother what happened to me?" asked Dio.

"It's okay, it's just a birthday present from me to you ... happy birthday my brother." Grand wished his sister a happy birthday while holding her brother's body tightly.

Dio, who was still confused by what had happened, could only be silent while feeling the warmth of his brother's embrace.

Without realizing it, his left eye slowly gave off a dazzling blue light and his body felt so light that without realizing it, his body was already floating in the air.

"Brother ... I ... I'm flying !!" Dio was happy to see that he could fly freely leaving his brother who smiled at his behavior.

Moments later, Dio accidentally uses another ability from the power of his eyes which instantly makes him feel like being pulled down and makes him fall free. The older brother who saw this swiftly used his eye ability and caught Dio's body.

"Be careful ... you're still not used to using that eye ability !!" Grand warned her brother.

With a languid bow, Dio answered softly, "Sorry brother, I won't do it again."

The memories that crossed Gyo's mind then slowly faded away and after that another memory flashed back into his mind.

It looks like Grand is panting breathlessly holding the weight of the gravity around because of Dio's raging ability with his left eye that has started to blacken.

"I have no other choice but to do that," muttered Grand as he endured the weight of gravity.

Grand immediately activated his ability and entered Dio's soul realm where a black aura was enveloping Dio's body trying to devour him.

"Diooo ... !!" Grand shouted for his brother while stretching out his hand to grab Dio's hand.

With great effort finally Dio's body was able to be removed from the black aura that enveloped his body, but a few moments later a black figure appeared from that black aura.

"It's like what happened to Shin," said Gyo after seeing what crossed his mind.

The black figure then exerted a strong gravitational pressure on Grand and Dio making them helpless and then enveloped their bodies with black aura to absorb them.

Grand, who saw her brother in danger, activated her Gold Eyes ability and tried to do something but the gravitational pressure was weighing too much on him.

Almost desperate for not being able to do something, Grand released all his anger making his eyes turn jet black followed by the exit of another black figure who then locked the black figure in time.

"Isn't that Dark Eyes? What's he doing in that place?" muttered Gyo.

The memory finally ended and the atmosphere returned to pitch black and Gyo was again locked up alone in that place until finally he heard familiar voices calling out his name.


Gyo awakens in the middle of a crowd of people waiting for him to regain consciousness after being almost swallowed up by the black aura that resides in Shin's soul realm.

His eyes immediately fixed on a black shadow who was now near him, thinking about what really happened to him and what it had to do with Dark Eyes.

On the other hand, happy smiles appeared on the faces of Shin and Ren who had been worrying about him.

"Ma ... I'm sorry Gyo, this is all my fault." With a languid bow, Shin apologized to Gyo because he felt that everything that happened was his fault.

With a smile, Gyo got up and patted Shin on the shoulder and said, "Never mind Shin, let all that has happened be gone."

With teary eyes, Shin smiled as he nodded his head accepting Gyo's decision.

Ren who saw that looked like he was holding back laughter and then said in a mocking tone, "I never thought the Shin I had known all this time was a whiny child."

Hearing Ren's words, immediately the atmosphere in the house was boisterous with a laugh that made Shin hurriedly rubbed his teary eyes.

The atmosphere became tense again when Gyo asked a pretty serious question to Grandpa Shin who had been watching without expression.

"Gramps, why are such dangerous eyes in this place?" asked Gyo.

While looking at the three teenagers in front of him, the grandfather began to tell him about the origin of him getting the Blue Eyes.

The grandfather told that Shin's father and mother were famous archaeologists who researched historical relics from ancient Egypt. The two of them discover an ancient city where there is a place that has a modern feel even though it comes from different eras. There is a basketball court there and the building style that was built in that place seems modern even though the materials used are still primitive.

After researching for a long time, they found a tomb with 5 chests made of stone inside where three of the five chests were filled with mummies with two of them having their left eye shining blue and yellow.

By combining some of the documents they found, they began to examine the eyeballs they found without resting at all until one day something terrible happened to Shin's father when he accidentally fell asleep due to fatigue in the tomb.

His left eye suddenly emitted a blue light before finally the blue light was engulfed by a black aura that made it pitch black.

His body became uncontrollable and attacked anyone in sight with his gravitational ability before finally lying down helplessly. Because of that incident, Shin's mother finally decided to go home with Shin's father, who had yet to show signs of waking up.

With forced Grandpa Shin who saw this tried to do everything he could to restore the condition of Shin's father but to no avail until one day a teenager in a hoodie came to try to provide help. Without thinking anymore, Grandpa and Shin's Mother accepted help from these strangers without caring about the risks involved.

While carrying the little Shin who doesn't know anything, Shin' Mother hopes that her husband can return to the way he used to when she saw the hoodie-clad teenager freeze Shin's father's body with the ability of his eyes. After that the teenager made a magic circle and placed Shin's father in the middle then took a box and absorbed the black aura from Shin's father's left eye then placed the aura in the box earlier. During the process, Shin's father's left eye opened and emitted a blue light before finally disappearing into the box but before the blue light had fully entered the box, some of the light entered Little Shin's left eye which was being carried by his mother along with Shin's father from his long sleep. .

Shaking his head, the hoodie-clad teenager handed a paper to Grandpa Shin and explained the use of the paper.

"It's a curse barrier talisman, you better put it in front of the house," said the teenager.

"T-alright ... thank you," replied Grandpa Shin receiving the paper.

"Then this box contains the traditional eye which seems only to be used by this little brother and when he grows up I hope you will transplant this eye to him immediately before the seal that is placed in it opens," explained the teenager.

"B-but how do we do that?" asked Shin's Granpa.

"Just do as I did to his father earlier but remember, if something happens then the only child who can save him is the chosen child with golden eyes," replied the teenager in the hoodie before finally disappearing without a trace.

With that incident, when Shin entered high school his grandfather began to question Shin's readiness to use Blue Eyes even when hearing Shin's story about the golden eyed child made him even more excited.

whats next?

To be continued ...